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Computer Architecture & Operating Systems | My Assignment Tutor

Page 1 of 10APPENDIX GA36a LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION Programme:BSc Cloud ComputingModule:Computer Architecture & Operating SystemsModule code:ACCA4002Contribution toOverall ModuleAssessment (%):50%Lecturer(s):Dr Anupam MazumdarDr Terry WalcottMr Sadeque ImamInternal Verifier:Renuga JayakumarAssignment Title:Assessment -1Computer Systems andComponents SpecificationsWord count (orequivalent):2000 (+/- 10%)Submissiondeadline:To be announced by theAssessment teamPlease refer to the assessmentsschedule published onStudents’ Hall in MoodleReturn date ofprovisional marks& written … Continue reading “Computer Architecture & Operating Systems | My Assignment Tutor”

Page 1 of 10APPENDIX GA36a LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION Programme:BSc Cloud ComputingModule:Computer Architecture & Operating SystemsModule code:ACCA4002Contribution toOverall ModuleAssessment (%):50%Lecturer(s):Dr Anupam MazumdarDr Terry WalcottMr Sadeque ImamInternal Verifier:Renuga JayakumarAssignment Title:Assessment -1Computer Systems andComponents SpecificationsWord count (orequivalent):2000 (+/- 10%)Submissiondeadline:To be announced by theAssessment teamPlease refer to the assessmentsschedule published onStudents’ Hall in MoodleReturn date ofprovisional marks& written feedback:After the ExamBoardSubmissionmethod:All written assessments, where practical and possible, must be submitted viaTurnitin unless otherwise instructed by the Lecturer. (Please DO NOT put thisassessment specification into Turnitin or it will match many similarities withother students’ submissions.)Alternative submission method (if applicable):Late submission of the assessment will result in a late penalty mark.Penalties for late submission: Up to one-week late, maximum mark of 40%.Over one week late, 0%. Only the Extenuating Circumstances Panel mayapprove a change to submission dates.Academichonesty /referencing:Academic honesty is required. In the main body of your submission you mustgive credit to authors on whose research and ideas your work is based. Appendto your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. thatyou have used, cited or quoted in order to complete this assessment. Page 2 of 10 Module Learning Outcomes(from module syllabus)Upon the successful completion of this module, the student should be able to: Determine the essential characteristics and concepts behind computer systems andcomponents, number systems, data capacities and transfer speeds, in the context of typicalPC hardware and networking environments. Demonstrate an understanding of general Operating System concepts. TASK DESCRIPTION Component 1: Report (50%)You are required to produce a correctly formatted report that covers all the sections specified.Remember that an acceptable report format contains as a minimum, a Title Page, Table ofContents, Page Numbers, Numbered Sections and Headings and appropriatediagrams/graphics/tables. The layout should also try to conform where possible to theguidance and sample layout provided during the course of study.It is essential that you demonstrate background research activities and knowledge gained.The report should refer to sources of information that have contributed and enhanced yourknowledge and understanding (e.g. online sources, books, journals, articles). The report mustinclude a list of references / bibliography, following the appropriate Referencing System.TasksYou are required produce a sensible specification for the two use case scenarios given. Foreach system, ensure you specify as a minimum:a) A suitable CPU and motherboardb) A sensible amount of RAMc) What type and size of non-volatile storage would be suitabled) The input/output features/ports needede) The features a suitable graphics card would require.f) A suitable case and power supplyg) A suitable monitorFor all of the above areas, you should justify your choice with reasoning, and wherepossible, explain why you chose that particular option over the alternatives.You should also produce a ‘shopping list’ of actual components (as if you were going to buildthe computer yourself from scratch), so perform some research using on line retailers andproduce a neat table with the name, price and where possible an image of the product.Calculate the final price of your system.DO NOT simply find a ready built PC and just present that information. You need todemonstrate that you understand WHY you chose that particular component – CPU (what areits features compared to other alternatives), WHY you decided on that quantity of RAM etcetc.Page 3 of 10Scenario 1:An elderly relative wants a low-cost desktop PC with a fairly small form factor but a full-sizekeyboard and a decent sized monitor to help with their eyesight. They will not be playing anygames. They only need to run simple software to perform word-processing functions, checkemail, surf the net etc, however they do want to be able to watch online YouTube content aswell as perform simple skype type video calls with family abroad.Scenario 2:A recent graduate wants to become self-employed and start up their own company involvingproducing and editing 4K video content using software that utilises not only the main CPUbut can also take advantage of GPU acceleration. As speed and productivity is important,fast rendering is required for this build and a budget of approximately £2500 (including VAT)has been allocated for the system unit and monitor, so produce as