1ToCGood, conciseintroductionvalid, relevantpoint23valid, relevantpoint4valid, relevantpoint5 valid, relevantpointvalid, relevantpointvalid, relevantpoint6valid, relevantpoint78 QMQMQMFINAL GRADE/1003M Expansion in AustraliaGRADEMARK REPORTGENERAL COMMENTSInstructoroverall, it has been a pleasure to read; you shouldCONTINUE: (1) using excellent literature andsupporting your views by this literature and veryrelevant data, including statistics; (2) offering attractiveyet relevant graphs/charts supporting your presentation(in some places the charts contain the … Continue reading “excellent literature and supporting | My Assignment Tutor”
1ToCGood, conciseintroductionvalid, relevantpoint23valid, relevantpoint4valid, relevantpoint5 valid, relevantpointvalid, relevantpointvalid, relevantpoint6valid, relevantpoint78 QMQMQMFINAL GRADE/1003M Expansion in AustraliaGRADEMARK REPORTGENERAL COMMENTSInstructoroverall, it has been a pleasure to read; you shouldCONTINUE: (1) using excellent literature andsupporting your views by this literature and veryrelevant data, including statistics; (2) offering attractiveyet relevant graphs/charts supporting your presentation(in some places the charts contain the sameinformation as the txt nearby – you can “economise” onwords here – it is enough to present the informationonce; (3) presenting the information in a logical flow –your text flowsthere are some areas for improvement (STARTsection) – (1) you could have offered calculation ofmarket concentration ratios (does Herfindahl Indexring a bell?); (2) taking into account how diverse 3M is,select one of its operational areas for even moredetailed analysis and (3) present a more detaileddiscussion on 3m operations in Australia (e.g. %ofglobal 3M’s sales derived from Australia is..?)PAGE 1PAGE 2Comment 1good title pagePAGE 3ToCgood Table of ContentsPAGE 4Good, concise introductionvalid, relevant pointQMQMQMgood pointComment 2good chart, just please note it does contain the same information as the text to its right…PAGE 5Comment 3same comment as to the previous chartPAGE 6valid, relevant pointgood pointComment 4a lot of very well presented and data supported information – maybe some of it could have beenpresented in an appendixPAGE 7valid, relevant pointgood pointPAGE 8Comment 5as 3M is the US company, it would have been better to mention what are the trade relations with theUS…PAGE 9PAGE 10PAGE 11valid, relevant pointgood pointPAGE 12QMQMQMvalid, relevant pointgood pointvalid, relevant pointgood pointPAGE 13Comment 6anything about market concentration measuresPAGE 14valid, relevant pointgood pointPAGE 15Comment 7good, clear conclusionPAGE 16Comment 8very good listPAGE 17PAGE 18PAGE 19RUBRIC: BO&E_RUBRIC_OCT17CRITERION 1: (20%)OUTSTANDING(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATE(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)CRITERION 2: (20%)OUTSTANDING(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)84 / 10085 / 100Information on the selected business organisationA faultless discussion of the chosen business organisation.A large amount of useful background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation. This discussion has been extremely well integrated intothe report.A large amount of useful background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation. This discussion has been very well integrated into thereport.A large amount of useful background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation. This discussion has been well integrated into thereport.A reasonable amount of useful background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation. This discussion has been fairly well integrated into thereport.Some useful background information has been provided on the selected businessorganisation.Some attempt has been made to integrate this discussion intothe report.Little useful or relevant background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation.Very little useful or relevant background information has been provided on the selectedbusiness organisation.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.85 / 100Discussion of the allocated business environmentThe discussion of the allocated business environment is perfect.The report contains a superb discussion of the main factors, issues and considerationsrelating to the business environment in the allocated country.The report contains an excellent discussion of the main factors, issues and considerationsrelating to the business environment in the allocated country.The report contains a good discussion of the main factors, issues and considerationsrelating to the business environment in the allocated country.SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATE(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)CRITERION 3: (25%)OUTSTANDING(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATE(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)CRITERION 4: (15%)OUTSTANDINGThe report contains a reasonable discussion of the main factors, issues andconsiderations relating to the business environment in the allocated country.The report contains an adequate discussion of the main factors, issues and considerationsrelating to the business environment in the allocated country.The report contains little discussion of the main factors, issues and considerations relatingto the business environment in the allocated country.The report contains very little discussion of the main factors, issues and considerationsrelating to the business environment in the allocated country.