Level: 6Module: Business AnalyticAssignment Code:LUBM303Canvas & Jira/Web services Deadline:Tuesday 4th May 2021 by 2pmContribution to module assessment: 100% AssignmentModule Leader: John Opoku Learning outcomes.Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:KnowledgeLo1. Improved knowledge in the collection and analysis of a variety of data.Lo2. Ability to uunderstand and interpret business problems including basic demand … Continue reading “Business Analytic LUBM303 | My Assignment Tutor”
Level: 6Module: Business AnalyticAssignment Code:LUBM303Canvas & Jira/Web services Deadline:Tuesday 4th May 2021 by 2pmContribution to module assessment: 100% AssignmentModule Leader: John Opoku Learning outcomes.Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:KnowledgeLo1. Improved knowledge in the collection and analysis of a variety of data.Lo2. Ability to uunderstand and interpret business problems including basic demand and supply analysis.Skills:S1. Critical thinking and analysis skillsS2. Skills in data analysis and produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in an organisation contextS3. Develop skills in using software generated information to make decisions at operational, tactical and strategic levels in anorganisation.Requirements:You must answer any Three questions. Each question that is attempted will carry a maximum mark of 33 and 1mark forpresentation.Word limit is 3,500.Question 1Jonathan, operations manager of Milton Keynes farms limited (MKF Ltd.) lacks strong insight in any realistic business decisionmaking. However, he has been able to use the cost diagram below to illustrate and influence costing decisions in the company, MKFLtd:According to Jonathan, his budgeted annual output is 180,000 units, fixed cost amount to £60,000, variable costs is £0.75 per unitand the sales price is £2.00 per unit.Required:a) Develop a mathematical model using the cost information above. (7 Marks)b). Calculate the profit or loss of MKF Ltd. using the above information. (6 marks)Draw a graph with a spreadsheet, for a five-year projection from January 2022 taking into consideration an annual expected increaseof 8% in variable cost and 5% increase in both output and sales price (NB. The changes must take effect from 2022). (8 marks)d) Critically analyse and comment on the costing and revenue behaviour before and after your projections. (12 marks.)Question 2The figures below represent expenditure on advertising and sales revenue of a manufacturer of fitness equipment, Run-Well limitedbetween the period of 2016 to 2020. YearAdvertising expenditure (X)Sales revenue (Y)(£000s)(£000S)201626020175902018470201961002020380 Assuming you are a newly employed graduate business analyst, you are required to:a) Calculate the correlation coefficient of advertising/sales and comment on your results.(10 marks)b) Plot a scatter diagram of the data and discuss the pattern of the relationship of the variables.(8 marks)c) Critically analyse the impact of advertising expenditure on sales and advise the marketing manager on how the company cangain a competitive advantage in the fitness industry by adopting other relevant marketing strategies. (15 marks)Question 3Raincoat Plc. produces and install ceiling materials. Below is the company’s estimated profit statement for the next accounting year,prepared using marginal costing principles. Per unit££Selling price440,000Variable costs:Labour140,000Materials102,000Contribution198,000Less Fixed Costs:Administration40,000Other50,00090,000Profit108,000 Two suggestions have been made in an attempt to improve profit for next year: One by the operations manager and the other by themarketing Manager.1.Operations manager’s suggestionThe operations manager has suggested that cheaper materials could be used, which will reduce total material cost to £80,000.However, this will require additional fixed costs of £24,000 to cover the inspection of the cheaper materials.2. Marketing manager’s suggestionThe marketing manager has suggested an intensive advertising campaign. He estimates that this will increase sales volume by 20%over the estimated amount above. Variable cost as a percentage of sales revenue would not be affected by this option but extra fixedcost of £45,000 will be incurred to cover the advertising campaign.As a graduate business analyst in Raincoat, you are tasked to:a) Determine: i.ii.The company’s breakeven point (3 marks)The margin of safety as a percentage of estimated sales. (3 marks) for each of the original estimates, operations, and marketing manager’s suggestion.b) On purely financial grounds explain whether Raincoat Plc. should adopt the original plan or amend it in line with either theoperations manager’s or marketing manager’s suggestion. (6 marks)c) What factors (not included in your analysis above should Raincoat Plc’s management consider before committing a companyto the course of action. (6marks)(d) Critically analyse the benefits and limitations of the breakeven model, its application in marginal costing and as a businessstrategy for Raincoat Plc. (15 marks)Question 4As part of an interview for a position as a Graduate Business Analysts for the Internal revenue service in UK, you are required todemonstrate your research and business analytical skills. As a result, you are tasked to:a (i) Research