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SITXCOM005 MANAGE CONFLICT | My Assignment Tutor

Final Result Record Sheet After assessment, the assessor and participant should sign the competency record. If competency is not achieved at the first attempt, strategies to address the performance gaps need to be identified and a time for re-assessment must be organised. UoC:SITXCCS007 ENHANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCES SITXCCS008 DEVELOP AND MANAGE QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICES … Continue reading “SITXCOM005 MANAGE CONFLICT | My Assignment Tutor”

Final Result Record Sheet After assessment, the assessor and participant should sign the competency record. If competency is not achieved at the first attempt, strategies to address the performance gaps need to be identified and a time for re-assessment must be organised. UoC:SITXCCS007 ENHANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCES SITXCCS008 DEVELOP AND MANAGE QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICES SITXCOM005 MANAGE CONFLICT  Trainer Name: Student Name: Student ID:  TaskSatisfactory (S) / Not Satisfactory (NS)  Task 1   Task 2   Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6  The Evidences Supplied Are:□ Valid□ Sufficient□ Authentic□ CurrentAssessment Decision: □ Competent                    □  Not Yet CompetentStudent Signature: Assessor Signature: Date:  Assessor Feedback to Student:       Date of Re-Assessment:


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