Assessment 2: Marking Criteria – Workbooks (25% each for a total of 50%) CriterionFailPassCreditDistinctionHigh DistinctionConnectionExtent to which theworkbookdemonstratesconnection withmodule content,including: readings,practitioner insightsand in-class ORonline learningactivities.Weight = 10 marksWorkbook entry notinformed by modulecontent. It is clearlittle or no preworkshop OR onlinelearning preparationhas been undertaken.Workbook entry ispartially informed bymodule content(practitionerinterviews ORreadings)Workbook entryinformed by modulecontent. Bothpractitionerinterviews andreadings inform … Continue reading “Marking Criteria | My Assignment Tutor”
Assessment 2: Marking Criteria – Workbooks (25% each for a total of 50%) CriterionFailPassCreditDistinctionHigh DistinctionConnectionExtent to which theworkbookdemonstratesconnection withmodule content,including: readings,practitioner insightsand in-class ORonline learningactivities.Weight = 10 marksWorkbook entry notinformed by modulecontent. It is clearlittle or no preworkshop OR onlinelearning preparationhas been undertaken.Workbook entry ispartially informed bymodule content(practitionerinterviews ORreadings)Workbook entryinformed by modulecontent. Bothpractitionerinterviews andreadings inform theclaims made in theentry. However, it ismostly a restatement of themodule content.As per credit ANDAn attempt made toreflect on the ideaspresented inpractitionerinterviews andreadings (at leastimplicitly).As per distinctionANDA reflection of theideas presented inpractitionerinterviews andreadings is explicitlymade.EngagementExtent to which theworkbook entrydemonstratesengagement withworkshop activitiesOR online learningprogram (for fullyonline learners).Weight = 10 marksWorkbook entry isincomplete and orpoorly constructed.Workbook entry ispartially complete.Most workshoplearning activities ORonline learningprogram (for fullyonline learners), havebeen used toconstruct the entry(may be missing onestep).Workbook entry iscomplete. Allworkshop learningactivities OR onlinelearning programactivities (for fullyonline learners), havebeen used toconstruct the entry.No steps missing, butlacks originality.Workbook entry isnot only complete,but is also original.One or two elementsare included thatdistinguish it from adescriptive account.Workbook entry iscomplete andoriginal. The learningactivities from theworkshop OR onlinelearning program (forfully online learners)have been creativelyapplied. Academic LiteracyExpression, spelling,grammar,punctuation andreferencing.Weight = 5 marksCentral argumentsnot clearly expressed.Grammatical errorsand spelling mistakesmake the workbookdifficult tocomprehend.May plagiarise theideas of others andfails to provideappropriate in-textcitations, and/orreference list ismissing.Arguments partiallyexpressed, butseveral grammaticaland spelling errorsare present.Some referencescited incorrectly orabsent in-text or inreference list.Arguments are clearlyarticulated. Fewgrammatical errorsand spelling mistakesare present.Most references citedcorrectly in-textand/or in referencelist.Argumentsexceptionally wellwritten, having alogical flow from startto finish.Only minorgrammatical errorsand spelling mistakes.Most references citedcorrectly in text andin reference list.Arguments arepresented with theuse of outstandingwritten expression.Grammar is correctand spelling mistakesare absent.All references arecited correctly in-textand in the referencelist.