MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 1 of 7TRIMESTER 2 2020 FINAL EXAMINATION STUDENT ID83STUDENTNAMEI SUBJECT NAME:Accounting Information SystemsSUBJECT CODE:MAC002TIME ALLOWED:2 hours PERMITTED MATERIALS:• This is an Open Book exam.INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS:• You do not require a separate answer booklet. Please type your responses in the spacesprovided.• Type your full name and ID at … Continue reading “Accounting Information Systems | My Assignment Tutor”
MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 1 of 7TRIMESTER 2 2020 FINAL EXAMINATION STUDENT ID83STUDENTNAMEI SUBJECT NAME:Accounting Information SystemsSUBJECT CODE:MAC002TIME ALLOWED:2 hours PERMITTED MATERIALS:• This is an Open Book exam.INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS:• You do not require a separate answer booklet. Please type your responses in the spacesprovided.• Type your full name and ID at the top of this page.• The exam consists of two (2) sections.o Section 1– MCQso Section 2—Written and reflective thinking questions.• You are required to attempt BOTH THE SECTIONS and answer ALL the questions.MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 2 of 7Section1: Answer all the questions; each question is worth 1 mark (5 *1 = 5marks)1) All of the following controls for online entry of a sales order would be useful exceptA) check digit verification on the dollar amount of the order.B) validity check on the inventory item numbers.C) field check on the customer ID and dollar amount of the order.D) concurrent update control.[Answer here] a. check digit verification on the dollar amount of the order. 2) Cancellation and storage of documents meansA) documents are defaced and stored.B) documents are defaced before being shredded.C) cancellation data are copied from documents before they are stored.D) data are copied from a document and stored before it is being shredded.[Answer here] B) documents are defaced before being shredded. 3) The batch processing data entry control that sums a field that contains dollar values is calledA) record count.B) financial total.C) hash total.D) sequence check.[Answer here] B) financial total. 4) Identify the opportunity below that could enable an employee to commit fraud.A) An employee’s spouse loses her job.B) The company does not have a clear policies and procedures for the employee tofollow.C) The employee is experiencing financial hardship.D) An employee is upset that he was passed over for a promotion.MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 3 of 7[Answer here] The company does not have a clear policies and procedures for the employee tofollow 5) Which of the following is not a risk associated with the data input process?A) Data is invalid.B) Data is incomplete.C) Data is inaccurate.D) Data is corrupted.[Answer here] A) Data is invalid. MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 4 of 7Section 2: Answer All questions. Please attempt all parts of the questions (15 *3 = 45 marks)Question 1:A) Computer fraud can have adverse effects on Accounting Information Systems. What is yourdefinition of computer fraud? Do you agree that there has been a rise in computer fraud inrecent times? (10 marks)[Answer here] Computer fraud is considered as a cybercrime and expects the computer to be used as a toolto gain unlawful damage, usage to the system, accessing electronic data and altering or usingthe electronic data as well. there are various types of computer frauds and these are growing ata rapid pace. Few of the prominent ways of committing the computer fraud is by distributing themail which are hoax, taking un authorised access to the other computers, using spywares andmalwares to accomplish data mining, hacking another system to misuse the financial data suchas credit card, social security numbers etc.Yes, the cyber crime is growing on a consistent basis over a period of time. The main issuesbehind the same is increase usage of the internet and everything becoming digital over a periodof time. The growing cybercrime, has become very strong over the period of time an organisationtakes more time to resolve it. Also, it has become more expensive for the entities and thesecuriity breaches has also risen by 11% over the years. In an attempt to attack not the cybercrime has affected the integrity of the information and the information theft has became the mostexpensive and fastest attack. The data remains the most expensive and fastest rising issues inlast few years. MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 5 of 7B) What are the classifications of computer fraud? Explain clearly the ways to prevent and detectfraud and abuse (5 marks)[Answer here] The types or classification of the computer fraud is as follows:a. distribution of the Hoax mail is also considered as a type of the compture fraud where thehacker takes the undue advantage of the system of the victim.b. another type of computer fraud includes the unauthorised access to the somebody’s computerand the same is utilised by the person other than the owner.c. other types of the computer fraud involves theft of the input data. Here the data used as inputcould