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1-Task environment analysis, including those forces and organisations that the c

1-Task environment analysis, including those forces and organisations that the company interact with and affect its performance (supplier relations, buyer relations, competitors’ relations, Socio-economic actors, Economic actors, Political/legal actors, Technological actors). You need to ask the following questions:  What are the long term external forces/ actors that are developing now?  Which one affect … Read more

For this assignment, compare those parallel worlds. How do realism and one alter

For this assignment, compare those parallel worlds. How do realism and one alternate theory to explain international responses to the Yugoslav wars of 1991-99 or the Iraq wars of 1990-2011? What does realism explain best? What does one alternate theory—liberalism, constructivism, post-modernism or feminist international theory—explain better? Explain realism and another international theory—liberalism, constructivism, post-modernism … Read more


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