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BTEC HND in Computing | My Assignment Tutor

HND Assignment BriefSession: September 2020/February 2021Programme titleBTEC HND in ComputingUnit number and title06Managing a Successful Computing Project (RQFL4)Assignment number &title1 of 1Unit Leader–Assessor (s)Dr Hisham AbouGrad/ J. ArreymbiIssue Date25/09/2020Final assignmentsubmission deadline07 – 12 June 2021/04 – 09 January 2020Late submissiondeadline14 – 19 June 2021/11 – 16 January 2020The learners are required to follow the strict … Continue reading “BTEC HND in Computing | My Assignment Tutor”

HND Assignment BriefSession: September 2020/February 2021Programme titleBTEC HND in ComputingUnit number and title06Managing a Successful Computing Project (RQFL4)Assignment number &title1 of 1Unit Leader–Assessor (s)Dr Hisham AbouGrad/ J. ArreymbiIssue Date25/09/2020Final assignmentsubmission deadline07 – 12 June 2021/04 – 09 January 2020Late submissiondeadline14 – 19 June 2021/11 – 16 January 2020The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by theCollege for submissions of assignments in accordance with theBTEC level 4 – 7 submission guidelines and College policy onsubmissions.Resubmission deadlineTBAFeedbackIn-class feedback will be available from draft submissions on atask-by-task basis as a formative feedback and also for initialsubmission.Final feedback will be available within 2 – 3 weeks of theassignment submission date. GeneralGuidelines• The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quoteor an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.• Include a list of references at the end of your document. You mustgive all your sources of information.• Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readilyunderstandable English.• Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”. Internal verifierDr M. J. HasanSignature (IV ofthe brief) *mj.jobs@gmail.comDate23/09/2020 Department of Information Technology Page 2 of 7 ICON College of Technology and ManagementBTEC HND in ComputingUnit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project (RQF L4)Session: September 2020/February 2021CourseworkRecommended maximum words 3,000 You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the CourseworkDocument” before answering your assignment.ASSIGNMENTAim & ObjectiveThis coursework is designed to demonstrate the broad understanding and knowledge of themodule, assessing and evaluating the student’s strength and level of analysis; divided intofour learning outcomes. The coursework should be submitted as one document in a reportformat.Assignment Scenario:The Pearson-set theme for use for managing successful computing project is;Internet of ThingsThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the term which refers to the ever-growing network of physicalobjects with embedded sensors which can connect together via the internet allowingcommunication to occur between these objects and many other Internet-enabled devices andsystems.The IoT is quickly becoming a necessary aspect of people’s daily lives. Physical items cannow sense and collect data which can be controlled through digital and smart technology.The IoT extends internet connectivity beyond traditional devices like desktop and laptopcomputers, smartphones and tablets to a diverse range of devices that can utilise embeddedtechnology such as security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic appliances, lights,medical equipment and so on. These devices, often called “connected” or “smart” devices,can talk to other related devices (i.e., machine-to-machine (M2M) communication) and act onthe information they get from one another. Along with the many benefits there is alsoconsiderable concern over the IoT which must be overcome in order to harness the power ofthis flow of information.As an IT researcher, you are assigned a project to research on the impact of the IoT on theday to day interactions we have with the gadgets – for example in our home (smart homes),our office (smart buildings) and in the local environment (smart cities); and explore the waysthis may further impact individuals and society both positively and negatively. The outcomeof your research project is expected to be a complete technical report to establish a solidunderstanding of the IoT concepts and applications, and their positive andchallenging (negative) impacts.Department of Information Technology Page 3 of 7To conduct this research project, you need follow four stages:1. Develop a proper project plan for your research project. The project plan should defineand explain the research aim and objectives; identify the activities that you are going todo in your research (including their sub-activities and details – i.e. work-breakdownstructure); the sequence and time estimation of the activities and the main milestones(i.e. time plan/Gantt Chart); the required resources for each activity and their costs (i.e.resource and cost pans); and your plans to manage the quality, risk andcommunication of your research. A project logbook can help you to develop the plansabove more effectively.2. Define a clear research method, including source(s) of data (e.g. literature, secondarydata, industry experts, or consumers); type of data (qualitative and/or quantitative);data collection method (e.g. literature survey, interview, and survey); data analysismethod (e.g. descriptive presentation, thematic analysis, or statistical methods); andresearch validity and reliability.3. Analyse and present the collected data (quantitative and/or qualitative as well asliterature review), with appropriate tools and in a proper format, and discuss the resultsin detail. Accordingly, you need to provide your recommendations on the IoTapplications