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Advance Human Rights.

Signature Assignment: Advance Human Rights

This signature assignment is designed to measure the BASW Program Learning Outcome (PLO) 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice. The following behaviors are associated with the demonstration of this learning outcome.

apply understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels; and
engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice.


For this assignment, you are asked to develop a micro and macro advocacy strategy in response to two red flag alerts in one of the eight policy sectors. You will create hypothetical circumstances for each strategy based on the assignment guidelines, identify advocacy activities and goals, and discuss the relationship of your advocacy activities and goals to human rights, social, economic, and environmental justice.

A grading rubric is attached with the assignment and you should review the rubric before writing your paper. For each part of the assignment, write the heading (ex. Part One: Policy Sector and Red Flag Alerts) followed by your response.

Your responses, in the appropriate sections, should indicate your understanding of the concepts of advocacy, human rights, and types of justice. Therefore, definitions and explanations of these concepts in your response should be stated primarily in your own words. Direct quotations from other sources should be limited to data provided to support your statements. Sources of policies and other sources that are used in your response should be cited according to APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.

Assignment Overview: There are four parts to this assignment.
Part One: Policy Sector and Red Flag Alerts
Part Two: Micro Advocacy Response
Part Three Macro Advocacy Response
Part Four: Human Rights & Justice Discussion

Part One: Policy Sector and Red Flag Alerts:

For Part One of the assignment, use your textbook to select one policy sector and two red flag alerts associated with the policy sector. Write down your responses to Part One, using the above heading, and include the following information:
Identify your selected policy sector.
Write the number of each of your two selected alerts and write out or summarize each of the two alerts.
Identify which of the above alerts t you will use for your micro advocacy response and which one you will use as the topic for your macro advocacy response. You must use a different alert for each of the advocacy responses.

Part Two: Micro Advocacy Response:

In organizing your response, first write the above heading for this section, followed by the number and content of the red alert statement that you will be using for this response. As you write your paper, identify each of the 4 main headings below, followed by your responses (respond to each prompt in each category). In this part of the assignment, you will develop a micro advocacy policy approach to address the selected red alert by creating circumstances relevant to this alert that impact advocacy and identifying a strategy to respond to the issues associated with the alert. These are the guidelines for your response:

Describe the Setting of the Advocacy Practice including all of the following elements: (2-3 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Identify the facility: School, type of agency, etc.
Your role in this setting
Rural, urban, or suburban location
Overview of leadership structure of organization
Client Situation: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
The issue or problem
Client description (age, gender, race, ethnicity, other relevant identifying information)
Client support system: include family, professionals, friends, community, as applicable.
Policy Issue Setting: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Identify a type of policy that could address this issue
Is it an organizational policy or local, state, or federal?
Identify a potential ally or supporter of this policy.
Identify leadership, an interest group, or power structure that influences this policy sector
Advocacy Strategy & Goals: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Describe your micro level advocacy approach (at least three activities that you would engage in to advocate for the issue)
What outcome/s do you want to achieve for this client/s and what will the benefits to the client be? (identify at least two benefits)

Part Three: Macro Advocacy Response.

In organizing your response, first write the above heading for this section, followed by the number and content of the red alert statement that you will be using for this response. As you write your paper, identify each of the 3 main headings below, followed by your responses (respond to each prompt in each category). Describe a specific example of macro policy advocacy that you would engage in to respond to this red alert by creating circumstances relevant to the alert that impact advocacy and identifying a strategy to respond to the issues associated with the alert. These are the guidelines for your response:

Identify the setting/focus: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Population, group impacted. Any significant characteristics.
Educational, healthcare, U.S. gov’t. type of agency, or organization, etc.
Your role/position in this setting
Rural, urban, or suburban location
Administrative or organizational structure of the agency/setting
Policy Issue Setting: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Identify a type of policy and that could address this issue
Is it an organizational policy or local, state, or federal?
Identify potential allies or supporters for this issue
Identify relevant leaders or the power structure that influences this policy sector
Advocacy Strategy & Goals: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)
Describe your macro level advocacy approach (at least three activities that you would engage in to advocate for the issue)
What type of change is being sought and how will this be helpful?

Part Four: Human Rights & Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice: (3-4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences per paragraph)

For this part of the assignment, you will select either your micro OR macro policy advocacy approach. In organizing your response, write the heading above, followed by your response to the questions, below. Be sure to respond to each part of the question and include examples from either Part Two (micro advocacy response) or Part Three (macro advocacy response) of this assignment in your response to the questions below, as applicable.

Identify the advocacy response (micro or macro) that you will be discussing in response to this part of the assignment.
Explain and discuss how your advocacy practices and goals would advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice. Provide examples from your selected advocacy response descriptions of the issue, client or group, and setting, as applicable, in your discussion and include data and reasoning that supports your response.

Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy
Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors
Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy presents a multi-level framework to show students how micro, mezzo, and macro policy advocacy can be used effectively by social workers in eight policy sectors: healthcare, gerontology, safety-net, child and family, mental health, education, immigration, and criminal justice. Author Bruce S. Jansson identifies seven core problems within each sector and discusses the skills social workers need, the challenges they face, and the interventions they can use at each level of advocacy. Readers will gain knowledge of social welfare policy issues and be equipped with essential tools for engaging in policy advocacy.
Bruce S. Jansson, Ph.D.
SAGE Publications
2nd ed.



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