powerful/fast/appropriatea specification as you can give this approximate budget (don’t stress about getting superaccurate with the price. Within say £150 either way is fine for the purpose of this assignment,the £2500 is a rough guide).You don’t have to specify any camera equipment to acquire the 4K footage. Assume the datais going to be presented on various types of fast memory cards. Also assume speakers,headphones and a surround sound monitoring system with SPDIF input are alreadyavailable, however your computer will need to have the appropriate ports to output this audio.Additional storage for Scenario2:As there will be large quantities of data being dealt with, as well as sufficient fast internalstorage for working drives, there is a need to purchase an external storage unit such as aNAS drive. This should have 8TB of storage to start with but needs to be expandable up to56TB by simply adding additional 8TB drives in the future. This storage also needs to havecost effective redundancy, so specify the most efficient RAID mechanism to use and giveyour reasoning why you chose this method over others.Describe how the PC will access the data on the NAS drive, and what data transfer speedsare likely to be achieved – ensure you explain how you come to these conclusions. Budgetis not specified for the NAS but find as cost effective an option as you can to satisfy theproposed storage requirements.Page 4 of 10 GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTS IN THE COMPLETION OFTASKS NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five generic assessment criteria overleaf.1. Engagement with Literature SkillsYour work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused on the task(s)set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed an appropriate range of sources, which may beacademic, governmental and industrial; these sources may include academic journal articles, textbooks,current news articles, organisational documents, and websites. You should consider the credibility of yoursources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require carefulconsideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use should be current and up-todate, mostly published within the last five years or so, though seminal/important works in the field may beolder. You must provide evidence of your research/own reading throughout your work, using a suitablereferencing system, including in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list at the end ofyour work.Guidance specific to this assessment:2. Knowledge and Understanding SkillsAt level 4, you should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles associatedwith your area(s) of study. Knowledge relates to the facts, information and skills you have acquired throughyour learning. You demonstrate your understanding by interpreting the meaning of the facts and information(knowledge). This means that you need to select and include in your work the concepts, techniques, models,theories, etc. appropriate to the task(s) set. You should be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc. toshow your understanding. Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you demonstrate yourknowledge and understanding.Guidance specific to this assessment:3. Cognitive and Intellectual SkillsYou should be able to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data, in order to developlines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of yoursubject(s) of study. You should be able to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solvingproblems related to your area(s) of study and/or work. Your work must contain evidence of logical, analyticalthinking. For example, to examine and break information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compareand contrast information. This means not just describing what! But also justifying: Why? How? When? Who?Where? At what cost? You should provide justification for your arguments and judgements using evidencethat you have reflected upon the ideas of others within the subject area and that you are able to make soundjudgements and arguments using data and concepts. Where relevant, alternative solutions andrecommendations may be proposed.Guidance specific to this assessment:4. Practical SkillsAt level 4, you should be able to apply the basic underlying concepts and principles to evaluate and interpretthese within the context of your area of study. You should be able to demonstrate how the subject-relatedconcepts and ideas relate to real world situations and/or a particular context. How do they work in practice?You will deploy models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in that context, to assess current situations,perhaps to formulate plans or solutions to solve problems, or to create artefacts. This is likely to involve, forinstance, the use of real world artefacts, examples and cases, the application of a model within anorganisation and/or benchmarking one theory or organisation against others based on stated criteria.Page 5 of 10Guidance specific to this assessment:5. