Format: Your response must be in a word document (not google docs) or PDF. It must be doublespaced, 12 pt font, 1″ margin, your name at the top right hand corner and the title of theassignment “Course Project” must be centered. Limit your writing to no more than 4 pages.You must proof read your assignment … Continue reading “Course Project | My Assignment Tutor”
Format: Your response must be in a word document (not google docs) or PDF. It must be doublespaced, 12 pt font, 1″ margin, your name at the top right hand corner and the title of theassignment “Course Project” must be centered. Limit your writing to no more than 4 pages.You must proof read your assignment prior to submission (you are only eligible for half creditif you do not proof read your assignment). Remember that there is a writing center at yourdisposal (your student fees pay for the writing center, use it).Assignment: your assignment is the same as the one Garfinkle assigned to his students. You mustviolate everyday assumptions being followed at home. Make sure you do this casually and not asa joke.Address the following prompts (each prompt should be answered in a paragraph and mustflow/transition to the next paragraph…this is also the format/outline of your paper):• Paragraph 1: In your own words, what is ethnomethodology? How isethnomethodology related to everyday assumptions? What happens when peoplebreak everyday assumptions?Now you will have personal experience with ethnomethodology:• Paragraph 2: First, identify which everyday assumptions you will violate (you mustchoose at least 3). Make sure you tell me what they are. What type of norms arethese?• Paragraph 3: Next choose a family member or members you will violate theseassumptions on. You must violate all 3 norms on each family member you havechosen as your subject. Tell me who these family members are.• Violate the norms and take note of the interaction…. (nothing to write about for thisprompt)• Paragraph 4: DATA: Make sure you write down how the family member(s) reactedto each of the violations (make sure to indicate how you violated the norm and whattheir reaction was). For this section of your paper, detail is of key importance.• Paragraph 5: Finally, interview your family member(s) and ask them how they feltwhen you violated each of the norms (make sure this is done after the interaction hastaken place and you have written up all the previous parts).• Paragraph 6: Reflection: what did you learn about how the social structure guidesour behavior in a face to face setting (this is a micro analysis).If you do not understand the assignment, make sure you read chapter 4 in the section ofMicro Sociology and ask questions.RubricRubric for ethnomethodology assignment Rubric for ethnomethodology assignmentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeFormat of PaperAll required formatting: proper title, 12 ptfont, times new roman, 1″ margin, doublespaced, name at top right corner. Ofimportance, paper is free of grammatical,sentence structure, and punctuationerrors. Paper does not exceed 4 pages.1ptsFull MarksEverythingwasfollowed.0 ptsNo MarksThere were problemswith the formatting ofthe paper…at least oneof the requirementswas not met.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeExplanation ofethnomethodology and everydayassumptionsPaper includes a through and logicalexplanation of ethnomethodology andhow everyday assumptions are related. Inaddition, the paper explains what happenswhen the assumptions are violated. Thisis done in the student’s own words andnot simply copying the book or otheronline sources.1ptsFull MarksEthnomethodology isexplained as it relatesto everydayassumptions, norms,and sanctions.0 ptsNo MarksThere wereproblemswith theexplanation.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcome5 norms are identified to violatePaper identifies 5 everyday assumptionswe make in the home and indicates howeach of the 5 will be violated. In addition,the paper identifies the kind of normsthese everyday assumptions are.1ptsFull MarksThe prompt isadequatelyaddressed andeasy tounderstand.0 ptsNo MarksThere are problemsunderstanding thenorms or they aremisidentified.1 pts Rubric for ethnomethodology assignmentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeSubjects of experimentThe paper identifies at least 1 familymember whom the norms will be violatedon.1ptsFull MarksFamily memberis identified0 ptsNo MarksFamily member isnot identified1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeViolations of normsPaper has a discussion of each of thenorms that were violated: what norm wasviolated, how the norm was violated andthe sanction received for violating thenorm (good, detailed description).1ptsFull MarksGood detail onthe violation ofall 5 norms,withoutconfusion.0 ptsNo MarksIt is unclear whatthe researcher didin the experimentor the sanctionsreceived.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeInterviewDescription of interview regarding howthe subject felt about the violation of thenorms is clear and present for each of thenorms violated.1ptsFull MarksGood analysis ofreaction to violationof each norm.0 ptsNo MarksInterview ismissing orunclear.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeReflectionReflection about what was learned duringthe experiment (violation of norms andexposure to sanctions) is present and wellthought out.1ptsFull MarksWell thoughtout reflectionis present.0 ptsNo MarksA vague and generaldescription of whatwas learned isprovided or notdiscussed.1 pts Rubric for ethnomethodology assignmentCriteriaRatingsPtsTotal Points: 7