Pick a topic in criminal justice and research it. It can be on anything in criminal justice that involves studies but very specific. Include 6 survey question, create 4 and use 2 from resources used. Survey 5 people with these 6 questions and include the results in the paper. (you can make up the responses.) Use the information gathered from the articles and connect the survey results to it. Use at least 10 articles. Include a bibliography page at the end. APA style. 4,000 words.
Assignment Requirements
1. All assigned work is to be submitted in the appropriate location in Blackboard, not on paper or by email. Write your weekly Discussion Board and Journal posts, or other short assignments, on your computer and then paste the text into the Blackboard Assignment’s “Message” field. If you have a term paper proposal or term paper, upload the word-processed document, not an Adobe pdf or Google/Apple/Microsoft cloud link. 2. Use formal social science writing style, i.e., not: “that’s really bad,” or “this is cool.” Instead of telling us something is bad/good, tell us the effect(s) it has (citing your source) or might have and why you/someone thinks so. 3. Put an “in-text” citation in A.P.A. format at the end of any sentence with a quote, factual claim, or that paraphrases another author. Any claim that something is common, happening more, getting worse, growing/shrinking, (un)important, or has always/never been true must cite a source. When you cite a source do not explain that it is a book or article or elaborate on the author’s identity. E.g., the sample sentence below does not announce Visher & Travis or their article with language like: “one article I found…” or “this guy said…” “in this book, they….” It just gets to the point. Sample sentence: Some evidence shows that social services facilitate smoother ex-prisoner reentry and diminishes their repeat crimes (Visher & Travis, 2003, p. 103).
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