and impacts, and draw valid and meaningful conclusions.4. Provide a proper reflection on (a) the value of the research to meet your projectobjectives (b) your own learning in this research project, and (c) the value andcontribution of the project planning/management in conducting the research andachieving its objectives.Notes:• The main activities of your research (e.g. literature review, data collection and dataanalysis) should be identified in the project plan (stage 1 above), details of the researchmethod should be explained in the research method (stage 2 above), the outcomes ofthe research and its relevant analyses should be presented in stage 3 above), and aproper reflection on the research outcomes as well as the value of research and projectplanning (to manage the research project) should be presented in stage 4. Criticalevaluation of (a) the project management process, (b) research methods, (c) theproject outcomes, and (d) the adjustment made to the initial project plan to conduct theresearch better; is needed to enhance the quality of your assignment.• Your finding maybe evaluated and compared with existing reports published,synthesised with data gathered in producing a comprehensive conclusion andrecommendation. Quality, Authenticity, Accuracy and Reliability of information sourcesused in the report is paramount and hence you should take all precaution in usingoutside sources especially that of statistical nature and/or open source data. Wholesaleuse of text and diagrams from websites considered plagiarism.• The project logbook is designed to provide evidence of the project developmentprocess and ongoing reflection. It should provide evidence of thought, direction ofproject and in particular, what problems encountered and steps taken to address them.• The performance review will provide evidence of reflection and evaluation of the projectmanagement process and individual performance.Based on the above scenario, you are required to research and produce report that contains(but not limited to) the following requirements:Project Plan, including project title, an overview of the research problem, scope,aim(s)/objectives, and project time, resource, cost, quality, communication, and riskplans.Department of Information Technology Page 4 of 7Every project is unique yet all project should adhere the three constraints (scope, time, andcost), and to meet these three requirements the project management should as well includework breakdown structure and Gantt chart that should include milestones providingtimeframes and stages for completion.The project requirement may include a number of different documents, some of which are soessential that project deemed to be a failure without following a robust project managementplan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.Research MethodsThere are many methods that can be used to enquire and collect data, which in turns may beinfluenced by the underpinning methodology thus broadly studied and discussed as(qualitative, quantitative). You are to establish and evaluate the most suitablemethodology/method for which data acquisition is conducted and analysed with criticalevaluation of the project management process and appropriate research methodologiesapplied.Findings: analysis, discussion and recommendationsRaw data collected cannot by itself express reality and/or establish knowledge, the data isrequired to be analysed and evaluated. This analysis should then be used to form the basisto draw conclusions. For this research on the IoT, literature can be a good source ofknowledge, and the outcomes of your literature review should be shared in this section(before analysing othe primary and/or secondary data).Further analysis of data (primary and/or secondary) should provide a wider view of the IoTapplications and their impacts.The final part of the research is the conclusions and recommendation, this naturally flowsand is established from the above discussions of secondary and primary research conductedand analysed. Evaluate the selected techniques and tools for rightness and validity tosupport and justify recommendations made.ReflectionOne of the unique characteristics of human beings is the ability to apprehend reality througha process of analysis and synthesis of observable phenomena. As a researcher you shouldcritically evaluate and reflect on the success of the project, the decision-making process andits usefulness in supporting organisational performance, and hence the impact of your ownperformance and justification of recommendations and learnings in this project.Note: Please devise a section in your report as appendices and attach all the documents asa separate file(s). Without appropriate evidence(s) your assignment will not be marked.• the Project Logbook• Performance Review• Any other document(s)Relevant InformationTo gain a Pass in a BTEC HND Unit, you must meet ALL the Pass criteria; to gain a Merit,you must meet ALL the Merit and Pass criteria; and to gain a Distinction, you must meet ALLthe Distinction, Merit and Pass criteriaDepartment of Information Technology Page 5 of 71. