Assessment: Initial proposal • Word document. Must be in the format set in the Template attached to this Guide. • 800 words • Referencing is Harvard style Brief: This assessment is designed to assist you to develop your research skills and firm up your Research Problem and your Research Question. The Problem and Question will … Continue reading “Initial proposal | My Assignment Tutor”
Assessment: Initial proposal • Word document. Must be in the format set in the Template attached to this Guide. • 800 words • Referencing is Harvard style Brief: This assessment is designed to assist you to develop your research skills and firm up your Research Problem and your Research Question. The Problem and Question will flow through everything you do in this Unit, even to the Research Report which is the final assessment Item in your second EIAM Research Project Unit. This Unit and the following Unit require you to focus intensely on an engineering management problem/issue/opportunity in the engineering, infrastructure or asset management field. This may apply to a single organisation (private or government), an industry or sector, or society broadly. TOPIC: Cryptocurrency Malware Hunting Administration: • Commence your paper with a title-page. The title-page is the front page that all authors put on the reports and papers that they write as professionals. The title-page contains a title, plus your name as author. • The Header must contain your name and your student number. • The Footer must contain the Unit number i.e. PROJ6004 and the page number. • Page numbering commences after the title-page. • Please review the attached Marking Rubric so that you meet all the requirements. TEMPLATE 1.0 Introduction As you have been taught in earlier Units this introduction explains briefly what the paper will cover. In this instance it will describe the problem, where it is situated (an industry, organisation or even a nation) and will briefly give a sense of why digging into this problem is worthwhile. As is the case with any academic paper you will be justifying your statements and explaining the problem in much greater detail later in the paper. 2.0 Research Problem This can be a problem/issue/opportunity involving a single organisation (private or government), an industry or sector, or society broadly. In this section you need to clearly identify and articulate what the real, pressing problem is. Our experience as Researchers is that by assembling the Literature you may change your mind as to what, precisely, the Research Problem is. That is quite legitimate, and you should be open to this happening as your go through this researching process several times. 3.0 Importance of the research In this section you will need to identify two main, closely related things: • Why is it important to solve this problem? • How can your research help industry or society? 4.0 Research aim Within one sentence you need to articulate the overarching aim of your research. 5.0 Research Question (s) So that you know what you are seeking to achieve before you design your research approach, and so that you can clearly communicate this to your employer (for a business report) or academic supervisor you must establish a precise research question. You will continually align everything you do with this question/s. Often, a thorough exploration of the literature (such as you will perform in Assessment 2) results in the researcher adjusting their Research Question. This is quite legitimate as it is a decision based on additional knowledge. 6.0 Keywords List the keywords you used in the library searches for the following Literature Review (no more than five). 7.0 Literature review This section both reports the results of your library searches and explains what the items of literature you have chosen to contribute to solving the research problem. In a paragraph explain how you conducted the search and the general outcome of the search e.g., whether there were adequate peer-reviewed items, whether you found relevant items in the grey literature or that there was a particular absence of literature on a particular issue. In the next few paragraphs explain the 4 to 6 (or more) articles that you find to be relevant. In a final paragraph, synthesize the meaning that you take from each article into the main point you seek to make about the problem. This paragraph will finish with a strong indication (at a high level) as to how you are going to address the Research Problem.