PHIL 120: Critical Thinking (2021 Winter)Assignment 1: Logical Writing (20%)Due date: Sunday Mar 28, 23:59Submission: PDF uploaded to Canvas Assignment. (You may use the supplied template or not as long as1) the general layout is the same as the appendix example and 2) you still submit a completed checklist.)INSTRUCTIONSWrite an extended argument using valid deductive … Continue reading “PHIL 120: Critical Thinking | My Assignment Tutor”
PHIL 120: Critical Thinking (2021 Winter)Assignment 1: Logical Writing (20%)Due date: Sunday Mar 28, 23:59Submission: PDF uploaded to Canvas Assignment. (You may use the supplied template or not as long as1) the general layout is the same as the appendix example and 2) you still submit a completed checklist.)INSTRUCTIONSWrite an extended argument using valid deductive argument patterns and give a complete analysis.Extended arguments are introduced in Unit 1.iii and discussed in more detail in the Logical Writing appendix.Your main and sub-arguments may be any patterns, or variations of patterns, from Units 2-3 or theappendix. At the end of the appendix there is a complete example you may use as a sample assignment.Present the argument as a paragraph or two with a complete logical analysis.• Paragraph includes a couple sentences of extra information to make it a readable, natural soundingtext (the sort of thing you might write in “real life” for an essay, report, announcement, etc).• Logical Analysiso Reconstruction shows the main and sub-arguments in standard form with statement numbersfrom the paragraph (and implicit statement if you have one).o Argument patterns show the logical structure of each statement in each argument. Thisincludes a separate section listing categories and individual for a Category Logic argument (Unit2), or simple statements, operators, and conditionals for a Statement Logic argument (Unit 3).This assignment is about analytic (and creative!) thinking and writing skills, not research. The topic may beanything, and your statements may be true or false or simply made up, with one exception: onestatement must be supported (with a footnote) by a news story published since 2020 Dec 1. This is ahard requirement. Without this, your assignment will not be accepted or marked.Length: The maximum length of the paragraph(s) (including the optional implicit statement but excludingstatement numbers and the logical analysis) is 250 words.HOW TO DO THIS ASSIGNMENT: ORDER OF TASKS1) Browse news sources that interest you to find a topic idea and a specific URL that you will cite.2) Do not start writing your paragraph. Plan your argument patterns, including the categories, simplestatements, etc. that you’ll use.3) Write your paragraph, including the statements whose patterns you planned in step 2.4) Fill in the standard form reconstruction with statement numbers corresponding to your paragraph.More Details• Marks are given for logic, correspondence (matching) between your paragraph and analysis, writingstyle and content, and overall clarity and organization. Some consideration is also given to evidence thatyou are becoming “logically fluent”. You might demonstrate this with some originality of your argumentpatterns as well as the flexible and skillful use of the logical tools available to you.• Statement Numbers: Statement numbers in the paragraph are at the beginning of the whole statementthat is a premise, conclusion, or piece of extra information. (See the example in the appendix.)• Implicit Statement: Implicit statements are discussed and demonstrated in the appendix. Yourparagraph may have one implicit statement. You do not get extra marks for this. You get marks forhaving a well written paragraph. You must judge whether your paragraph sounds best with onestatement implicit or with all statements explicit.ACADEMIC INTEGRITYI and the College take academic integrity seriously. Working with other people (offering constructivecriticism) is fine. But in the end you must submit your own assignment, written solely by you. If you haveany questions about what constitutes acceptable work and what constitutes plagiarism or other forms ofacademic dishonesty, please ask me for guidance.