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Reaction Paper Format Reaction papers are to be typed, double spaced, on one sid

Reaction Paper Format
Reaction papers are to be typed, double spaced, on one side of an 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper with one inch margins all around. There are three parts to body of each reaction paper: 1) summary of the articles(s) or book chapter, using your own words or if using authors words you must citing the reference. 2) your critical opinion of the material read, this is a thoughtful analysis of the material 3) personal use of the information: describe specifically how you might apply what you have learned when working with young children. The summary will be the longest part of the assignment, typically two or three paragraphs. Critical opinion and personal use should each be at least one paragraph of the assignment. Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you are required to cite its source, either by way of parenthetical documentation or by means of a footnote. KEEP THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN MIND WHEN
1. Finish out sentences and series appropriately. Do not use the term [etc.]. 2. Write sentences using proper grammar. Do not begin sentences with “And” or “But.”
3. Plagiarism is not acceptable. Plagiarism is to take and pass off as ones own ideas, thoughts, and or writings of others. (Webster’s Dictionary.) If you use other peoples ideas or writings give them credit with a reference. (Journal publications must be from the last 5 years.) The reference is an important part of the reaction paper, it allows others to read the original work if they want additional information. The APA reference style is preferred. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 5th edition, as your reference source. APA information may also be found online at (OWL: Purdue University Online Writing Lab.) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html#Your%20Reference%20List

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Reaction papers are to be typed, double spaced, on one sid
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