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Advanced Network Security | My Assignment Tutor

Version 1.0 Page 1 of 7 UnitITNET302A Advanced Network Security 1Assessment TypeResearch Project – IndividualAssessment Number1 Assessment NameWeightingEternalBlue30%Due Date/Time Week 7 – Online Moodle SubmissionAssessment DescriptionThis is an Individual Assessment.Technical research project on CVE-2017-0144, “EternalBlue”.Content and Structure:• Explain the 3 vulnerability components of CVE-2017-0144• Explain how the vulnerabilities are leveraged for exploitation• Perform a risk … Read more

Political Legacies | My Assignment Tutor

1Broad Topic: Political LegaciesNarrowed Topic: The Impact of Hugo Chavez’s Political Legacy on Venezuela’s Societyand Economy“El Comandante”, a man made immortal, a paratrooper who became larger than life, anda riveting orator are apt descriptions of the indomitable former Venezuelan president, HugoChavez. This illustrious character, who was both renowned and notorious, led a remarkablepolitical career spanning … Read more


MAN5901 ASSIGNMENT MARKING GUIDERESEARCH REPORT – PORTFOLIO OF TASKS CriteriaFail 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction80-100PGCLO4Depth, breadthand relevanceof knowledge intask responses.PGCLO1PGULO 1-4,6,7Weighting 45Presentsinadequate orirrelevantinformation thatconveys limitedunderstanding ofIS issues.Provides a limitedrange of relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveysunderstanding of ISissues.Provides a range ofrelevant informationfrom research andpractice that conveysbroad understandingof IS issues.Provides a range ofhighly relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveys thoroughunderstanding … Read more

Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing | My Assignment Tutor

Word count: _______(paragraph plus implicit statement)Name: ____________________________Student ID#: ______________________ Critical Thinking Assignment 1: Logical Writing____________________________________________________________________________________Implicit Statement (Optional)____________________________________________________________________________________Main Argument Sub-argument __ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________ __ _________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________*Assignment (Logical Writing) Submission ChecklistYour assignment will be rejected if any of items 1-3 is incomplete.1) One statement in my paragraph has a source published since 2020 Dec … Read more

Health professionals | My Assignment Tutor

Assessment task 2 Task Description Health professionals need to have a socio-theoretical understanding of the effects of illness on the personhood and families of the sick and suffering. With the knowledge acquired from the online discussion, expand upon any insights you have gained through studying the written and audio-visual materials in this unit and through … Read more

SITXCOM005 MANAGE CONFLICT | My Assignment Tutor

Final Result Record Sheet After assessment, the assessor and participant should sign the competency record. If competency is not achieved at the first attempt, strategies to address the performance gaps need to be identified and a time for re-assessment must be organised. UoC:SITXCCS007 ENHANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCES SITXCCS008 DEVELOP AND MANAGE QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICES … Read more

discipline knowledge and practice | My Assignment Tutor

InstructionsThe following tasks are to be compiled into a single document and submission is online.Make a single document in a REPORT format. Do not forgot to make a flow of the information whenyou combine the tasks.The all five tasks there are a 5000- word limit, excluding references. I suggest 1000 words pes taskbut you can … Read more

Strategic Marketing Plan | My Assignment Tutor

Strategic Marketing Plan Part C: Market Strategy, Marketing Channels, Implementation, and Monitoring (Due in Wk 6) New Target Markets Determine any new markets for your strategy and describe how you will provide value to each target market. Marketing Mix for New Target Markets Determine adaptions for each new target market. ProductsPriceDistributionTraditional PromotionOnline Promotion Marketing Implementation … Read more


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