Assignment 4 Contemporary Analytical Tools (PUBH810.185) Public Health Program, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2021 Spring Semester Assignment given date: 3/01/2021 Assignment due date: 3/08/2021 Total Points 100 Please download the Stata data file: nsduh2016_sample_data.dta from Canvas and save onto your flash drive. Please use STATA do file and log file for answering the following questions. Uploadyour … Continue reading “Public Health Program | My Assignment Tutor”
Assignment 4 Contemporary Analytical Tools (PUBH810.185) Public Health Program, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2021 Spring Semester Assignment given date: 3/01/2021 Assignment due date: 3/08/2021 Total Points 100 Please download the Stata data file: nsduh2016_sample_data.dta from Canvas and save onto your flash drive. Please use STATA do file and log file for answering the following questions. Uploadyour all the STATA commands (the do file) and the results (formatted log file). Write and highlight your answer on the STATA output. Write your hypothesis and conclusion where requested. Hints: You will see examples in lecture notes and in your labs Q1. What is the sample size that the data file has? (2 points) Q2. Draw a scatter diagram between age when first used cocaine and total number of days used cocaine in past 12 months. please give the appropriate title of the graph using STATA? (5+5 points) Q3. Create a pie chart for the variable age with proper label and title using STATA (5+5 points) Q4. What percentage of your samples are women? (2 points) Q5. What percentage of your samples are non-Hispanic blacks? (2 points) Q6. What is the mean and median number of days of cocaine use in past 12 months? (2+2 points) Q7. What is the mean and median number of days of alcohol use in past 12 months who are never married? (5+5 points) Q8. Can you conclude by performing a test that number of days used alcohol in past 12 months and number of days used cocaine in past 12 months are linearly related?How? State your null and alternative hypothesis and the conclusion. (5+5 points) Q9. Can you conclude by performing a test that age and total family income are not independent? How? State your null and alternative hypothesis and the conclusion. (5+5 points) Q10. Perform a simple linear regression of number of days used cocaine in past 12 months on race. Interpret the results of beta coefficients of Hispanics compared to the Whites. Is the relationship significant? (5+5+5 points) Q11. Perform a multiple linear regression of number of days used cocaine in past 12 months on race, sex, family income, marital status, poverty, number of days used alcohol in past 12 months, number of days smoked cigarette in past 30 days and age at cocaine use. Interpret the results of beta coefficients for Hispanics and for number of days alcohol use in past 12 months. Are these two beta coefficients significantly related to the outcome variable? (5+5+5 points) There are 10 points for using and uploading the STATA do file.