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1000 word draft instructions – due 23:59 24 April 2021 Description: For this dra

1000 word draft instructions – due 23:59 24 April 2021
For this draft, you will actually begin writing your article, though you will do so in a word document.
Weighting: 20%
Word count: You must submit your 1000 word draft. Even though your final assessment should be 2000 words long, it can incorporate up to 1000 words from your draft but only those words that your marker has determined were good enough.
You may include the paragraph/s that you were asked to write in week 6.
For this assessment, you must increase the number of sources you are using to include at least 7. Those should be comprised as follows:
You should privilege high-quality sources. So if you can find 7 of the best types of sources, please do use 7 and impress us!
1. You must use at least 3 (no less than 3) of the following source types:
Books or book chapters published by academic publishers (University presses)
Articles published in academic peer-reviewed journals
2. If you cannot find more of the above to contribute to your 7 sources, you may use 2 or more of the following:
Books or book chapters published by other respected publishing houses
Academic journals
3. If you cannot find two more from one of the above 2 categories, you may use up to 2 (only 2) sources from:
Mainstream newspapers
NB: Your sources MUST NOT be connected to your topic and must be writing from a neutral point of view.
In recent weeks you’ve begun to build a bit more of your stub using one of the sub-sections you listed in your Proposal. You may use the sub-section to added in this assessment. DO NOT copy any other thing from the stub into your document. We will be checking the history page of your article and will know what was there when you registered your topic with us and what was there before you added that paragraph.
You may find you need to reconsider some of your section choices and maybe even replace some or all of your sources. Before submitting your draft document, you should view the Good Article Criteria and ensure you have met the first four of the items listed. In this assessment, your stub will be referred to as an article, as it could be that by the time you submit this draft your article will no longer be a stub. make sure your work is verifiable by including sufficient inline citations, and a reference list
make sure you reference all information drawn from the source material, using appropriate paraphrase or summary or, in the case of direct quotations, enclosing them in quotation marks and adding citations, using MLA Style
make sure full references are shown in a reference list

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For this dra
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