SNPG 905 Minor ProjectASSESSMENTS SCHOOL OF NURSINGFACULTY OF SCIENCE, MEDICINE & HEALTH, 2021 Autumn1 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT2 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECTSNPG 905 Minor ProjectAssessment DetailsOVERVIEW Assessment ItemForm ofAssessmentDue DateReturn/FeedbackDue DateWeightingFormativeAssessment *Online QuizWeek 3(Thursday 18th March2021, 17:00 hrs)Census date0%Assessment1Project ProposalWeek 6(Thursday 8th April2021, 17:00 hrs)Within 15working daysfrom submissiondate20%Assessment2“Elevator pitch”Video PresentationWeek 10 (Thursday13th May … Continue reading “SNPG 905 Minor Project | My Assignment Tutor”
SNPG 905 Minor ProjectASSESSMENTS SCHOOL OF NURSINGFACULTY OF SCIENCE, MEDICINE & HEALTH, 2021 Autumn1 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT2 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECTSNPG 905 Minor ProjectAssessment DetailsOVERVIEW Assessment ItemForm ofAssessmentDue DateReturn/FeedbackDue DateWeightingFormativeAssessment *Online QuizWeek 3(Thursday 18th March2021, 17:00 hrs)Census date0%Assessment1Project ProposalWeek 6(Thursday 8th April2021, 17:00 hrs)Within 15working daysfrom submissiondate20%Assessment2“Elevator pitch”Video PresentationWeek 10 (Thursday13th May 202117:00hrs)Within 15working daysfrom submissiondate30%Assessment3Project Final OutputWeek 13(Thursday 3rd June2021 17:00 hrs)Release of results50%Total Marks100% 3 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT Formative assessmenttaskOnline QuizDue dateWeek 3 (Thursday 18th March 2021, 17:00 hrs)WeightingNilSubmissionOnlineType of CollaborationIndividual AssessmentLengthMultiple choice – 15 questionsDetailsThere are no marking criteria – this is a formative assessment task designed to providefeedback on the selected quality and safety improvement initiative related to thediscipline of nursing or a specialist area of healthcare policy, leadership, education andpracticeStyle and formatOnline Quiz – under Assessment tab SNPG 905/998 MoodleSubject LearningOutcomes1,3Marking CriteriaThere are no marking criteria – this is a formative Online Quiz Assessment 1Project proposalDue dateWeek 6 (Thursday 8th April 2021, 17:00 hrs)Weighting20%SubmissionYour assignment will be submitted into Assessment 1 Turnitin submission box within theSNPG905 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit yourassignment up to the due date and time.To learn more about how to use Turnitin please access the resources at the following link: of CollaborationIndividualLengthMaximum of 500 words [+/- 10%, 450-550 words], excluding the Reference list, Tablesand any AppendicesDetailsYou are required to write a Project Proposal (20% of total subject mark) outlining howyou might address significant problem related to health-related policy, practice, educationor leadership. This requires you to develop an initial plan as to how you might design andundertake the project successfully. In addition, you are required to outline where thisproject fits within the existing literature and what might be expected value of the project isin terms of our current knowledge base. Your proposal (marked out of 100) will beassessed on: Problem statement 10% Knowledge of topic 20% Project Design and feasibility 40% Analysis and flow of ideas 10% Writing style 10% Referencing 10%Your project proposal/ protocol must include in order:1. Title page Your full name and student number. Project Title2. Project Aim3. Background/project context: (150 -200 words) Why is the project needed? What will it add to our knowledge base? What examples (If any) are there in the literature of how similar questions havebeen addressed?4. Project QuestionWhat is the research or search question? 4 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT 5. Project Design: (250- 300 words)Work based quality ImprovementProjectRapid Review of Systematic Reviews/Scoping Review of Systematic ReviewsMethodProject settingSample sizeInterventionData collectionData analysisCriteria for considering articles for thisrapid review (PICO) Types of articles P-Participants I- Interventions/ phenomenon ofinterest C- Comparison, Control, Comparatoror Context O- Outcome measuresSearch StrategyMethods of Review Assessment of methodological quality Data extraction Data synthesis6. Expected outcomes and feasibility: (50 -100 words) In brief, what are the expected project outcomes based on the project plan? Is there evidence of approval from Managers and capacity to successfullycomplete the project?7. Reference list ( not included in the word count)8. Appendices ( not included in the word count) All included Appendices MUST be referred to in the main