This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing theirassessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on anywebsite. Any infringements of this rule should be reported of Engineering, Environment and Computing7059CEM/M03CDE (Digital Signal and Image Processing)Assignment Brief 2020/21 Module TitleDigital Image and … Continue reading “completing their assessed work | My Assignment Tutor”
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing theirassessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on anywebsite. Any infringements of this rule should be reported of Engineering, Environment and Computing7059CEM/M03CDE (Digital Signal and Image Processing)Assignment Brief 2020/21 Module TitleDigital Image and Signal ProcessingIndCohortJANMAYModule Code7059CEM/M03CDECoursework Title (e.g. CWK1)CW1Hand out date:22/03/2021Lecturer: Mathias Foo, Olivier Haas, Ye Liu (ML)Due date:09/04/2021, 18:00, GMTEstimated Time (hrs): 25Word Limit*: 3000Coursework type:Individual% of Module Mark33%Submission arrangement online via Aula:File types and method of recording:Mark and Feedback date: 23/04/21Mark and Feedback method (e.g. in lecture, written via Gradebook): Aula Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:1. Apply the principles of digital image processing both theoretically and practically, to objectdetection and tracking and machine vision.2. Evaluate the techniques for image enhancement applications both theoretically and practically.Task and Mark distribution:The main purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate understanding and critical evaluation of imageprocessing techniques for a real-world problem. The assignment evaluates the performance of imageprocessing techniques such as image enhancement, edge detections and filtering in the presence of noise.Figure 1: A block diagram of the edge detection technique for an image distorted by noise.A general block diagram of the procedure to be carried out in the assignment is given in Fig. 1.The assignment details are provided in the following table. Note that you will be provided with a uniqueimage, edge detection algorithm, noise type which can be found in the file named“7059CEM_M03CDE_2021_S2_Student_allocation.xlsx” in Aula. Convertimage tograyscaleAdd noiseinto theimageApply noiseremovaltechnique Apply edgeDetection This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing theirassessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on anywebsite. Any infringements of this rule should be reported Part Assignment Details MarksAi)ii)iii)Input the colour image into MATLAB and separate the three colour(RGB) components. Analyse the individual colour component andestablish a dominant colour component.Analyse the dominant component of the image (either R, G or B) andjustify the selection of the most appropriate edge detection algorithm.Your selected edge detector should not include low pass filtering. Applyyour selected edge detection algorithm to the dominant component ofthe image. Critically evaluate your results for different threshold(s) valuesand determine the optimal threshold(s) for edge detection.Apply histogram equalisation to the dominant component to alter thecontrast of the image. Apply the edge detection with the optimalthreshold value determined in A(ii). Critically evaluate the results in A(iii)and A(ii).102010Bi)ii)iii)Add noise to the dominant component of the image with the given noisevariances (noise type and variances are given in a separate file in AULAand you need to run the simulation for each noise separately). Criticallyevaluate the performance of the edge detection technique in thepresence of noise.Devised a noise removal methodology to clean the image and restore itback to its original state as much as possible. Apply the noise removaltechnique you have devised to the image distorted by noise to clean theimage. Critically evaluate the results.After noise removal, apply the edge detection algorithm to the denoisedimage. Compare the results with the one obtained in B(i) and A(ii).Investigate if you can improve the edge detection of the cleaned signal inB(ii) by varying the threshold(s) level(s).103010C Write a concise report covering the details in Parts A and B. Keep theformat of this similar as to that you would use in your Final Year ProjectDissertation. Do not overload your report with images. You MUSTinclude the complete source course in Appendix. You may also add theimportant parts of the code in the main body of the report to help youexplain your methods.10 This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing theirassessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on anywebsite. Any infringements of this rule should be reported Rubric GRADEANSWER RELEVANCEARGUMENT &COHERENCEEVIDENCESUMMARYFirst≥70Innovative response,answers the question fully,addressing the learningobjectives of theassessment task. Evidenceof critical analysis,synthesis and evaluation.A clear, consistent indepth critical andevaluative argument,displaying the ability todevelop original ideasfrom a range of sources.Engagement withtheoretical and conceptualanalysis.Wide range ofappropriately supportingevidence provided, goingbeyond the recommendedtexts. Correctlyreferenced.An outstanding, wellstructured andappropriately referencedanswer, demonstrating ahigh degree ofunderstanding and criticalanalytic skills.Upper Second60-69A very good attempt toaddress the objectives ofthe assessment task withan emphasis on thoseelements requiring criticalreview.A generally clear line ofcritical and evaluativeargument is presented.Relationships betweenstatements and sectionsare easy to follow, andthere is a sound, coherentstructure.A very good range ofrelevant sources is used ina largely consistent way assupporting evidence.There is use of somesources beyondrecommended texts.Correctly referenced in themain.The answer demonstratesa very good understandingof theories, concepts andissues, with evidence ofreading beyond therecommended minimum.Well organised and clearlywritten.Lower Second50-59Competently addressesobjectives, but maycontain errors oromissions and criticaldiscussion of issues maybe superficial or limited inplaces.Some critical discussion,but the argument is notalways convincing, and thework is descriptive inplaces, with over-relianceon the work of others.A range of relevantsources is used, but thecritical evaluation aspect isnot fully presented. Thereis limited use of sourcesbeyond the standardrecommended materials.Referencing is not alwayscorrectly presented.The answer demonstratesa good understanding ofsome relevant theories,concepts and issues, butthere are some errors andirrelevant materialincluded. The structurelacks clarity.Third40-49Addresses most objectivesof the assessment task,with some notableomissions. The structureis unclear in parts, andthere is limited analysis.The work is descriptivewith minimal criticaldiscussion and limitedtheoretical engagement.A limited range of relevantsources used withoutappropriate presentationas supporting orconflicting evidencecoupled with very limitedcritical analysis.Referencing has someerrors.Some understanding isdemonstrated but isincomplete, and there isevidence of limitedresearch on the topic.Poor structure andpresentation, with fewand/or poorly presentedreferences.Fail