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A 75% essay (maximum 2,500 words) will be due on Monday the 3rd of May 2021, at

A 75% essay (maximum 2,500 words) will be due on Monday the 3rd of May 2021, at 16:00 [NEW DEADLINE]. The individual essay explores a core strategic issue based on a theoretical and empirical perspectives on the issue. There are five recommended strategic issues to choose from for your assignment, but you can also decide on a topic of your choice after discussion with the Module Convenor:
Which are the key strategic decisions a firm needs to make in designing its international strategy?
Which are the key criteria for assessing the attractiveness of a foreign market?
Which are the key characteristics of a Global Manager?
Discuss some of the key challenges in assessing the performance of a firm. Which in your own opinion is the most important challenge when assessing firms internationally?
Which are the key ethical challenges firms face when internationalising?
You need to choose ONLY ONE topic for your assignment and clearly refer to it in the TITLE of your Essay.
The individual essay will be divided into 2 parts:
PART A. Approximately 1,500 words: A Theoretical Approach of the Chosen Topic
Part A includes a theoretical analysis of the chosen question, based on a review of the academic literature on this issue.
Further Clarification – Updated April 2021:
This part is a theoretical piece thus an essay based on a theoretical discussion of the topic using relevant papers on the topic so you can provide a thoughtful discussion accordingly. Some of the key papers for each topic of discussion are already provided to you in the Weekly Reading List. However, you will have to consult more papers to discuss well any of the topics chosen.
PART B. Approximately 1,000 words: Perspectives from your Role in Simulation
In Part B, you will need to place a particular emphasis on the Role you were assigned in the Simulation and discuss:
The exact role and the decisions they had to make in the simulation.
How your specific role influenced the decisions in the question examined in Part A.
Reflect on the problems encountered in your role and how they were resolved.
I have typed some of the details about the simulation game along with some of the reflections for part B, please take a look.

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