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Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing | My Assignment Tutor

Word count: _______(paragraph plus implicit statement)Name: ____________________________Student ID#: ______________________ Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing____________________________________________________________________________________Implicit Statement (Optional)____________________________________________________________________________________Main Argument Sub-argument __ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________ __ _________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________*Assignment (Logical Writing) Submission ChecklistYour assignment will be rejected if any of items 1-3 is incomplete.1) One statement in my paragraph has a source published since 2020 Dec … Continue reading “Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing | My Assignment Tutor”

Word count: _______(paragraph plus implicit statement)Name: ____________________________Student ID#: ______________________ Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing____________________________________________________________________________________Implicit Statement (Optional)____________________________________________________________________________________Main Argument Sub-argument __ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________ __ _________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________*Assignment (Logical Writing) Submission ChecklistYour assignment will be rejected if any of items 1-3 is incomplete.1) One statement in my paragraph has a source published since 2020 Dec 1.2) This statement (marked with * in my paragraph) has a footnote (also marked with *) that givesthe source TITLE, DATE (Year, Month, Day), and URL.3) The word count (paragraph plus implicit statement) is no more than 250 words.Items 4-9 are reminders of some important parts of this assignment.4) My main argument is a valid pattern in:Category Logic, and I list its categories and individual below the pattern.Statement Logic, and I list its simple statements below the pattern.5) My sub-argument is a valid pattern in:Category Logic, and I list its categories and individual below the pattern.Statement Logic, and I list its simple statements below the pattern.6) I have an extended argument (the sub-argument conclusion is a main argument premise).7) The statements (premises, conclusions, extra info) in my paragraph (including implicit statement)are numbered.8) The number of each statement in my paragraph corresponds to the number of the statementpattern in my logical analysis (below).9) The sentence structure of the statements in my paragraph matches the sentence structure of thestatement patterns in my logical analysis.(Here is an example of items 7-9: The paragraph has a numbered statement “⑤ No assignmentswithout a source published since 2020 Dec 1 are accepted.” and the logical analysis has the numberedstatement pattern “⑤ No Non-A are B.”, where A is Assignments With a Source Published Since2020 Dec 1 and B is Accepted Assignments.)


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