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MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 1 of 6Task SummaryYou are required to research and write a 2500-word individual report in response to a case scenario.This assessment offers you an opportunity to apply the knowledge you gained about microservicesarchitecture in Part A. You are required to use the case as context to write a report for … Continue reading “microservices architecture | My Assignment Tutor”

MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 1 of 6Task SummaryYou are required to research and write a 2500-word individual report in response to a case scenario.This assessment offers you an opportunity to apply the knowledge you gained about microservicesarchitecture in Part A. You are required to use the case as context to write a report for both businessand IT stakeholders explaining the advantages and disadvantages of microservices architecture andthe benefits it can offer an organisation. You will need to demonstrate your ability to identifybusiness priorities and relate relevant advantages to complex business needs through the strategyyou recommend.ContextThis assessment gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of microservicesarchitecture and your capability to explain complex technology concepts in terms that a non-IT ASSESSMENT 1 PART B BRIEFSubject Code and TitleMIS603 – Microservices ArchitectureAssessmentMicroservices Case Study – Part BIndividual/GroupIndividualLength2500 words (+/- 10%)Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successfulcompletion of the task below include:a) Undertake research to demonstrate an understanding ofmicroservices and how they contribute to businessprocesses.b) Discuss core concepts of microservices architecture within acontext of a business case study and summarise theadvantages and disadvantages of adopting microservicesarchitecture.c) Communicate the benefits of microservices architecture toa diverse stakeholder audience by addressing complexbusiness needs and aligning strategies to business prioritiesdefined by changing business requirements.SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8)Intensive class: Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2(Week 4)Weighting40%Total Marks100 marks MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 2 of 6business leader can understand. This prepares you professionally for several roles that ‘build abridge’ between IT and business leaders.Task Instructions1. Carefully read the attached Assessment 1 Part B Case Scenario to understand the conceptsbeing discussed in the case.2. Review your subject notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to thecase. Re-read any relevant readings that have been recommended in the case area inmodules. Perform additional research in the area of investigation and select 10 additionalsources that will add value to your report in the relevant area of investigation.3. Plan how you will structure your ideas for your report and write a report plan before youstart writing.4. The report should consist of the following structure:A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number,and lecturer’s name.The introduction (250–300 words) that will also serve as your statement of purpose for thereport—this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report.You will need to inform the reader of:a. Your area of research and its contextb. The key concepts you will be addressingc. What the reader can expect to find in the body of the reportThe body of the report (1900–2000 words) will need to respond to the specific requirementsof the case study. It is advised that you use questions posed in the case study to assist you instructuring the report by means of subheadings in the body of the report.The conclusion (250–300 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that thereport puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.5. Format of the reportThe report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading,and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, dueattention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity byunnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriatecaptioning.6. ReferencingThere are requirements for referencing this report using APA referencing style. It is expectedthat you reference any lecture notes used and 10 additional sources in the relevant subjectarea based on readings and further research.It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.Please see more information on referencing here:http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencingMIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 3 of 67. You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria forgrading the assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful report lookslike.Submission InstructionsSubmit Assessment 1 Part B via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS603Microservices Architecture. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in theLMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.Academic Integrity DeclarationI declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task ismy own work. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic IntegrityPolicy and Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-formsI am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do soaccordingly.MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 4 of 6Assessment Rubric AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0–49%Pass(Functional)50–64%Credit(Proficient)65–74%Distinction(Advanced)75–84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85–100%Visual appeal andpresentation of contentTitle page included.Adheres to the font,spacing, format, andword countrequirement.Appropriate use ofparagraphs, sentenceconstruction, spelling,and grammar.20%No title page. Incorrectfont and size with poorline spacing and largegaps in pagination, tables,or diagrams.Report is written as ablock of text with nobreaks in between ideas.Separate ideas cannot beclearly discerned.Many errors in spelling orgrammar. Does notadhere to the word countrequirement.Title page is included. Missingmost information. Incorrectfont and size is