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Dynamic Balancing of Internal Combustion Engines | My Assignment Tutor

MP2784 Mechanics, Kinematics and Materials2020-20211 | P a g e A s s i g n m e n t B r i e fASSIGNMENTDynamic Balancing of Internal Combustion EnginesLEARNING OUTCOMESThe assignment is set to achieve following learning outcomes through practising to understandmechanics fundamentals and investigate dynamic balancing in design of internal combustion engines.1. Analyse … Continue reading “Dynamic Balancing of Internal Combustion Engines | My Assignment Tutor”

MP2784 Mechanics, Kinematics and Materials2020-20211 | P a g e A s s i g n m e n t B r i e fASSIGNMENTDynamic Balancing of Internal Combustion EnginesLEARNING OUTCOMESThe assignment is set to achieve following learning outcomes through practising to understandmechanics fundamentals and investigate dynamic balancing in design of internal combustion engines.1. Analyse the relationships between material, shape and internal/external loads in 1D and 2D.2. Show the relationships between material, shape and internal and external loads for 1D and2D applications.TIME SCHEDULEStart Date: Tuesday, the 26th of January 2021Due Dates:SUBMISSION:Both practical evidence and written coursework to submit via Turnitin on Blackboard byTuesday, the 23rd of March 2021.FEEDBACK:Available on Blackboard at 12 pm on Wednesday, the 27th of April 2021MP2784 Mechanics, Kinematics and Materials2020-20212 | P a g e A s s i g n m e n t B r i e fTASKS OF COURSEWORKThis coursework requires being finished individually. It consists of two parts. Each part addresses anaimed practice in a form of questions.PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF VECTORSUse MS Office Excel, or any other software, or software development tool you are familiar with, tomake or code a generic calculator for 2-dimensional vector addition. This calculator shall enable toadd up to 6 vectors. Each of them is given in the magnitude by a numerical value and the directionshown by an angle relative to a 2- coordinate system, for example, making to the x-axis.1. The calculator allows a user to input any vectors one by one with magnitude and direction,and then generate automatically a resultant of the vectors. It must be shown in magnitudeand angular direction to a 2- coordinate system consistently.2. To validate, you need to use the calculator, complete following 3 tests, and show the resultsin the calculator. Test 1Forces F1 and F2 have magnitudes of 80 N and 50 N, and are at angles of 40o and85o respectively relative to the x-axis. Find the magnitude and direction of R1.R1 = F1 + F2Test 2Vectors V1 and V2 have magnitudes of 9 and 12 units, and are at angles of 30o and60o respectively relative to the x-axis. Find the magnitude and direction of R2.R2 = V1 – V2Test 3There are 6 moments M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and M6, acting on a shaft. Given that:M1 is 500 Nm at the angular direction of 180o to some datum.M2 is 300 Nm at the angular direction of 60o.M3 is 100 Nm at the angular direction of 300o.M4 is 100 Nm at the angular direction of 0o.M5 is 300 Nm at the angular direction of 240o.M6 is 500 Nm at the angular direction of 120o.Find the magnitude and direction of R3.R3 = M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + M6 MP2784 Mechanics, Kinematics and Materials2020-20213 | P a g e A s s i g n m e n t B r i e fPART 2: ENGINE BALANCING BY DESIGNAn internal combustion engine combusts fuel and generates power and rotational motion to drive amechanical system. Due to accelerations of machine members – reciprocating or rotating parts, theinertia forces and moments are inevitably produced. Because the severity of the inertia loadingincreases as a square of the rotational velocity, for high-speed machinery the effects can be veryobjectionable, often resulting in vibrations, noise emission and premature failure of a fatigue nature[1].The majority of reciprocating engine consist of multiple cylinders with pistons linked to the samecrankshaft and lines of stroke that are parallel. These are called in-line engines. If the strokes are notall in the same direction, the configuration will result in either a V-engine or radial engine. Figure 1and Figure 2 illustrate commercial products of an in-line engine and a V-engine[2]. Fig 1. A 5-cylinder in-line engine from AudiFig 2. Cross-Sectional view of a 6.57-L V6 truckengine from GMC You are supposed to investigate the effect of firing orders on car engine balancing. There are twoalternative designs considered for a two-stroke diesel engine with six in-line cylinders spaced 150 mmapart. The cranks are to be 60o, either in order 1-5-3-6-2-4 or 1-4-5-2-3-6. The stroke is to be 90 mmand each connecting rod 200 mm. The reciprocating parts for each cylinder are 5 kg. The engine runsup to 2500 rev/min.Compare and evaluate the two designs in the performance of dynamic balancing through completeanalysis of forces and moments by a graphical or analytical method.MP2784 Mechanics, Kinematics and Materials2020-20214 | P a g e A s s i g n m e n t B r i e fASSESSMENTThis assignment forms the basis of the assessment using the learning outcomes. It contributes 50% tothe overall grade in this module. The criteria are shown as follows. ASSESSED ELEMENTSWEIGHT(%)PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF VECTORSTo show your completion of this part, you need to submit a calculator you havedeveloped in an Excel file or an execution file as practical evidence.40%1. Fully functioned calculatorThe calculator enables the addition of any 2D vectors up to 6.If it is coded as software, the code needs to include in an appendix inthe report for Part 2.(20%)2. ValidationUse required 3 tests to demonstrate correct answers of vectoraddition. Each test counts 5%.(15%)3. A user manualProvide a textual note or information, if necessary with graphs aboutthe calculator as a user manual. It shouldn’t be over 100 words.(5%)PART 2: ENGINE BALANCING BY DESIGNComplete a written report providing all logic findings from your investigation.As a guidance, it should be written in approximately 1,400 words and beprocessed in Arial font at size 12 on the A4 sized paper.60%1. Cover pageInclude the module title and code, assignment title, student’s fullnames and ID.(5%)2. Investigating procedureEmploy a graphical or analytical approach to study dynamic balancingand show a clear procedure with steps.(5%)3. Analysis of dynamic balancingAnalyse dynamic balancing of the engine with two designs, calculate ifforces and moments are in equilibrium, and find any unbalanced forceor moment correctly.Include drawings, calculation and clearly textual explanations ifnecessary.Each case of design counts 20%.(40%)4. Design evaluationCompare and evaluate two designs based on the analytical outcomes.(10%) REFERENCES1. Ryder, G. H. Bennett, M. D. (1990) Mechanics of machines. 2nd ed. New York: Industrial Press.2. Uicker, J J. Pennock, G R. Shigley, J E. (2018) Theory of machines and mechanisms. 5th ed.Oxford: Oxford University Press


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