text. The first Appendix (Appendix A) should be a Proposed Time Frame (e.g. theGantt chart)Other Appendices might include:Work based quality ImprovementProjectRapid Review of Systematic Reviews/Scoping Review of Systematic ReviewsData collection InstrumentsDetails of the interventionA flyer is it is applicableLetter of approval from the ManagerSearch strategiesCritical Appraisal ToolData extraction formIt is acknowledged that some projects might not require all of the above and specificrequirements will be discussed with the subject coordinator on a case by case basis andthere will be opportunities to receive feedback during the Online Workshops and on thediscussion forum.Style and formatReference style/format as per Author – Date (APA7). A summary of the APA system canbe accessed in the online guide on the Library website at: LearningOutcomes1-5Marking CriteriaSee Rubric page 9 5 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT Assessment 2“Elevator pitch” PresentationDue dateWeek 10 (Thursday 13th May 2021, 17:00 hrs)Weighting30%SubmissionAssessment Two (Video Presentation) Submission via Flipgrid:1. Please log into (2021)2. with your UOWemail- do not use any other email address as it willnot work3. Enter your full name (as it appears on your enrolment, first andlastnames)4. Enter your student identification number in the “Title”5. Record your videoYou can also scan the QR code to the right and enter the Flipgrid code:0f7a5205Ensure that you download a copy of your video presentation to your phone foryour reference. Please submit on time so that you can check your submissionand correct before the due date if required. Do not leave it till the last minuteas late penalties may be applied to studentswho will be asked to resubmit dueto incorrect files or videos that do not meet the requirements of theAssessment Task.Type of CollaborationIndividual AssessmentLengthPresentation will be 3 minutes in length. [ +/- 10% – which is +/- 18 seconds.]DetailsTask brief: Imagine you are on an elevator. You have got in at the first floor and itwill take three minutes to reach your desired level of the building. The person nextto you, without any clinical or research experience, asks you what project you areworking on. You have 3 minutes to describe your project in general terms so thatthis person understands:1. What problem you are addressing (problem statement)2. How you went about solving the problem (project design)3. And, what your project has found (outcomes)In these three minutes you must engage this person and convince them of therelevance and importance of your project.Your presentation must be delivered without Power Point or prompts and will beassessed on: The clarity of your introduction to your project and aims Thoroughness of explanation of data collection and methods Clarity of presented results Relevance of conclusions Presentation style e.g. level of engagement, clarity of speakingStyle and formatAll presentations will be delivered as a video without Power Point or props. 6 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT Subject LearningOutcomes3,4,5Marking CriteriaSee Rubric page 10 Assessment 3Project Final OutputDue dateWeek 13 (Thursday 3rd June 2021, 17:00 hrs)Weighting50%SubmissionYour assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the SNPG905/998 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit yourassignment up to the due date and time.To learn more about using Turnitin please access the link: 7 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT Type of CollaborationIndividual AssessmentLengthOutput agreed with Subject Co-ordinator and described in Assessment 1: (two pages foronly the final output Equivalent to 1000- 1,200 word written output excluding abstract,tables, appendices, and reference list)DetailsWhat will be sought in assessing the reports? Was given feedback utilised to revising and improving the report? Is the report coherent? How is the report presented (easy to follow, well laid out)? Grammar and sentence structure?Your project proposal must include in order:1. Title page Your full name and student number. Your project Title2. Executive Summary: (100- 150 words) Often this is the only bit of a report that most individuals read. Your executivesummary will be assessed based on its ability to summarise the project andfindings concisely and clearly.3. Background: (250 words) Clear articulation of aims, objectives and scope of the project. How the report conceptualised the project question and linked it project design? Succinctly written literature review of the literature that highlights the keyknowledge gaps4. Findings: 300- 350 words) How well has the scope of data