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Faculty of Design, Media and Management | My Assignment Tutor

Faculty of Design, Media and Management Assignment Brief                                Academic Year 2019/20 Module Title:Managing Innovation in Business (Feb21 Cohort)Module Code:BM627Assignment No/Title:CW1: A full report of the key findings of the innovation audit, including an Executive Summary 2000 wordsAssessment Weighting:40%Submission Date:26th March 2021 by 2PMFeedback Target Date:3 weeksModule Co-ordinator/ Tutor:Dr. Kwabena Frimpong/ Dr. Syed Ali TarekDegree/Foundation Please Specify:UGThis assignment … Continue reading “Faculty of Design, Media and Management | My Assignment Tutor”

Faculty of Design, Media and Management Assignment Brief                                Academic Year 2019/20 Module Title:Managing Innovation in Business (Feb21 Cohort)Module Code:BM627Assignment No/Title:CW1: A full report of the key findings of the innovation audit, including an Executive Summary 2000 wordsAssessment Weighting:40%Submission Date:26th March 2021 by 2PMFeedback Target Date:3 weeksModule Co-ordinator/ Tutor:Dr. Kwabena Frimpong/ Dr. Syed Ali TarekDegree/Foundation Please Specify:UGThis assignment is to be submitted electronically using Blackboard  Submission Instruction:    This assignment must be submitted electronically using Blackboard by 2pm on the submission date To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the Blackboard module concerned. Simple instructions are provided within the module. Please do not attempt to submit assignments direct to lecturers as this is not allowed and will result in a non-submission being officially recorded You will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your Bucks e-mail address; please keep this for reference. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your assignment you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations. Late submission within 10 working days of the deadline will result in the mark for the assignment being capped at 40%. Beyond this time the work will not be marked. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.    Assignment format and other relevant instructions to students: Specify whether it is a group or individual assignment, the word length and any abnormal submission instructions.For your first assignment you are to produce a 2000 word written report. You are required to identify an organisation of your choice, ideally based in the market sector or industry where you hope to start your professional career. You should then conduct an innovation audit that examines the organisation’s past, present and future innovation activities and capabilities.  This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:Delete any that do not apply and ensure that alternative instructions are entered in the box above.            Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments; Analyse and illustrate how organisations and their leaders can successfully plan and prepare for innovation; Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional co-operation in order to analyse and assess innovation capability and blockages; Actively engage in the identification of a new product/service for a chosen organisation and identify the key activities required for its successful development; Conduct an innovation/organisational development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.The Assignment Task:        You are to identify an organisation that will ideally be in the market sector you wish to work in once you graduate.     In this first assignment, your task is to conduct an innovation audit of the selected organisation to examine the organisations innovation history; the present level of innovation activities; and future innovation requirements.  The audit will factor in wider macro and competitive environment factors as well as upstream and downstream supply chain participants.         Note:  Words used in applied models, tables; charts etc… within the main body of the report are NOT included in the report word count.   Content placed in the appendices MUST have a clear connection to the main body.  Any work copied and paste into the report and/or the appendices that is not discussed, analysed or mentioned will not be considered by the marker.   Suggested Report Structure.   Front Cover page   Executive Summary (NOT included in word count 400 words max)   Contents   Introduction   Purpose of the report & structure (100 words)   The Organisation & Industry Overview   The Organisation and its Innovation History (500 words)   The Organisations existing Innovation Performance and Capabilities (800 words)   The Industry in 2016 (500 words)     Conclusion (100 words)   References – Harvard Format   Appendices  Assessment Criteria      Generic Marking Criteria for Managing Innovation in Business 2015-16 CW1 – 100% weighting     1st    = >70% 2.1 = 60-69% 2.2 = 50-59% 3rd = 40-49% FAIL 0-39% Overview  15%  Some excellent use of up to date industry Data.  Student has attempted to Outline the context and detail of the industry.  Reader learns from students work. Some very good use of up to date industry Data.  Student has attempted to Outline the context and detail of the industry.  Reader learns from students work. Some use of up to date industry Data.  Student has attempted to Outline the context and detail Of the industry. Limited use of up to date industry Data.  Student has attempted to Outline the context and detail Of the industry. No use of up to date industry Data.  Student has failed to Outline the context and detail Of the industry. Knowledge, Comprehension & Application 25% Excellent application of the Models.  Use of additional models evident and no issues with comprehension & application of models. Very good application of the Models.    Use of additional models evident and no issues with comprehension & application of models. Good application of the Models.  Some use of additional models attempted but issues with comprehension & application of models. Some application of the Models.  No evaluation and    no use of additional models & limited comprehension & Application of models. Limited to no application of the Models.  No evaluation and no use of additional models And limited comprehension & Application of models. Analysis & Evaluation  25% Student has provided an excellent and logical argument for their work and demonstrates clear match to the research throughout.   Student has provided a very good and logical argument for their work and demonstrates clear match to the research. Student has provided a logical argument for industry Their work and demonstrates clear match to their research. Student has struggled to provide logical argument their work or argument doesn’t match research. Student has failed to provide Logical argument for their  Work or argument doesn’t Match research. Synthesis  20% Objectives are excellent & well thought through with excellent links to analysis and evaluation.  Objectives are SMART where required. Objectives are very good & well thought through with very good link to analysis and evaluation.  Objectives are SMART where required.. Objectives are good & well thought through with good link to analysis and evaluation.  Objectives are mostly SMART where required.. Objectives are weak & poorly though through and struggle to link to Analysis and evaluation.  Objectives are not SMART where required.. Objectives are poorly thought Through and/or do not link to Analysis and evaluation.  Objectives are not SMAR where required.T . Generic Presentation 15% Style and format are to a very high professional standard.  Good use of spelling and grammar. Research material is current and from reputable sources.  Very good use of Harvard referencing.  Some creativity in the presentation of work within the publication. Style and format are to a very good professional standard.  Good use of spelling and grammar. Research material is current and from reputable sources.  Very good use of Harvard referencing.    Some creativity in the presentation of work within the publication. Style and format are to a professional standard.  Good use of spelling and grammar. Some of the research material is too old but mostly from reputable sources.  Some weaknesses in the use of Harvard referencing.  Some creativity in the presentation of work within the publication. Style and format are not quite to a professional standard.  Poor use of spelling and grammar. Some of the research material is too old and/or not from reputable sources.  Incorrect use of Harvard referencing.  Limited personal diary presented.  No creativity in the presentation of work within the publication Style and format are not to a Professional standard.  Poor Use of spelling and grammar. Research material is too old And/or not from reputable Sources.  Incorrect use of Harvard referencing.  No creativity in the presentation Of work within the publication.      University Generic Undergraduate Degree Grade Descriptors can be found on the University website in the document ‘Assessment of Students- Appendix 1’          Quality Assurance Record      Internal Approval:    External Approval: 


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