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Instructions: This is MA TESOL Program dissertation 1. Reviewing and editing t

This is MA TESOL Program dissertation
1. Reviewing and editing the chapters and please highlight what you have been changed (abstract+ introduction+ Literature review (all previous studies are relevant) + methodology + results +discussion+ conclusion including limitations of the study &pedagogical implications& recommendations for further research) according to the research project scoring rubric. Very important to follow the rubric. Please add sentences as need it to clarify the meaning …. I already paid for one page more just to write the sentences as need it and required according to the rubric….
2. Please attached the presentation slides with the notes according to what’s required in the oral presentation (defense for research project rubric)…The number of slides it depends on you which should include (1. Literature Review a+b+c)+(2. methods a+b+c) (3. results a+b ) (4. conclusion a+b+c). attached the presentation for your review .
3. Please check all the references for all the chapters to be included in the references page.
4. The whole research should be in APA style edition 7
5. Please ensure that all the citation references are correct and mentioned in the bibliography in APA style edition 7.
6. Please find attached the statistical analysis report to check it with result and discussion sections
7. Please find attached the survey for teachers (questionnaire)..
8. Please find attached the references page (to check if all the references mentioned here )
9. please include the references page in the final revised research paper …

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This is MA TESOL Program dissertation 1. Reviewing and editing t
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