collection been implemented to answer or addressthe project aims or objectives? What level of effort has been applied at compiling and analysing the data? Are the results clearly presented? Is there any evidence that the analysis has gone in innovative directions? Is there any evidence of initiative with regards to the types of analyses?5. Discussion: (400- 500 words) How well does the report link the results to the aims of the project and to theliterature?6. Conclusions and limitations: (150- 250) Are the conclusions supported by the data collection and analysis? Are the limitations clearly identified? A commentary on the successfulness of the project. Were the aims are achieved,what do you consider to be the most important outcomes of the project and why? What were the major limitations to the project? A commentary on what aspects of the project, if any, you would change if youwere to undertake the project again and why.7. References: (No word limit) Is the report sufficiently and correctly referenced with appropriate and evidencebased sources?8.Appendices: (No word limit) Are these, relevant, logical, and easy to follow? Do they convey the data well? Are they used effectively? Do they have appropriate titles and numbering? 8 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT Style and formatReference style/format as per Author – Date (APA7). A summary of the APA system canbe accessed in the online guide on the Library website at: LearningOutcomes1-5Marking CriteriaSee Rubric page 11 9 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECTAssessment Task 1: Project Proposal CriteriaHigh Distinction 85-100%Distinction 75-84%Credit 65-74%Pass 50-64%Fail 0-49%Fail 49%Fail 25%Fail 0%Problem statement10%Presents a significant problemrelated to discipline of nursingor health that is original andcreative.Presents a significantproblem related todiscipline of nursing orhealth.Identifies a relevantproject issue.Although an issue is identified,the statement is too broad or thedescription fails to establish theimportanceStatement ofthe problem,significance,purpose, wasnot completeStatement ofthe problem,significance,purpose, wasinappropriate.Statement ofthe problem,significance,purpose wasomitted.Knowledge oftopic 20%Demonstrates insight andawareness of the deeper, moresubtle aspects of the topic.Evidence of an awarenessand understanding of deeperand more subtle aspects ofthe topic. There is evidenceof originality andindependent thought.An understanding of thecore subject area andsound knowledge of thechosen topic iscommunicated to thereader.There is adequate knowledge of thetopic under investigation.There is limitedknowledge of thechosen topic.There is inadequateknowledge of thechosen topic.There is noknowledge of thechosen topic.Project Design 40%Provides clear and evaluativestatements of the projectdesign and associatedmethods. Insightfuldiscussion of related methodsThe purpose, questions, anddesign are mutuallysupportive and coherent.Appropriate and importantlimitations and assumptionshave been clearly stated.The project builds fromidentified gaps in practice orthe literature.The project design hasbeen identified anddescribed in sufficientlydetailed terms. Somelimitations andassumptions have beenidentifiedThe project design is confusingor incomplete Importantlimitations and assumptions havenot been identified. The projectdesign does not fit the area to bestudied.The projectdesign isinappropriate orincomplete.Limitations andassumptions arenot relatedThe projectdesign isinappropriateLimitations and.assumptions areomittedThe projectdesign isincomplete.Limitations andassumptions areomittedAnalysis and flow ofideas 10%An ability to present the topicwithin the broader context ofthe discipline of nursing.Demonstrates imagination andindependent thought. There isevidence of highly developedanalytical and evaluative skills.Clear evidence ofanalytical and evaluativeskills. The reader isguided smoothly throughthe logically arrangedpaper.Well-reasoned argumentbased on broad evidence.Evidence of analyticaland evaluative skills. Theoverall arrangement islogical but isoccasionally difficult toflow.Sound argument based onevidence. Some evidence ofanalytical and evaluative skills.The arrangementof content isdifficult to follow.The arrangementof content ishaphazard anddifficult to follow.There is noevidence ofcritique oranalysisAcademic Writing10%Consistently demonstrated ahigh level of academicwriting with a clear & logicalstructure. Virtually free fromspelling, grammatical and/orterminology errorPresented a well-structureddiscussion in academic stylewith a clear and logicalflow. Mostly correctspelling, grammar, andappropriate