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automatic thinking | My Assignment Tutor

Grading for the discussion questions will be based on: Using appropriate APA style format to include in text citations and a reference listYou do not need a title page, headers, abstract for your discussion posts, you only need to use in text citations and add a reference list at the close of your discussion posts.You … Continue reading “automatic thinking | My Assignment Tutor”

Grading for the discussion questions will be based on: Using appropriate APA style format to include in text citations and a reference listYou do not need a title page, headers, abstract for your discussion posts, you only need to use in text citations and add a reference list at the close of your discussion posts.You must answer all questions posed for each discussion forum.A minimum of at least 500 words to be an acceptable response to a discussion question. Chapter 3 What is automatic thinking, and what are the two major types of automatic thinking that people use? What are schemas, and why are they often adaptive? According to the authors of your text, priming is an automatic and nonconscious process. When you watch TV and movies, you are often exposed to examples of advertisers attempting to prime you to buy their products. Give a recent example and be sure to include in your answer how it represents priming Chapter 4 In Heider’s attribution theory, attributions are dichotomous—that is, there are two possible attributions a person can make about another’s behavior. Describe both of these types of attributions, and then provide an example of each type of attribution one could make about why someone is running late for a meeting. Making attributions about others’ behaviors is a multi-step process. How many steps are involved? What attribution do people tend to initially make, and when would individuals proceed past the initial step? Define the fundamental attribution error and discuss why it occurs.


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