Introduction – Provide an opening gambit into what you study intends to do. – E

– Provide an opening gambit into what you study intends to do.
– Explain what racism is.
– Explain how many racist incidents there have been in English football à can then extend as thus suggest that anti-racism campaigns may not be as successful as people think.
– Discuss how racism may now be found not just in person but through online platforms with the advent of social media.
– Explain there has been significant research into racism in sport, particularly football.
– Explain how of this, a small amount has focused on the effectiveness of anti-racism campaigns.
– Further, move onto how content analysis has rarely been used as a method used to explore this, and a content analysis of social media even more rare.
– Finish this section be highlighting key research objective of your study which is: ‘To explore the content provided by the general public surrounding the KickItOut Campaign’

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– Provide an opening gambit into what you study intends to do.
– E
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