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinctionLO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosentheme.LO1 & 2D1 Critically evaluatethe projectmanagement processand appropriateresearchmethodologiesapplied.P1 Devise project aims and objectives for achosen scenario.P2 Produce a project management plan thatcovers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,communication, risk and resources.P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and aGantt Chart to provide timeframes and stagesfor completion.M1 Produce a comprehensiveproject management plan,milestone schedule and projectschedule for monitoring andcompleting the aims andobjectives of the project.LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection togenerate knowledge to support the project.P4 Carry out small-scale research by applyingqualitative and quantitative research methodsappropriate for meeting project aims andobjectives.M2 Evaluate the accuracy andreliability of different researchmethods applied.LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations basedon meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.LO3 & 4D2 Critically evaluateand reflect on theproject outcomes, thedecision-makingprocess and changesor developments of theinitial projectmanagement plan tosupport justification ofrecommendations andlearning during theproject.P5 Analyse research and data usingappropriate tools and techniques.P6 Communicate appropriaterecommendations as a result of research anddata analysis to draw valid and meaningfulconclusions.M3 Evaluate the selection ofappropriate tools and techniquesfor accuracy and authenticity tosupport and justifyrecommendations.LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness tosupport sustainable organisational performance.P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking theresearch to meet stated objectives and ownlearning and performance.M4 Evaluate the value of theproject management processand use of quality research tomeet stated objectives andsupport own learning andperformance. 2. Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Documenta) All coursework must be word processed.b) Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4inch).c) Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 point including the headings andbody text.d) Standard and commonly used type face such as Times new Roman or Arial etc shouldbe used.e) All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered.f) Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within thetext using Harvard standardg) Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.h) Word limit must be strictly followed.3. Plagiarism and CollusionAny act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In thiscontext the definition and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presented below:Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directlyfrom the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as anindividual effort.Collusion is copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student andsubmitting it as your own work.Department of Information Technology Page 6 of 7Suspected plagiarism or collusion will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealtwith according to the college procedure. (For details on Plagiarism & Collusion please see thestudent hand book)4. SubmissionInitial submission of coursework to the tutors is compulsory in each unit of the course.Student must check their assignments on ICON VLE with plagiarism software TurnItIn to makesure the similarity index for their assignment stays within the College approved level. A studentcan check the similarity index of their assignment three times in the Draft Assignment submissionpoint located in the home page of the ICON VLE.All Final coursework must be submitted to the Final submission point into the unit (not to the Tutor).A student would be allowed to submit only once and that is the final submission.Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part of thecoursework must be submitted as an attachment to the assignment with all documentation.The student must attach a tutor’s comment in between the cover page and the answer sheets inthe case of Resubmission.5. Good practiceMake backup of your work in different media (hard disk, floppy disk, memory stick etc) to avoiddistress for loss or damage of your original copy6. Extension and Late SubmissionIf you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using an extenuatingcircumstances request form available from the college exam office and ICON VLE. Please notethat the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore donot ask them to award a coursework extension. The completed form must be accompanied byevidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sickLate submission will be accepted and marked according to the college procedure. It is noted thatlate submission may result in grading from PASS.7. Submission deadlines Formative feedbackWeek 122Final submission07 – 12 June 2021/04 – 09 January 2020Late Submission14 – 19 June 2021/11 – 16 January 2020 Submit to: Online to the ICON VLE onlyGlossary:Analyse: Break an issue or topic into smaller parts by looking in depth at each part. Supporteach part with arguments and evidence for and against (Pros and cons)Critically Evaluate/Analyse: When you critically evaluate you look at the arguments for andagainst an issue. You look at the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments. This couldbe from an article you read in a journal or from a text book.Discuss: When you discuss you look at both sides of a discussion. You look at both sides ofthe arguments. Then you look at the reason why it is important (for) then you look at thereason why it is important (against).Explain: When you explain you must say why it is important or not important.Evaluate: When you evaluate you look at the arguments for and against an issue.Department of Information Technology Page 7 of 7Describe: When you give an account or representation of in words.Identify: When you identify you look at the most important points.Define: State or describe the nature, scope or meaning.Implement: Put into action/use/effectCompare: Identify similarities and differencesExplore: To find out aboutRecommend: Suggest/put forward as being appropriate, with reasons why


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