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.75 / 100Application of an appropriate analytical approachAppropriate analytical techniques have been applied in a faultless manner.The analytical approach that has been applied is outstanding.Appropriateanalytical techniques have been used and these have been applied extremely effectively.The analytical approach that has been applied is excellent.Appropriateanalytical techniques have been used and these have been applied very effectively.The analytical approach that has been applied is good.Appropriate analyticaltechniques have been used and these have been applied in an effective manner.The analytical approach that has been applied is generally good but there are someweaknesses.Appropriate analytical techniques have been used and thesehave been applied quite effectively.The analytical approach that has been applied is adequate.Appropriateanalytical techniques have been used but these have not been applied in an effectivemanner.The analytical approach that has been applied is poor. Analytical techniqueshave been used but these are generally inappropriate.The analytical approach that has been used is very poor. Analysis isundertaken without reference to appropriate techniques.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.75 / 100Use and application of appropriate data and examplesPerfect application and use of data and examples.(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATE(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)CRITERION 5: (10%)OUTSTANDING(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATEOutstanding use of examples and statistics throughout the report.There is asuperb discussion of examples and the interpretation of the data is outstandingExcellent use of examples and statistics throughout the report.The discussionand interpretation of the examples and data is excellent.Good use of examples and statistics throughout the report.The discussion andinterpretation of the examples and data is good.Some useful examples and statistics have been included in the report.Thediscussion and interpretation of the examples and data is generally fine but there aresome weaknesses.Adequate examples and statistics have been included in the report.Thediscussion and interpretation of the examples and data is adequate.Poor or few examples and statistics have been included in the report.There islittle discussion of examples and the interpretation of the data is poor.Very poor or very few examples and statistics have been included in the report. There is an extremely limited discussion of examples and the interpretation of the datais extremely poor.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.100 / 100Structure of and quality of writing in the reportThe organisation and structure of the report is faultless.The report is superbly organised and it has an outstanding structure.Theoverall level of discussion and language that has been used is outstanding. The report contains virtually no writing mistakes.The organisation and the structure of the report is excellent. The overall levelof discussion and language that has been used is excellent. The reportcontains few writing mistakes.The report is well organised and its overall structure is good. The overall levelof discussion and language that has been used is good.The report containsonly a small amount writing mistakes.The organisation of the report and its structure are generally good but various aspectscould be improved. The overall level of discussion and language that has beenused is reasonable. The report is clearly written but contains some writingmistakes.The organisation of the report and its overall structure are adequate. The(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)CRITERION 6: (10%)OUTSTANDING(100)EXCELLENT(85)VERY GOOD(75)GOOD (60-69) 65(65)SATISFACTORY(55)ADEQUATE(45)MARGINAL FAIL(35)FAIL(25)NOT DONE(0)overall level of discussion and language that has been used is adequate. Thereport contains a fairly high level of writing mistakes.The report is poorly organised and has an inadequate structure. The overalllevel of discussion and language that has been used is poor.The reportcontains an unacceptable number of writing mistakes.The report is very poorly organised and has an extremely poor structure. Theoverall level of discussion and language that has been used is very poor. Thereport is littered with writing mistakes.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.100 / 100Presentation and referencingThe presentation of and referencing of the coursework is perfect.Outstanding presentation and formatting throughout.Outstanding referencingthroughout.Excellent presentation and formatting throughout.Excellent referencingthroughout.Good presentation and formatting throughout.Good referencing throughout.Adequate presentation and formatting throughout. Referencing is generallyfine but certain aspects could be improved.Adequate presentation and formatting throughout.Referencing contains someomissions and inconsistencies.Poor presentation and formatting throughout. Referencing is limited.Very poor presentation and formatting throughout. Referencing is extremelylimited.Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.