used or poorline spacing and large gaps inpagination.Paragraphs are used but largeblocks of text with longsentences make it difficult tounderstand the ideas beingconveyed.Spelling or grammar haserrors but meaning remainsclear. Does not adhere to theword count requirement.Title page is included but ismissing key information.Some errors in font use andline spacing. Somepagination problems.One idea or concept perparagraph. Someparagraphs could be moresuccinctly written.Minor spelling or grammarerrors. Adheres to the wordcount requirement.Title page is included withmost required information.Minor errors in font,spacing and format.One idea or concept perparagraph with 3–4 wellconstructed sentences perparagraph.No errors in spelling orgrammar. Adheres to theword count requirement.Title page is included withall required information.Font, spacing, and formatare in accordance with therequirements of theassignment brief.Expert use of paragraphswith 3–4 well-constructedsentences per paragraphthat follow logically fromeach other.No errors in spelling orgrammar. Adheres to theword count requirement.Knowledge andunderstandingDiscusses core concepts,summarise theadvantages anddisadvantages ofadopting microservicesarchitecture.Communicates benefitsof microservicesarchitecture to a diversestakeholder audience,Lack of understanding ofthe required concepts andknowledge.Key components of theassignment are notaddressed.Lack of application andanalysis of information toprovide clearrecommendations.Limited understanding ofrequired concepts andknowledge.Some of the key componentsof the assignment are notaddressed.Limited application andanalysis to provide clearrecommendations.Adequate knowledge orunderstanding of therequired concepts.A reasonable capacity toexplain and apply relevantkey concepts.Supports opinion andinformation substantiatedby evidence from researchto providerecommendations.Thorough understanding ofthe key concepts.Discriminates betweenassertion of opinion andinformation substantiatedby robust evidence fromthe research/coursematerials and extendedreading.Well-demonstratedcapacity to apply andHighly developedunderstanding of the fieldor discipline/s.Systematically and criticallydiscriminates betweenassertion of opinion andinformation substantiatedby robust evidence fromthe research/course MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 5 of 6 and provides cleardemonstration ofunderstanding ofconcepts to thecircumstances outlinedin the case study.50%analyse relevantinformation to provide clearrecommendations.materials and extendedreading.Recommendations areclearly justified based onthe application and analysisof information.Use of academic anddiscipline conventionsFormal tone. No use offirst-party perspective.Meets the assignmentbrief regardingintroduction, body, andconclusion.Appropriate use ofcredible resources.Correct citation of keyresources using APAstyle of referencing.30%Does not adhere to theassignment brief of therequirements for a shortbusiness report. Poorlywritten with informal toneusing first personpronouns (I, my, we, me,us).No introductionattempted. Conclusionnot attempted.Demonstratesinconsistent andinadequate use of goodquality, credible, andrelevant resources tosupport and developideas.No use of in-textreferences, or noreference list at the closeof the report. There aremany mistakes in usingthe APA style.Written according toacademic genre as per theassignment brief. Minorerrors in the use of firstperson pronouns (I, my, we,me, us).Introduction attempted butvery generic, and does notclearly state the purpose ofthe report and what thereader should expect to findin the body of the report.Conclusion attempted butdoes not include summationof key concepts discussed inthe report and/or keyconclusions orrecommendations.Demonstrates consistent useof credible and relevantresearch sources to supportand develop ideas, but theseare not always explicit orwell-developed.Written according toacademic genre as per theassignment brief.Sound use of theintroduction but does notclearly state either thepurpose of the report orwhat the reader shouldexpect to find in the bodyof the report.Sound use of the conclusionand succeeds in either thesummation of key conceptsdiscussed, or keyconclusions orrecommendations, but notboth.Demonstrates consistentuse of credible and relevantresearch sources to supportand develop ideas.Good use of in-textreferencing andappropriate number ofWell-written and adheres tothe academic genre as perthe assignment brief.Good use of theintroduction, which clearlystates the purpose of thereport and what the readershould expect to find in thebody of the report.Good use of the conclusionand succeeds in summationof key concepts discussedand key conclusions orrecommendations.Consistently demonstratesexpert use of good quality,credible and relevantresearch sources to supportand develop appropriatearguments and statements.Shows evidence of readingbeyond the key reading.Very good use of in-textreferencing. All in-textExpertly written andadheres to the academicgenre as per theassignment brief.Excellent use of theintroduction, which securesthe attention of the reader,clearly states the purposeof the report and what thereader should expect tofind in the body of thereport.Excellent use of theconclusion, which succeedsin confident summation ofkey concepts andconclusions and gives thereader a clear sense of nextsteps required.Demonstrates expert use ofhigh-quality credible andrelevant research sourcesto support and developarguments and positionstatements. Shows MIS603_Assessment_1 B_Brief_Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 6 of 6 Little use of in-textreferencing, or inadequatereferences consulted andadded to references at theclose of the report. There aresome mistakes in using APAstyle.references used and listedin the reference list. Thereare only minor errors inusing the APA style.references match withreferences listed in thereference list. There are nomistakes in using the APAstyle.extensive evidence ofreading beyond the keyreading.Excellent and meticuloususe of in-text referencingwith all in-text referencesmatching with referenceslisted in the reference list.There are no mistakes inusing the APA style.


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