be altered, falsified, and understood how it would be covered to tracks.d. the same could be used for processor related fraud and the unauthorised use, which includestheft of the computer time and other services.e. Sometimes, it also includes the instructional frauds and these involves copying, andpreparation of the software to unauthorised access.f. the data fraud could also takes plsace via using or browsing or searching the harming data ordamaging or defecting the same.g. the least or last method could be to temper with the output and ths same could be stolen,copied, misused, such as television signal. Question 2:A) Identify and discuss two common methods of production planning in Productioncycle activities. (5 marks)[Answer here]MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 6 of 7 Production cycle is considered as the recurring set of the business activities that takes placearound the business activities and processing the operations which has a relation with theproducts manufacturing. The methods of production planning could be as follows:a. the primary method of the production planning could be job planning. This is primarily usedwhere the customer specification is paramount. It is generally used in the small setup andprimarily helps the company finish all the related work.b. batch planning: in this method, the division of the method falls upon the manufacturingsegments or the components into parts. Here all the assembly or sub-assembly needs to befinished before the final product is completed.c. flow planning is also considered as one of the methods to the improve the material flow andmultiple lines are running simultaneously such as sub-assembly, assembly, batches andcomponents etc.d. Process planning: it is used mainly in the process manufacturing where the raw material isused on a continuous basis. the production method is generally continuous in nature and thesame is considered better in all respects.E. production planning at mass level: the mass level planning includes the automated or processmanufacturing and utilizes the techniques such as balanced production or the product wiselayouts. In the balanced production the highly commoditised process are reqiured and therequirement of the material is known too. B) Each stage of production cycle produces a separate set of documents. The imagebelow refers to which document and which stage it pertains to. Also discuss the other set ofdocuments generated by other stages of production cycle. (10 marks)MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 7 of 7[Answer here] Each set of the production requires various set of the documents and the same is following.a. the bill of material is used primarily in the listing the issuance of the each components. Suchmaterials are considered as one of the most primary documents.b. Another type of the document is considered as the product requirement document and thesame is being used for the manufacturing processes. It is considered as one of the mostimportant documents amongst all.c. The manufacturing build package document is also a complete product record that is requiredto be needed to provide procure and create the assembly. And the same is an important part ofthe product lifecycle management to speedup the new product developments.d. Technical files and CAD and other Gerber related documents are also an important part of themanufacturing build package. It includes mechanical, electrical, and or software componentsand the design and source code of the various technical information. MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 8 of 7Question 3:A) You are working as an Accounts Receivable Officer in Super Mart Store. Your Storemanager asked you to make a data flow context diagram of the following transaction:A customer made a payment on account of purchases made last month. The customerpayment was processed by receipt department and deposited in the bank. The remittanceadvice is forwarded to Account receivable department of updating of record. The creditmanager is informed about the receivable information from the customer. (10 marks)[Answer here]B) The store manager was confused with the context diagram and failed to figure out howthe payment receipt systems works, what are the processes involved and where and how ithappened. How can you assist him in understanding the customer payment system?Elaborate your answer with reference to other data flow diagrams. (5 marks)[Answer here] The payment receipts system takes place in multiple levels and the same is travelled throughthe follwinng path. Initially the payment is being received by the receipt department in either cashor in cheque and then it is deposited in the bank. Then the advices related to the remittancedepartment and the same is recorded in the books of the accounts. Then the flow of informationreaches the accounts receivable department and the appropriate adjustment is made on a AccountsReceivableDeptCreditManagerReceiptsDepartmentPayment MAC002 Final Examination Trimester 2 2020 Page 9 of 7 regular basis. Eventually the credit department is informed of the same and the flow of theinformation comes to an end. END OF EXAM PAPER