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This is an intellectual exercise in summarizing the process/development/content of an exhibit or a community based observation associated with the course material. This project will bring together themes, content, questions and learned experience in the active learning component of our course

This is an intellectual exercise in summarizing the process/development/content of an exhibit or a community based observation associated with the course material. This project will bring together themes, content, questions and learned experience in the active learning component of our course. You may focus on Native American, African American, Asian American, and/or Latina and Latino … Read more

Assessment task details and instructions: ‘Groups are not teams, but a leader can create a team’. You are a newly appointed project manager to a delayed and failing Digital Marketing project who has been given a project team that does not seem to be working effectively; first there is Kevin who is middle-aged and highly experienced but who shows little interest in the team or project and who comes to

Assessment task details and instructions: ‘Groups are not teams, but a leader can create a team’. You are a newly appointed project manager to a delayed and failing Digital Marketing project who has been given a project team that does not seem to be working effectively; first there is Kevin who is middle-aged and highly … Read more

Community Resources Alignment Project Overview Overview The purpose of this assignment is to learn how leaders and managers in an educational organization (school, district, or college/university) must operate and function where leadership and public relations are essential. The learner will complete a community resources alignment project which has four pa

Community Resources Alignment Project Overview Overview The purpose of this assignment is to learn how leaders and managers in an educational organization (school, district, or college/university) must operate and function where leadership and public relations are essential. The learner will complete a community resources alignment project which has four parts at either the school, district, … Read more

How the Renaissance (1350-1648) solidifies the foundation for modern Europe This should be a 5-7 page essay that demands solid writing based on good historical research (3-5 sources would be best if you go beyond the class notes and the book).

How the Renaissance (1350-1648) solidifies the foundation for modern Europe This should be a 5-7 page essay that demands solid writing based on good historical research (3-5 sources would be best if you go beyond the class notes and the book). All citations must be done in the Chicago Style Guide, the citation type for … Read more

OBJECTIVE: Mathematically verify the validity of Kepler’s Third Law by analyzing the motion of Pluto’s moons. MATERIALS: Access to the Internet Calculator THEORY: This activity will demonstrate the power and usefulness of Johannes Kepler’s Third Law, sometimes called his Harmonic Law. Kepler spent nineteen years of painful trial and error, looking for

OBJECTIVE: Mathematically verify the validity of Kepler’s Third Law by analyzing the motion of Pluto’s moons. MATERIALS: Access to the Internet Calculator THEORY: This activity will demonstrate the power and usefulness of Johannes Kepler’s Third Law, sometimes called his Harmonic Law. Kepler spent nineteen years of painful trial and error, looking for something – anything … Read more

Elder Adult Nutrition Assessment Paper– Nursing 352 Many chronic conditions and illnesses occur in the elderly. In the older adult, nutritional problems can result from changes in function, energy level, mood, and can have a direct impact on intake and absorption. Many conditions or illnesses require drug therapy, which may affect nutrition

Elder Adult Nutrition Assessment Paper– Nursing 352 Many chronic conditions and illnesses occur in the elderly. In the older adult, nutritional problems can result from changes in function, energy level, mood, and can have a direct impact on intake and absorption. Many conditions or illnesses require drug therapy, which may affect nutrition. For this assignment, … Read more

Beevers, Rea et al (2020) writing in ‘Learning & Development in the Workplace’ (Chap 3) suggest that there are different approaches an HRD practitioner can take when identifying Learning & Development needs. Some of these, so it is suggested by these authors and others in the wider literatur

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION This task concerns the broad theories and processes relating to strategic Human Resource Development (HRD). Write an essay in which you address the following: Task One Beevers, Rea et al (2020) writing in ‘Learning & Development in the Workplace’ (Chap 3) suggest that there are different approaches an HRD practitioner can take when … Read more

At the same time as the Industrial Revolution and reign of Napoleon, an important new artistic and intellectual movement called Romanticism spread throughout Europe. Romanticism was a reaction against the rationalism and scientism of the Enlightenment. Romantics argued that

At the same time as the Industrial Revolution and reign of Napoleon, an important new artistic and intellectual movement called Romanticism spread throughout Europe. Romanticism was a reaction against the rationalism and scientism of the Enlightenment. Romantics argued that human feelings, intuition, and imagination were more important than reason in the human quest to understand … Read more

The case study is a culminating assignment that requires teacher candidates to consider various approaches to classroom management, current research, and applications of best practices. Exploration of this knowledge and application of it to behavioral scenarios will prepare candidates for clinical experiences in which they will apply these skills in practical settings.

Case Study Instructions Rationale: The case study is a culminating assignment that requires teacher candidates to consider various approaches to classroom management, current research, and applications of best practices. Exploration of this knowledge and application of it to behavioral scenarios will prepare candidates for clinical experiences in which they will apply these skills in practical settings. … Read more

The Quality and Sustainability Paper is a practice immersion assignment designed to be completed in three sections. This is part one of the assignment. Learners are required to analyze and apply quality and/or safety measures specific to contemporary nursing science. General Guidelines:

The Quality and Sustainability Paper is a practice immersion assignment designed to be completed in three sections. This is part one of the assignment. Learners are required to analyze and apply quality and/or safety measures specific to contemporary nursing science. General Guidelines: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: This assignment … Read more


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