the monthly digest of statistics or the national statistical archives for any two economic variables which you think maybe correlated (e.g., retail price index/employment, inflation/money supply, GDP/employment etc.) and(ii) Critically analyse and present your results in writing to the interview panel.Bear in mind the dangers of spurious correlation and seeking other factors, which may be influencing your data, including outliers.Interpretation may be simpler if you select cross sectional data taken at the same point in time (e.g., regional figures) rather thanlongitudinal data taken over a ten-year period. (33 marks) CategoriesGradeRelevanceKnowledgeAnalysisArgument andStructureCritical EvaluationPresentationReference toLiterature86 –100%The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to theLevel of the qualification. There is also ample excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularlycompelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.76-85%The work examined is outstanding and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of thequalification. There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied.At this level it is expected that the work will be outstanding in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compellingevaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.70 –75%The work examined is excellent and is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisfied At this level it isexpected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation andelegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.60 –69%Directly relevantto therequirements ofthe assessmentA substantialknowledge ofstrategymaterial,showing a cleargrasp ofthemes,questions andissues thereinA goodstrategicanalysis,clear andorderlyGenerally coherentand logicallystructured, usingan appropriatemode of argumentand/or theoreticalmode(s)May contain somedistinctive orindependent thinking;may begin to formulatean independentposition in relation tostrategic theory and/orpractice.Well written, withstandard spellingand grammar, in areadable style withacceptable formatCritical appraisal ofup-todate and/orappropriateliterature.Recognition ofdifferentperspectives.Very good use ofsource material.Uses a range ofsources50 –59%Some attempt toaddress therequirements ofthe assessment:may drift awayfrom this in lessfocusedpassagesAdequateknowledge of afair range ofrelevantstrategymaterial, withintermittentevidence of anSomeanalyticaltreatment, butmay be proneto description,or tonarrative,which lacksclearSome attempt toconstruct acoherentargument, but maysuffer loss of focusand consistency,with issues atstake stated onlyvaguely, orSound work whichexpresses a coherentposition only in broadterms and in uncriticalconformity to one ormore standard viewsof strategy.Competentlywritten, with onlyminor lapses fromstandard grammar,with acceptableformatUses a variety ofliterature whichincludes somerecent strategictexts and/orappropriateliterature, thoughnot necessarilyincluding a appreciation ofits significanceanalyticalpurposetheoretical mode(s)couched insimplistic termssubstantive amountbeyond library texts.Competent use ofsource material.40 –49%Some correlationwith therequirements ofthe assessmentbut there areinstances ofirrelevanceBasicunderstandingof the strategybut addressinga limited rangeof materialLargelydescriptive ornarrative, withlittle evidenceof analysisA basic argumentis evident, butmainly supportedby assertion andthere may be alack of clarity andcoherenceSome evidence of aview starting to beformed but mainlyderivative.A simple basicstyle but withsignificantdeficiencies inexpression orformat that maypose obstacles forthe readerSome up-to-dateand/or appropriateliterature used.Goes beyond thematerial tutor hasprovided. Limiteduse of sources tosupport a point.35 –39%Relevance to therequirements ofthe assessmentmay be veryintermittent, andmay be reducedto its vaguestand leastchallengingtermsA limitedunderstandingof a narrowrange ofstrategicmaterial.Heavydependenceondescription,and/or onparaphrase,is commonLittle evidence ofcoherentargument: lacksdevelopment andmay be repetitiveor thinAlmost whollyderivative: the writer’scontribution rarelygoes beyondsimplifying paraphraseNumerousdeficiencies inexpression andpresentation; thewriter may achieveclarity (if at all) onlyby using asimplistic orrepetitious styleBarely adequateuse of literature.Over reliance onmaterial provided bythe tutor.The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied – forcompensation consideration.30 –34%The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. Theevidence provided shows that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak insome of the indicators.15-29%The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of thequalification. The evidence shows that few of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will beweak in several of the indicators. 0-14%The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of thequalification. The evidence fails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work willbe weak in the majority or all of the indicators. Generic Assessment Criteria – UndergraduateThese should be interpreted according to the level at which you are working and related to the assessment criteria for the module11Notes: