Broad Topic: Environmental Issues Narrowed Topic: Impacts of plastic pollution on marine life in the Caribbean Region Here in the Caribbean and other places worldwide, people shop at corner stores and supermarkets, where virtually every singular item is packaged in copious tiers of (mostly single-use) plastic. This is afterwards conveniently encased in additional plastic bags … Continue reading “Environmental Issues | My Assignment Tutor”
Broad Topic: Environmental Issues Narrowed Topic: Impacts of plastic pollution on marine life in the Caribbean Region Here in the Caribbean and other places worldwide, people shop at corner stores and supermarkets, where virtually every singular item is packaged in copious tiers of (mostly single-use) plastic. This is afterwards conveniently encased in additional plastic bags at check-out, only to be unwrapped and discarded before we even exit the shop or reach our destination. It is no secret that people prefer these disposable items for their own benefit. It is a widely used component to almost everything we utilize in our daily lives and it does make modern living easier. Globally, we are so dependent on it that we manufacture 300 million tons of plastic annually, most of which is for single-use items (Lindwall, 2020). The shocking discovery is that this number weigh out to be even more than that of the world’s human population. Make the assertion that water bodies in the Caribbean are polluted by plastic and impacting marine life which leads to the impact on individuals (the social issues). Thesis statement: Polluted water is responsible for negatively impacting marine life by exposing marine animals to harmful non-biodegradable wastes which leads to what social issue?, denying mangroves essential nutrients for development which leads to what social issue? , INCLUDE A THIRD POINT, leading to what social issues? We need to be able to get our social science focus in this paper. Otherwise, it is almost just a science paper. Firstly, Polluted water is responsible for negatively impacting marine life by exposing marine animals to harmful non-biodegradable wastes, contributing to (whatever social issue) in the Caribbean. (Topic sentence) Explain what is meant by ‘exposing marine animals to harmful non-biodegradable wastes’ Answer = polluted water has in it the following contaminants: plastics (these constitute the exposed non-biodegradable wastes) …do we need to know where is the source of this polluted water? YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM AND USE THESE FOLLOWING CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES TO WRITE THE ESSAY: HAITI, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, GUYANA, JAMAICA. Globally, we manufacture 300 million tons of plastic annually, half of which is utilized for single-use pieces. That is nearly the entire human population’s weight.