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role of a Global leader | My Assignment Tutor

Assessment brief 1 by 5th of April 2021  “The role of a Global leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they’re valued”.  Choose a Global Leader who supports the above statement or a Global Leader who is exactly opposite and doesn’t support the … Continue reading “role of a Global leader | My Assignment Tutor”

Assessment brief 1 by 5th of April 2021  “The role of a Global leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they’re valued”.  Choose a Global Leader who supports the above statement or a Global Leader who is exactly opposite and doesn’t support the above statement. That person has to be ideally from Business and can be from any sector. He/she can be from any part of the world, can be someone whom you know.You need to show evidences in your presentation to prove that the chosen person supports/doesn’t support the above statement.Stress should be on the Cross Cultural aspects e.g. organisational culture, change, Cultural complexities, rethinking of management models etc. There has to be a link with leadership but more stress should be given on the cross-cultural aspect.Justification needs to be given why your chosen leader’s approach works.You can choose 2 Leaders and draw a comparison as well, if you want.  Key theme for your presentation will be the following: How management practices and processes differ around the world (in this case, the place where your chosen leader had experience).Challenges faced by that person, changes required towards his/her approach and advantages or disadvantages faced as a result. *** Prepare a PECHA KUCHA presentation. ***Relate this data with relevant academic theories as discussed in lectures/seminars and you are required to write a short report, no more than 4 (FOUR) A4 size pages, may be presenting some facts in more detail.  ***You are also required to maintain a logbook to show evidence of your teamwork. Marking criteria for the Group Project   Content + Report/Abstract (50%)Presentation (25%)Teamwork (15%)Q&A (10%)40% – 49% ThirdYour research is insufficient and does not include relevant and useful images. You repeat mainly of the book and show little evidence of the research on other sources.  Your arguments are poorly structured, superficial and under the same topic.  Presentation is short and unclear.  Not always easy to follow, unimaginative and not engaging.You are able to demonstrate that you have worked as a team although this has been fairly ineffective.  There is a lack of care in deciding how to best present your information. Your group log book shows some evidence of your team work but it is not complete.Uncomfortable responding to questions; no attempt at engaging with the group or promote discussion50% – 59% Lower secondYour research is adequate and you underpin your research using some relevant images. You rely mostly on the book and draw some evidence of using other sources.  Whilst your analysis is well structured, it lacks depth and insight.  You attempt to make use of theories and cases/examples to inform your analysis.Your presentation is short or too long, not always clear or logical, may be overly influenced by literature rather than your own thinking of the topic.All team members are involved in the delivery of your presentation.  Your group log book shows evidence of your teamwork but does not contain any reflective commentary.Respond reasonably well to questions, but make little attempt to engage with the group or promote discussion.60% – 69% Upper secondYou draw on a range of sources to underpin your research using relevant images.  Your analysis is well structured and shows some critical insights.  You make good use of relevant theories and cases/examples to make your points.Your presentation keeps to time. You are clear and use appropriate media although sometimes there are moments when your analysis is not communicated as clearly as it could be.All team members are involved in the delivery of the presentation.  Your group logbook clearly shows how your group worked together and you include a reflective commentary on your experiences.Attempts to engage with the group and respond reasonably well to questions.70% – 79% First                          80% -100%You show clear evidence of in-depth research and draw on a wide range of sources with really good and  relevant images.  You are able to discuss your analysis deeply, clearly and coherently.  Your ability to apply appropriate theories and cases/examples is excellent and you use these effectively to argue your points.   Outstanding by all criteriaAll team members are actively involved in the delivery of the presentation.  You are enthusiastic, clear, unhurried and to the point.  Your presentation keeps to time and you make excellent use of your choice of media.Your group logbook is reflective and provides a comprehensive record of your research and your experiences. Engage well with the group, encourage discussion, and respond well to questions.     35% – 39% Bare failYou have made little effort to gather appropriate information.  The images used were not relevant. Your analysis fails to demonstrate any real understanding of the book.  You do not use appropriate sources in your analysis.Your presentation is clumsy, disjointed and difficult to follow.  Your presentation is too short.  You did not respond to questions in an appropriate manner.You show limited evidence of working as a team when doing the project and not all members are involved in its delivery.  Group logbook is largely incomplete.No engagement with the group.0% – 34% FailYou have made no effort to gather appropriate information.  Your analysis is poor and fails to demonstrate any real understanding.  You make no use of the book and other sources.Your delivery has no structure and logic and is muddled and unclear.  Your presentation is far too short.You show no evidence of working as a team when doing this project and not all members are involved in its delivery. No group log bookNo engagement with the group and no response to questions.   Note:  Marks for the group work will be awarded based on individual student’s input and involvement. Everybody needs to show full commitment towards the group work. The module leader/co-coordinator reserves the right to award marks individually and not a group mark, if situations arise.In real life, we all need to work in groups/teams, with different people whom we may sometimes like and sometimes not (most of the times there is no choice). We need to work with those differences and make the most out of it.If there are issues or problems within your group, it’s your responsibility to resolve it and keep evidences. If you need to report to your module leader (should be the last resort), you need to provide evidences of dispute from both sides.The notification should be at least 2 weeks before the actual presentation. If any notification is done after that date, the whole group should take the responsibility and will be penalised, instead of any particular member/members of the group responsible (if found guilty).If anybody decides not to do the presentation or is absent (due to any reason) will be deemed fail and will need to re do the assessment. It will then be capped at 40%, unless there is Mitigating Circumstances and has been approved by Student Services. If, due to unavoidable circumstances, the group ends up with considerable fewer members whether on the day of presentation or during the preparation, then consideration would be given to the workload shared by fewer members. But everything will depend on the quality.


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