terminologyused throughout.Presented a clear andlogical discussion in anappropriate academicstyle. Minimal spellingor grammatical errors,and mostly suitable useof terminologyWritten reasonably clearly withacademic style and structureevident in most paragraphs.Some incorrect spelling,grammar and / or terminologyPoorly presentinformation in anacademic style.Lacked clear andlogical structureand writtenexpression. Somespelling,grammatical and/ or terminologyerrors.Did not presentinformation in anacademic style.Poor logicalstructure andwrittenexpression. Manyspelling,grammatical and /or terminologyerrors.Lacked clearand logicalstructure andwrittenexpression.Frequentspelling,grammatical and/ or terminologyerrors.Referencing10%Provided a comprehensivereference list and accuratelyreferenced sources using theAPA 7.Provided a comprehensivereference list and accuratelyreferenced most sourcesusing the modified APA 7.APA 7 referencing styleused to accuratelyreference the majorityof sources.APA 7 referencing style usedbut with frequent errors.Made a largenumber ofreferencing errorsin text or inreference list.Used incorrectreferencing style ormade manyreferencing errorsboth in-text and inthe reference list.Used incorrectreferencing styleor made a largenumber ofreferencing errors. 10 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECTAssessment 2: Presentation “Elevator pitch” CriteriaHigh Distinction 85-100%Distinction 75-84%Credit 65-74%Pass 50-64%Fail 0-49%Alignment 40%Fail 49%Fail 25%Fail 0%Clearly articulates animportant and relevantproblem from practice (orliterature) and alignsproject design and projectoutcomes to the problemstatement.Provides clear statements onthe importance and relevanceof the problem. Insightful andinteresting connections madebetween how the projectdesign aligns to the problemand how the outcomes willinform resolving the problemin practice.Provides clearstatements on theimportance andrelevance of theproblem. The projectdesign and outcomesare aligned with theproblem statement.Provides clearstatements on therelevance of theproblem. Theproject design andoutcomes arealigned with theproblem statementhowever notalways explicitly.Although an issue isidentified, the statement istoo broad or thedescription fails toestablish the importance.The project design andoutcomes are confusing orincomplete, and notexplicitly linked back tothe problem statement.The description of theproject is clear. Theproject design andoutcomes are notconnected back to theproblem statement.The description of theproject is confusing.The project design andoutcomes are notconnected.The project design andoutcomes do not flow.Synthesis 30%Highlights key points ofthe project in order toconvey project to ageneral audience.Synthesises the key points ofthe project with exceptionalclarity that is easy to followand understand. Useslanguage appropriate to ageneral audience.Clearly andsuccinctly highlightsthe key points of theproject.Uses languageappropriate to ageneral audience.Highlights most ofthe key points of theproject. Useslanguageappropriate to ageneral audience.Some demonstration ofthe key points of theproject. Language mayuse some academicterminologies withoutexplanation.Overlooks or omits keypoints of the project bygoing into details thataren’t as relevant.Language is notappropriate for ageneral audience, mayuse academicterminologies withoutexplanation.Overlooks or omits keypoints of the project bygoing into details thataren’t as relevant.Language is notappropriate for ageneral audience, mayuse academicterminologies withoutexplanation.Omits key points ofthe project by goinginto details that aren’tas relevant. Languageis not appropriate.Uses inappropriateacademic terminologies.Pace, presentation & language 30%Holds attention ofaudience by maintainingeye contact. Speaksclearly and fluently.Speaks at a steady pace.Highly skilled at holdingattention of audience andmaintaining eye contactthroughout. Speaks withexpression, clearly andfluently. Speaks at a steadypace.Holds attention ofaudience bymaintaining eyecontact. Speaksclearly and fluently.Speaks at a steadypace.Holds attention ofaudience bymaintaining eyecontact most ofthe time. Speaksclearly andfluently. Mostlyspeaks at a steadypace.Some attempts are made tohold attention of audience bymaintaining eye contact.Speaks clearly and fluently.Mostlyspeaks at a steady pace,however may speed up attimes.Limited maintain eyecontact with audience.Hard to be heard orunderstood. Speaks toofast/slow.Minimum eye contactwith audience. Can’t beheard or understood.Speaks too fast/slow.Doesn’t maintain eyecontact with audience.Can’t be heard orunderstood. Speakstoo fast/slow. 11 