Prepared by: Dr Nazmus Nafi Moderated by: Dr Wanood Kumar March, 2021 Assessment Details and Submission GuidelinesTrimesterT1 2021Unit CodeMN603Unit TitleWireless Networks and SecurityAssessmentTypeIndividual Assignment 1AssessmentTitleAnalysis of routing protocols in terms of security, QoS, and energy efficiencyPurpose of theassessment(with ULOMapping)The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the routing protocols and evaluatethem in terms of security, … Continue reading “Wireless Networks and Security | My Assignment Tutor”
Prepared by: Dr Nazmus Nafi Moderated by: Dr Wanood Kumar March, 2021 Assessment Details and Submission GuidelinesTrimesterT1 2021Unit CodeMN603Unit TitleWireless Networks and SecurityAssessmentTypeIndividual Assignment 1AssessmentTitleAnalysis of routing protocols in terms of security, QoS, and energy efficiencyPurpose of theassessment(with ULOMapping)The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the routing protocols and evaluatethem in terms of security, QoS, and energy efficiency. Students will be able tocomplete the following ULOs:• Compare standards-based technologies used in various networks;• Test and evaluate various wireless networks performance;Weight10% (Part-A 3% and Part-B 7%)Total Marks100 (Part-A 30 and Part- B 100)Word limit2000 – 2500 words (Part-A 600 -750 words) (Part- B 1400-1750 words)Due DatePart –A Due Week 3 (11/04/2021 11:55PM), Week 7(7/05/2021 11:55PM)SubmissionGuidelines• All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with acompleted Assignment Cover Page.• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body)font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate sectionheadings.• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listedappropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.Extension• If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special ConsiderationApplication must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit thisapplication three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.Further information is available at:• Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness ofthe case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusionfrom the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselvesfamiliar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic IntegritySection in your Unit Description. MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page#2 of 4Prepared by: Dr Nazmus Shaker Nafi Moderated by: Dr Wanood Kumar March, 2021Part AAssignment DescriptionEfficient routing can optimize network performance in terms of improved delivery ratio, reduceddelivery delay, and low overhead. In other words, routing determines the sequence of transmittingnodes and the number of packets transmitted by each node. Transmitting nodes and their numberof transmissions influence the generated interference.Routing in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is very challenging due to the inherent characteristics thatdistinguish these networks from other wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks or cellularnetworks. Routing protocols in WSN might differ depending on the application and networkarchitecture.In this assignment, students will investigate and compare Geographic routing protocols, GreedyPerimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) and Geographical and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR).The students are required to submit a report including technical details insights on• Routing mechanism of Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) and Geographical andEnergy Aware Routing (GEAR) protocols.• How these protocols can be used to reduce energy consumption.• Advantages and limitations of using these protocols in WSNsPlease note: Part A report needs to be submitted on Week 3Part BIn part B, students are required to continue their investigation on both routing protocol and submita report covering following aspects of these routing protocols1) Highlight Security issues of both routing protocols2) Discuss the attacks that may happen while operating on these routing protocols3) How to countermeasure the attacks discussed in 2?4) Comparative analysis on performance of the routing protocols.Note: minimum 3 journal papers and 3 conference papers (in IEEE format) must be used in analysisand justificationsMarking criteria: Section to be included inthe reportDescription of the sectionMarksPart A30IntroductionDefine the topic and outline of the report ( in 5-6sentences)5MotivationYou need to motivate the reader about the topic5Routing protocolsanalysisTechnical discussion on routing mechanism1. GPSR2. GEAR10+10=20 MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page#3 of 4Prepared by: Dr Nazmus Shaker Nafi Moderated by: Dr Wanood Kumar March, 2021 Part B100Feedback incorporationfrom Part AMust incorporate the feedback given by the tutor30Security issues andattacks against therouting protocolsDiscuss the security issues and attacks that may happenunder the routing protocols20Attacks’ countermeasureHow to countermeasure the attacks discussed20Comparative analysisConduct comparative analysis on performance of theselected routing protocols10ConclusionWrite summary of the report10Reference styleFollow IEEE reference style10Total130 Marking Rubric for Assignment #1: Total Marks 100 GradeMarkHD(80-100)%DI(70-79)%CR(60-69)%P(50-59)%Fail