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional PracticeYour work must provide evidence of the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiringthe exercise of some personal responsibility. This includes demonstrating: that you can communicate theresults of your study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments; that you caninitiate and complete tasks and procedures, whether individually and/or collaboratively; fluency of expression;clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation. Work should be coherent and well-structured inpresentation and organisation.Guidance specific to this assessment:Page 6 of 10 STUDENT FEEDBACK FORM This section details the extent to which the assessment criteria are demonstrated by you, which in turn determines yourmark. The marks available for each category of skill are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment onthe achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefitfrom development/improvement. Generic Assessment CriteriaMarksavailableMarksawarded1. Engagement with Literature Skills.202. Knowledge and Understanding Skills203. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills204. Practical Application Skills205. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice20 Assessment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at theExam Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module workand are for guidance only until they are confirmed. )Late Submission Penalties (tick ifappropriate)%Up to 1 week late (40% Max)Over 1 week late (0%) GENERIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Level 4In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 4 students will be expected to have demonstrated knowledge ofthe basic underlying concepts and principles of a subject, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of that area of study. They shouldbe able to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordancewith basic theories and concepts of their subject(s) of study. They will have learned how to evaluate different approaches to solving problems, and will beable to communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments. They will be able to undertake furthertraining and develop new skills within a structured and managed environment and will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employmentrequiring the exercise of some personal responsibility. Level 4FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%Engagementwith literature(includingreading,referencing,academicconventions andacademichonesty)Little or noevidence ofreading and/orreliance oninappropriatesources.Views andfindings mostlyunsupported andnonauthoritative.Referencingconventionsusedincoherently orlargely absent.Poorengagementwith essentialreading. Noevidence ofwider reading.Reliance oninappropriatesources, and/orindiscriminateuse of sources.Heavily relianton informationgained throughclass contact.Inconsistent andweak use ofreferencing.Engagementwith a limitedrange of mostlyrelevant andcredible sourcesbut with somereliance oninformationgained throughclass contact.Some omissionsand minorerrors.Referencingconventionsevident thoughnot alwaysappliedaccurately orconsistently.Engagementwith anappropriaterange ofliterature,includingsourcesretrievedindependently.Some overreliance on textsrather than othersources.Referencing mayshow minorinaccuracies orinconsistencies.Engagementwith a widerange ofliterature,includingsourcesretrievedindependently.Selection ofrelevant andcredible sources.Generally soundreferencing, withno/very fewinaccuracies orinconsistencies.Engagementwith anextensive rangeof relevant andcredibleliterature.Consistentlyaccurateapplication ofreferencing.Exceptionalengagementwith anextensive rangeof relevant andcredibleliterature. Highlevel referencingskillsconsistentlyapplied.Knowledgeandunderstanding(Knowledge of thebasic underlyingconcepts andMajor gaps inknowledge andunderstanding ofthe basicunderlyingconcepts andGaps inknowledge of thebasic underlyingconcepts andprinciples, withflawed orLimitedknowledge andunderstanding ofthe basicunderlyingconcepts andKnowledge ofthe basicunderlyingconcepts andprinciples isaccurate with aCompetentknowledge of thebasic underlyingconcepts andprinciples.Exhibits veryExcellentknowledge andunderstanding ofthe basicunderlyingconcepts andExceptional,detailedknowledge andunderstanding ofthe basicunderlying Level 4FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction) Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%principles of asubject.)principles of thesubject matter.Inclusion ofirrelevantmaterial.Substantialinaccuracies.superficialunderstanding.Some significantinaccuraciesand/or irrelevantmaterial.principles withinthe subject area.Some elementsmay be missing.goodunderstanding ofthe field of studybut lacks depthand/or breadth.goodunderstanding.principles of thesubject.concepts andprinciplesCognitive andintellectualskills(Evaluateunderlyingconcepts andprinciples of asubject andinterpretqualitative andquantitative datain order todevelop lines ofargument andmake soundjudgements.)Wholly or almostwhollydescriptive work.Little or noevaluation of theunderlyingconcepts andprinciples.Failure todeveloparguments,leading toillogical or invalidjudgements.Minimal or nouse ofevidence to backup views.Largelydescriptive work,with superficialevaluation of theunderlyingconcepts andprinciples. Weakinterpretation ofdata, flaweddevelopment ofarguments andjudgements.Informationaccepteduncritically, usesgeneralisedstatementsmade with scantevidence andunsubstantiatedopinions. Ideassometimesillogical andcontradictory.Limited attemptat evaluation ofthe underlyingconcepts andprinciples,tending towardsdescription.Can interpretqualitative andquantitative databut with someerrors. Someevidence tosupportemergingarguments andjudgements butthese may beunderdevelopedor with a littleinconsistency /misinterpretation.Good evaluationof the underlyingconcepts andprinciples. Caninterpretqualitative andquantitativedata, with minorerrors.An emergingability