Directions: Napoleon was one of the most important figures in modern Europe. As leader of France
he conquered or controlled most of Europe in the early 19th century. His ideas had a strong
influence on the formation of many modern European countries. Born into a poor family in Corsica,
his rise to power was not easy; he had to make many difficult decisions along the way. Below are
some of the decisions Napoleon faced as he was rising to power in France. What would you do if
you were Napoleon? For each scenario do each of the following:
1) Read the background information provided.
2) Put yourself in Napoleon’s place and make a decision about what to do (based on your
own opinion, not what you think Napoleon would do). Circle that choice.
3) Write a brief explanation that explains your choice in the space near under three options.
1) After graduating from a military academy Napoleon joined the French army. Throughout the French Revolution Napoleon
continued his service in the army and, as the new French Republic was struggling for survival, Napoleon (who was stationed
in southern France), went to Italy to inspect their fortifications. While Napoleon was in Italy, Robespierre, who had been
leading the Radical Republic, was arrested and executed. When Napoleon returned from Genoa (a city state in modern Italy)
he was arrested for previously plotting with Robespierre to establish a dictatorship in France. Napoleon’s friends advised
him to escape because they thought he would be executed in the same manner as Robespierre. What would you do?
A) Try to escape.
B) Ask for a trial and prepare to defend yourself against the charges.
C) Do nothing in hopes that the charges will be dropped.
2) Napoleon was soon assigned to the War Office in Paris. He was a very good artillery (cannons, etc.) officer and his
superiors wanted to send him to command one of the armies fighting to protect France from other European nations.
Napoleon preferred to be sent to Turkey, but his request to go there was denied by the military. What would you do?
A) Resign from the military and return to civilian life.
B) Accept the post and hope that the assignment will further your military career.
C) Refuse the post and demand to be sent to Turkey.
3) Eventually, several groups wanted to overthrow the French revolutionary government. Napoleon was asked to take
command of the French Army and defend the government. Some of his friends advised him against it because he would
probably have to kill French citizens to protect the government. He feared that action could make him unpopular. On the
other hand, if he saved the government he could become its protector. What would you do?
A) Refuse to take command of the French Army.
B) Start a small militia group and overthrow the government.
C) Take control of the French Army and stop the rebellions.
4) With Napoleon at the head of the French Army they invaded the Italian peninsula. They were victorious and when Italy
offered a peace treaty Napoleon signed it without asking the French government for permission. The government did not
like the fact that Napoleon felt that he had the power to act in the name of France. They thought that only the government
should sign a peace treaty and they decided that Napoleon was exercising too much power. They decided to appoint a
second general to share command with Napoleon. When Napoleon heard of the plan he was outraged. What would you do?
A) Join forces with Sardinia (and island off the coast of Italy) and attack France.
B) Agree to share power with the other general.
C) Say no and threaten to resign.
5) Napoleon wanted to invade and conquer Egypt. While in Egypt he received a letter that his wife, Josephine, was having an
affair. Napoleon was very upset. What would you do?
A) Divorce Josephine.
B) Return to France to deal with the problem.
C) Have your own affairs but stay married.
6) Napoleon became trapped in Egypt when the English Navy cut him off in the Mediterranean Sea. He decided to march north
to capture Damascus (in modern Syria). On the way he captured 3,000 Turkish soldiers, but his own soldiers were short
on rations. What would you do?
A) Let the Turks go as long as they promised never to fight against the French again.
B) Force the Turks to fight alongside the French Army.
C) Kill the Turks.
7) The French government was incapable of running the country. The government was corrupt and inefficient. One member of
the Directory, the ruling executive body, asked Napoleon to participate in a coup d’etat. What would you do?
A) Flee the country in order to avoid the upcoming chaos.
B) Oppose the overthrow and work with the Directory to regain control of France.
C) Join in the plot to overthrow the Directory.
8) After Napoleon became First Consul he appointed his brothers to important government positions. One brother, Lucien,
married a woman with a bad reputation. In addition, she was not of royal blood. Napoleon was furious. He asked Lucien to
divorce the woman, but he refused. What would you do?
A) Overlook the inappropriate marriage.
B) Have Lucien’s wife killed.
C) Remove Lucien from his position.
9) Napoleon ruled France for several years as First Consul; he was the virtual dictator of France and it was suggested by
some of his advisors that he become king. Napoleon did not like the idea of being a king, but he did believe that he was the
best person to rule France. What would you do?
A) Refuse to change your title.
B) Establish a new democratic system and rely on your popularity to become executive.
C) Declare yourself emperor of France.
10) Napoleon wanted a son to take his place as ruler of France. He and his wife were unable to have children. He very much
loved his wife, but he also believed that he must have a successor in order to continue his legacy. What would you do?
A) Have a child with a mistress and pretend the child was conceived with your wife.
B) Choose a loyal subject to be your successor.
C) Divorce your wife and marry a woman who can have children.
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