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Business Intelligence systems and technologies | My Assignment Tutor

Business Intelligence1Pearson BTEC HND in Computing(RQF)Unit 14: Business Intelligence (L5)Week 3LO2Learning Outcome 2: Compare the tools and technologies associatedwith business intelligence functionality.AgendaBusiness Intelligence systems and technologies• Introducing the systems and technologies associatedwith business intelligence functionality.Business decision support• Introducing the type of support for business decisionsat operational tactical and strategic levels within anorganisation.Student activity and discussion … Continue reading “Business Intelligence systems and technologies | My Assignment Tutor”

Business Intelligence1Pearson BTEC HND in Computing(RQF)Unit 14: Business Intelligence (L5)Week 3LO2Learning Outcome 2: Compare the tools and technologies associatedwith business intelligence functionality.AgendaBusiness Intelligence systems and technologies• Introducing the systems and technologies associatedwith business intelligence functionality.Business decision support• Introducing the type of support for business decisionsat operational tactical and strategic levels within anorganisation.Student activity and discussion : Students to findexamples of business decisions that are made within anorganisation at the operational, tactical and strategiclevels.Business Intelligence2What is Business Intelligence?• A segment of information technology that comprisessoftware systems that enable finding, storing,organising and supplying data; when incorporated intoan information system, it enables company to utilisereal-time analysis of informationwww.ITToolbox.com• software that enables business users to see and uselarge amounts of complex data (e.g. multi-dimensionalanalysis, query tools, data mining tools)www.sdgcomputing.com• a category of applications and technologies forgathering, storing, analysing, reporting on andproviding access to data to help enterprise users makebetter business decisionsCognos (www.cognos.com)What does Business Intelligence do?• BI lets organisations access, analyse, and shareinformation internally with employees andexternally with customers, suppliers, and partnerswww.businessobjects.com• BI helps corporations transform their operationaldata into actionable information; helps meetquery reporting and advanced analytical needswww.microstrategy.com• It helps decision makers make better decisionsfaster at both strategic and operating levels(Vitt, E., Luckevich, M. and Misner, S., 2002. Business Intelligence, Microsoft Corporation)Business Intelligence3What is Business Intelligence System?• BIS is an information system that provides BI tobusiness decision makers at different levels oforganisation (operational, tactical, strategic levels)• BIS is an information system that turns selecteddata, information, and/or knowledge into desiredintelligence for business gain.Role of BIS• Provide decision makers with the ability tounderstand (i.e., the intelligence to gain insightsinto) the relationships of presented facts in the formof data, information, and knowledge in order toguide action toward a desired actionable goal.Power, D. J., & Heavin, C. (2017). Decision support, analytics, and business intelligence.Business Expert Press.Business Intelligence4Evolution of BIS• 1950s Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)• 1960s Management Information Systems (MIS) • 1970sOffice Automation SystemsDecision Support Systems (DSS) • 1980s DSS ExpandedCommercial applications of Expert SystemsExecutive Information Systems (EIS) • 1990sGroup Support SystemsIntegrated, hybrid computer systems • 2000s Data Driven BIS a nd Big data analyticsBasden, A. (2017). The Foundations of Information Systems: Research and Practice.Routledge.Data-Driven BISData-driven BIS• information systems that provide BI through access andmanipulation of large databases of structured data• includes tools for• “drill down” for more detailed information• “drill up” for broader, more summarised view• “slice and dice” for a change in data dimensionsBusiness Intelligence5Data-Driven BISData-Driven BISBusiness Intelligence6Data-Driven BISTimeLeverling$201,196Davolio$182,500“Slicing” the cubeP r o d uctPeacock$225,764Fuller$162,504Dodsworth$75,048King$116,963Suyama$72,528Callahan$123,033Buchanan$68,792Data-Driven BISPeacockLeverlingBuchananQ1 Q2 Q3 Q4SuyamanKingDodsworthCallahanDavolioFuller“Dicing” the cube$225,764$72,528$201,196$116,963$162,504$75,048$182,500$123,033$68,792$22,719$6,858$16,035$23,181Business Intelligence7Typical relational data-baseMulti-dimensional ModellingFrom Traditional Relational to Multi-dimensionalMore BIS technologies• Data warehouses• Enable decision makers to “pull” BI from a largecentralised repository• created to support the information requirements of anorganisation’s decision makers.• OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems• Enable decision makers to build and work with analyticalmodels easily and view the output in multipledimensions• Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)• Go beyond relationships found in information allowingdecision makers to extract patterns, trends, correlationsthat underlie the interworkings of a company currentlyand over timeBusiness Intelligence8Summary• Vendors define BIS according to what their products can dofor the business enterprise• Limited in scope; mostly refers to data analysis,querying and reporting• Non-vendors refer to BIS as a process, an organisationalfunction, and a product• Process – of converting data into actionable information– from unstructured data to keen insight andunderstanding of interrelationships of presented facts• Organisational function – strategic managementfunction that affects the entire or major part oforganisation• Product – processed information for the purpose ofsupporting business decision making


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