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECTAssessment 3: Project Final Output CriteriaHigh Distinction 85-100%Distinction 75-84%Credit 65-74%Pass 50-64%Fail 0-49%Fail 49%Fail 25%Fail 0%Problem statement10%Provides evidence of a highlevel of attainment and focuseson significant problem relatedto discipline of nursing orhealth that is original andcreative.Presents a significantproblem related todiscipline of nursing orhealth.Identifies a relevantproject issue.Although an issue isidentified, the statement istoo broad or the descriptionfails to establish theimportanceStatement of theproblem orsignificance orpurpose, wasinappropriate.Statement of theproblem andsignificance, wasinappropriate.Purpose wasinappropriateStatement of theproblem,significance,purpose, wasomittedKnowledge of topic10%Demonstrates insight andawareness of the deeper, moresubtle aspects of the topic.Evidence of an awarenessand understanding ofdeeper and more subtleaspects of the topic.There is evidence oforiginality andindependent thought.An understanding ofthe core subject areaand sound knowledgeof the chosen topic iscommunicated to thereader.There is adequateknowledge of the topicunder investigation.There is limitedknowledge of thechosen topic.There isinappropriateknowledge of thechosen topic.No relevantknowledge of thechosen topic.ProjectDesign/method20%Provides clear andevaluative statements of theproject design andassociated methods.Insightful discussion ofrelated methodsThe purpose, questions,and design are mutuallysupportive and coherent.Appropriate andimportant limitationsand assumptions havebeen clearly stated.The project buildsfrom identified gaps inpractice or theliterature.The project design hasbeen identified anddescribed in sufficientlydetailed terms. Somelimitations andassumptions have beenidentifiedThe project design isconfusing or incompleteImportant limitations andassumptions have not beenidentified. The project designdoes not fit the area to bestudied.The project design isinappropriate.Limitations andassumptions are notclear.The project design isinappropriate.Limitations andassumptions wereinappropriate.The project design isinappropriate andincomplete.Limitations andassumptions wereomitted.Analysis, findingsand flow of ideas40%There is evidence of highlydeveloped analytical andevaluative skills. An ability topresent the topic within thebroader context of the disciplineof nursing.Demonstrates imaginationand independent thought.Clear evidence ofanalytical and evaluativeskills. The reader isguided smoothly throughthe logically arrangedpaper.Well-reasoned argumentbased on broad evidence.Evidence of analyticaland evaluative skills. Theoverall arrangement islogical but is occasionallydifficult to flow.Sound argument based onevidence. Some evidence ofanalytical and evaluativeskills.The arrangement ofcontent is difficult tofollow. There islimited evidence ofcritique or analysisThe arrangement ofcontent is haphazardand difficult tofollow. There isirrelevant evidence ofcritique or analysisThe arrangement ofcontent is haphazardand there is noevidence of critiqueor analysisAcademic Writing10%Consistently demonstrated ahigh level of academic writingwith a clear & logical structure.Virtually free from spelling,grammatical and/orterminology errorPresented a wellstructured discussion inacademic style with aclear and logical flow.Mostly correct spelling,grammar, and appropriateterminology usedthroughout.Presented a clear andlogical discussion in anappropriate academicstyle. Minimal spellingor grammatical errors,and mostly suitable useof terminologyWritten reasonably clearlywith academic style andstructure evident in mostparagraphs. Some incorrectspelling, grammar and / orterminologyPoorly presentinformation in anacademic style.Lacked clear andlogical structure andwritten expression.Some spelling,grammatical and / orterminology errors.Did not presentinformation in anacademic style. Poorlogical structure andwritten expression.Many spelling,grammatical and / orterminology errors.Lacked clear andlogical structure andwritten expression.Frequent spelling,grammatical and / orterminology errors.Referencing10%Provided a comprehensivereference list and accuratelyreferenced sources using theAPA 7.Provided acomprehensivereference list andaccurately referencedmost sources using themodified APA 7.APA 7 referencing styleused to accuratelyreference the majority ofsources.APA 7 referencing styleused but with frequenterrors.Made a largenumber ofreferencing errors intext or in referencelist.Used incorrectreferencing style ormade manyreferencing errorsboth in-text and inthe reference list.Used incorrectreferencing style ormade a largenumber ofreferencing errors. 12 | SNPG 905 MINOR PROJECT