What were territorial strategies the US government used to take homelands from American Indian nations in the 1800s and how were these strategies justified
The post Spatial Justice Geography first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.
What were territorial strategies the US government used to take homelands from American Indian nations in
the 1800s and how were these strategies justified (Lecture 15; ADL, [2005] 2019)? How did this result in the
loss of people, land and culture and chronic trauma for indigenous peoples (Brave Heart and Debruyn, 1998;
Brown-Rice, 2013)?
Required reading: Anti-Defamation League ([2005] 2019). ‘The Doctrine of Discovery and American
Expansion’. In Lewis and Clark: The Unheard Voices, pp. 69-70, available at:
https://www.adl.org/media/5089/download .
Brave Heart, Maria Yellow Horse and DeBruyn, Lemyra. (1998) ‘The American Indian Holocaust: Healing
Historical Unresolved Grief’. American Indian and Alaskan Mental Health Research 8 (2): 60-83.
Brown-Rice, Kathleen. (2013). ‘Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans’. The
The post Spatial Justice Geography first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.