to useevidence tosupport theargument.Mostly validarguments andlogicaljudgements.Soundevaluation of theunderlyingconcepts andprinciples. Caninterpretqualitative andquantitative dataaccurately.Ability to devisearguments usingevidence tomake mostlyappropriate andvalidjudgements.Excellentevaluation of theunderlyingconcepts andprinciples. Caninterpretqualitative andquantitative dataaccurately andwith someinsight. Excellentability to devisearguments usingevidence andmakeappropriate andvalidjudgements.Exceptionalevaluation of theunderlyingconcepts andprinciples basedevidence.Outstandinginterpretation ofqualitative andquantitativedata.Exceptionalability to devisearguments usingevidence andmake whollyappropriate andvalidjudgements.Practical skills(Differentapproaches tosolving problemsin particularcontexts.)Limited or nouse of taught,basic methods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Little or noappreciation ofthe context ofthe application.Rudimentaryapplication oftaught, basicmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques butwithoutconsiderationandAn adequateawareness andmostlyappropriateapplication ofbasic methods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.A good andappropriateapplication ofbasic methods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Clearappreciation ofA very goodapplication of arange of basicmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Very goodconsideration ofthe context ofAn advancedapplication of arange of taught,basic methods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.The context ofthe application isExceptionallevels ofapplication anddeploymentskills inparticularpracticalcontexts.Outstandingidentification of Level 4FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction) Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%Very weakevidence ofdifferentapproaches toproblem-solvingin particularcontexts.competence.Flawedappreciation ofthe context ofthe application.Weak evidenceof differentapproaches toproblem-solvingin particularcontexts.Basicappreciation ofthe context ofthe application.Can identifyproblems inparticularcontexts andpropose basicalternativeapproaches orsolutions thoughthere may beerrors.the context ofthe application.Good evidenceof differentapproaches toproblem-solvingin particularcontexts andproposes mostlyappropriatesolutions.the application.Very goodevidence ofdifferentapproaches toproblem-solvingin particularcontexts andproposesappropriatesolutions.well considered,and insightful.Excellentevidence ofdifferentapproaches toproblem-solvingin particularcontexts andproposesappropriatesolutions.problems inparticularcontexts andformulation ofwhollyappropriate,thoughtfulsolutions /differentapproaches.Transferableskills for lifeandprofessionalpractice(Communicatethe results of theirstudy/workaccurately andreliably, and withstructured andcoherentarguments; thequalities neededfor employmentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibilitywithin a structuredand managedenvironment.)Work is poorlystructured,disorganised,inaccurateand/orconfusinglyexpressed. Veryweak use oflanguage and/orveryinappropriatestyle. Failure towork effectivelyindividual or aspart of a group.Little or noevidence of theskills foremploymentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibility.Work is poorlypresented in adisjointedmanner. It isloosely, and attimesincoherently,structured, withinformation andideas oftenpoorlyexpressed.Weak use oflanguage and/orinappropriatestyle. Flawedapproach toindividual orgroup work,meeting onlypartialobligations toothers. Limitedevidence of theskills foremploymentrequiring theMostly orderedpresentation andstructure inwhich relevantideas / conceptsare reasonablyexpressed. Workmay lackcoherenceand/or accuracyin places. Canwork as part of agroup, meetingmost obligationsto others butperhaps withlimitedinvolvement ingroup activities.Demonstratesthe basic skillsfor employmentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibility,with some areasMostly coherent,organised andaccurate work, ina suitablestructure and isfor the most partclearlyexpressed. Canwork effectivelyindependentlyand/or as part ofa team, withclearcontribution togroup activities.Demonstratesthe skills foremploymentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibility,with some areasof strength andsome of minorweakness.Work isaccurate,coherent, fluent,well-structuredand organised.Can workeffectivelyindependentlyand/or as part ofa team, with verygoodcontribution togroup activities.Demonstratesvery good skillsfor employmentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibility,with justoccasional minorweakness.Work iscoherent, veryfluent and ispresentedprofessionally.Can workeffectivelyindependentlyand/or as part ofa team, with anexcellentcontribution togroup activities.Demonstratesexcellent skillsfor employmentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibilitywith an appetitefor furtherdevelopment.Work isaccurate,exceptionallycoherent, veryfluent andpresented well.Can workeffectivelyindependentlyand/or as part ofa team, with anexceptionalcontribution togroup activities.Demonstratesexceptional skillsfor employmentrequiring theexercise of somepersonalresponsibilitywith an appetitefor furtherdevelopment. Level 4FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction) Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%exercise of somepersonalresponsibility.of minorweakness. THIS DOCUMENT IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN WELSH


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