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Emotional Intelligence Video Reflection | My Assignment Tutor

Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineAssessment 1 Information Subject Code:MBA 502Subject Name:Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and DiversityAssessment Title:Emotional Intelligence Video ReflectionAssessment Type:VideoWord Count:5-7Minutes(+/-10%)Weighting:30 %Total Marks:30Submission:Via Moodle – VimeoDue Date:Monday Week 5 11.55 pm AEST Your TaskFor this assessment, you will produce a 5-7 minute video and powerpoint presentation detailing your selfawareness levels, strengths and … Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence Video Reflection | My Assignment Tutor”

Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineAssessment 1 Information Subject Code:MBA 502Subject Name:Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and DiversityAssessment Title:Emotional Intelligence Video ReflectionAssessment Type:VideoWord Count:5-7Minutes(+/-10%)Weighting:30 %Total Marks:30Submission:Via Moodle – VimeoDue Date:Monday Week 5 11.55 pm AEST Your TaskFor this assessment, you will produce a 5-7 minute video and powerpoint presentation detailing your selfawareness levels, strengths and areas for development and their implications for working in aninternational/global company.Assessment DescriptionThe first part of this assessment will involve you focusing on developing your self-awareness. To dothis, you will be required to complete a questionnaire identifying what you see as your strengths andweaknesses. You will then need to to ask two friends/associates to complete the samequestionnaire indicating what they see as your strengths and weaknesses.Through comparing the differences in your friends’ questionnaire answers and your own, anincrease in your self-awareness will occur. Based on these reflections, you will be required toidentify areas for your future development.Lastly, you will need to consider what these skills and areas for development mean for working in aculturally diverse international/global company.Assessment InstructionsContact two people you know well, but preferably from different areas of your life, for example, onefrom your family and another being a friend. Provide them with the link or a hard-copy version of thequestionnaire below. When completing this questionnaire, ensure that the people you have chosenunderstand that they need to answer the questions about you and your qualities, not themselves.o https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/ei-quiz.htm• Analyse these questionnaire outcomes noting areas where there are agreements anddifferences regarding your traits and abilities. You may also include feedback you have receivedat other times regarding your EI related skills, e.g., from a boss or friend.• Reflect on the differences and similarities in this feedback, noting the areas where you havebecome aware of how others see you, in comparison to how you see yourself. Note also howyour self-awareness has developed.• Reflect on what competencies you would like to develop to function well in a culturally diverseinternational/global company.Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineYour 5-7 minute video address the following three dot points:• Development of your self-awareness –You are to detail any changes in your selfawareness level as a result of the questionnaire activity. (approx. 2 mins)• Identification of development areas –Specify two areas for development that you haveidentified from completing the questionnaire activity—highlight why these are important toyour future career. Detail a minimum of two strategies that you will put in place to addressyour identified developmental needs. (approx. 2 mins)• Implications for working in a culturally diverse international/global company – Imagine youare part of a diverse workforce employed in a culturally diverseinternational/global company.Reflect on how the strengths and weaknesses you have identified, will either assist or challengeyou when working in this context. (approx. 2 mins)Please note that academic references should be used throughout the video to support and developthe points being made.Video productionTo ensure the success of your video presentation, students should take account of the following:1. Your face must appear on the screen.2. So that the audio on the video can be heard, ensure that background noise and interruptions areminimised.3. You are required to create a series of PowerPoint slides with talking points to assist yourpresentation.4. Speak directly to the camera instead of reading notes or your PowerPoint slides.6. Practice numerous times beforehand and/or with a friend so that you are confident.You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories/concepts that you have covered in thissubject in your presentation to support your answers. You are required to demonstrate your use ofreferences/resources in your video.How to submit.• Videos need to be uploaded to the KBS Learning Management System via Vimeo.• Please include KBS presentation guidelines.Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineImportant Study InformationAcademic Integrity PolicyKBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequencesof cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and ConductPolicy.What is academic integrity and misconduct?What are the penalties for academic misconduct?What are the late penalties?How can I appeal my grade?Click here for answers to these questions:http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/.Word Limits for Written AssessmentsSubmissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the pointat which that limit is exceeded.Study AssistanceStudents may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to theresources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineAssessment Marking Guide CriteriaF (Fail) 0-49%P (Pass) 50%-64%CR (Credit) 65%-74%D (Distinction) 75%-84%HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%MarkQuestionnaireEvidence of the questionnaire undertaken by your chosen associates – Marks will be deducted proportionally for missing or partially completed surveys.5Development ofSelf-AwarenessDetails of questionnaire/feedback non-existent or veryminimal. No meaningfulreflection or analysis. No obviousdevelopment of self-awareness.Limited commentary.Reflection and analysis evidentbut not well developed.Outcomes of the questionnairereported but not considered.Some self-awarenessdevelopment is evident, butlow-level. Insights are absent orminimally covered.Thorough analysis ofquestionnaire highlightingstrengths and weaknesses.Analysis and reflection thoroughand detailed. Strategies toaddress weakness included butnot fully developed. Someindication of increased selfawareness.Outstanding and consideredstrengths and weaknessesidentified via questionnaire.Analysis and reflection arecomprehensive. Considered anddetailed strategies included –strongly aligned on weaknesses.Growth in self-awarenessevident and well-detailed.Exceptionally clear,considered, and detailedstrengths and weaknessesidentified via questionnaire.Analysis and reflection are indepth demonstratingconsiderable insight.Comprehensive strategiesincluded aligned and focusedon weaknesses.8Identification ofareas fordevelopmentFew if any areas for developmentidentified or discussed. No realattempt made to explain howthese areas have been identifiedwith no real links to thequestionnaire outcomes. Nostrategies listed.Some areas for developmentincluded – connections with thequestionnaire minimal. Someconsideration of the skillsidentified, and future includedbut under-developed. Strategieseither missing or not explainedclearly – limited chanceweaknesses being addressed.Areas for development identifiedeffectively with sound linksmade to thequestionnaire.Connectionsbetween the skills identified andfuture career clear but could befurther developed. Strategieslisted and explained with areasonable chance of success.Areas for development carefullyidentified with detailed andconsidered links made to thequestionnaire. Sound andconsidered linkages apparentbetween the skills identified andfuture career aspirations.Strategies thoughtfully detailed– likelihood of success good.Areas for developmentcarefully identified, drawingstrongly on the analysis of thequestionnaire. Robustlinkages apparent betweenthe skills identified and futurecareer aspirations. Strategiescarefully identified andthoughtfully detailed –likelihood of success high.8Implications forworking in aninternational/globalcompanyFew if any implications of workingin a culturally diverseinternational/global companydetailed. Minimal, if any, linkagesmade between questionnaireoutcomes and working in thisenvironment. No organisationalexamples included.Implications of working in aculturally diverseinternational/global companymentioned but not developed.Linkages made betweenquestionnaire and working inthis context limited.Organisational examplesincluded but the implicationseither missing or not developedfully.Implications of working inaculturally diverseinternational/global companyare considered and explained.Linkages made betweenquestionnaire outcomes thecompany’s context strong.Organisational examplesincluded but the implicationscould be further considered anddeveloped.Implications of working in aculturallydiverseinternational/globalcompany on required skillsdetailed clearly. Linkages madebetween the questionnaireoutcomes and company’scontext very well developed.Organisational examplesincluded and expand on theposition being developed.Implications of working in aculturally diverseinternational/global companyon required skills set deeplyand robustly considered. Indepth and considered linkagesmade between questionnaireoutcomes and the company’scontext. Examples includedexpand and augment theposition being developed.4Structure andformat – AcademicsourcesPowerPoint slides/video limitedwith insufficient detail.Presentation style poor andimpacted on the overallinformation being communicated.No or minimal academic theoriesincluded.PowerPoint slides/video couldbe clearer or better formatted,but the essential information isincluded. Presentation styleand/or voice reasonable;however, improvement in thisarea needed. Academic theoriesare included but referencinginaccurate.PowerPoint slides/video arereasonably clear. More effortwith the slide content,formatting and/or design wouldenhance the presentation.Student’s speaking voice can beheard; however, improvement inpresentation style wouldimprove this presentation.Academic theories are included.PowerPoint slides/video welldeveloped and structured. Slidedesign clear and easy to followand supports/develops theposition being presented. Thestudent speaks clearly, presentsconfidently and is easy tounderstand. Some insightfulcomments included. Academictheories used extensively.PowerPoint slides/videoexcellently developed andstructured. Slide designutilises graphics, etc. supportand develop the positionbeing presented. Thestudent’s voice, command ofthe spoken word isprofessiona smooth.Academic theories usedextensively and wisely.5Total30


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