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Sexual transmitted diseases within the adolescents population

    You will choose a topic based on current literature in the field of sexual education/sex health issues research. You will write a 5 page
The post Sexual transmitted diseases within the adolescents population first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



You will choose a topic based on current literature in the field of sexual
education/sex health issues research. You will write a 5 page paper including 5
relevant (reviewed journals, academic websites, textbook) resources. The paper
should include the following:
1) Background of the issue (historical perspective, any controversy? research
being conducted, interesting facts)
2) Current news story related to the issue
3) Population in the world most impacted by the issue
4) Type of organizations educating/intervening about the issue
5) Best ways to deal with the issue (Best practices for prevention, intervention
and/or treatment) Make sure to include a theory where applicable
6) Your own ideas about ways to make a difference with the issue

The post Sexual transmitted diseases within the adolescents population first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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