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Argumentative Research Essay Prompt The theme for this course is Engaging Common Myths. In the first part of class, we explore common myths about science and American history, including myths about food and nutrition, heroification myths about well-known historical figures, and myths about indigenous societies of the Americas prior to settler-colonialism. By critically analyzing these readings, we develop an understanding of the purpose, goals, and forms of academic research and discourse. Specifically, we learn that research often begins when a researcher recognizes a problem with how we understand some issue or topic, conducts research to develop a better understanding of that issue or topic, and then makes an argument for why others should

Argumentative Research Essay Prompt
The theme for this course is Engaging Common Myths. In the first part of class, we explore common myths about science and American history, including myths about food and nutrition, heroification myths about well-known historical figures, and myths about indigenous societies of the Americas prior to settler-colonialism. By critically analyzing these readings, we develop an understanding of the purpose, goals, and forms of academic research and discourse. Specifically, we learn that research often begins when a researcher recognizes a problem with how we understand some issue or topic, conducts research to develop a better understanding of that issue or topic, and then makes an argument for why others should adopt this new way of thinking, thus seeking to improve everyones understanding. For professional researchers and academics, this process occurs in very specific areas of research, and these researchers participate in conversations with relatively few other experts. Since this is an introductory college research writing class, we will engage in this research process on topics related to common misunderstandings among the general public.

This theme allows for a wide range of student-driven research projects. With guidance from the teacher, each student will identify a myth or misunderstanding about science or history and pursue a research project that engages that myth, shows why it is a myth or misunderstanding, shows why this myth or misunderstanding persists despite facts to the contrary, and describes the cost of our misunderstanding and what we gain from a better understanding. We will spend a considerable amount of time developing ideas for research projects.

Introduction section (2-4 paragraphs)
Introduce your topic in a way that engages your reader. Perhaps consider opening with an example of the myth “in the wild,” as it were. Start your essay by showing someone talking/writing out your topic in a way that misunderstands it (that is, shows or exhibits the myth).
Identify the myth and explain the myth briefly.
Explain briefly why it is important to address this myth and to understand the topic better.
State your thesis or the main point you want to make in your essay about the myth you are engaging
Body Section (5-7 paragraphs)
Make arguments about the topic and the correct or more accurate way to understand the topic (i.e., you are “debunking” the myth in these arguments)
Engage opposing/differing arguments from your own by 1) acknowledging the argument (briefly summarizing it, making sure to be fair and accurate and giving appropriate context) and 2) responding to the argument by explaining why you disagree and what you find lacking in this perspective’s argument.
Conclusion Section (2-4 paragraphs)
Briefly restate main point in different words (not exact language as thesis)
Make arguments for why this new understanding (your arguments about the topic) is important. Answer the questions: “So what?” and “Why does this matter?” In other words, why is it better for people to understand your topic in the way you describe (the answer can’t just be that now readers understand it better — understanding the issue better should mean that we think and act differently about something else related to the issue).

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Offensive and Defensive Responses to Maritime Terrorism
Your FINAL EXAM will consist of one question, you will be required to answer it in an essay format – 5 double spaced pages.

Using the above model please address the pros and cons options of the offensive versus defensive response to the phenomenon of maritime terrorism. In your response try to incorporate the information and knowledge gained from our class discussions and assigned readings and, state your opinion about the feasibility of success of short term versus long term solutions.

I have attached the model/table that includes all specific details about offensive and defensive responses to maritime terrorism which also includes short and long term responses.

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Justice Cascade
Basically read the report and summarize it. The instructions are very clear on the word document. Please stick to what is being asked and how to structure it.

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Assessment and Evaluation
What are some of the educational claims of popular tablets, laptops, and mobile devices? Do you believe that these claims are valid? Can such devices increase accuracy and speed of research projects? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in online research? How might you plan a research project to find the best and most reliable academic resources for a project? How do your approaches differ from those of your classmates?

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Motivation and Conflict Resolution
Your school has been asked to participate in a pilot program within your district that is dealing with facility efficiencies. Participation in the program will require your school to begin and end operations one hour later than the standard within your community. Your principal has agreed to become part of the pilot program. During the first week of school, it is clear that there are many conflict issues that are surfacing. One issue of major concern to the school is the complaints coming from parents and students regarding late bus rides and late nights completing homework. During class and in the hallways, students are overhearing complaints and reactions from the teachers about the new schedule. Your principal knows that you have been focusing on conflict management and conflict resolution in your course work and has asked you to develop a conflict resolution procedure to address this and similar problems.
Based on the scenario, discuss the following:

What would be the core elements of a conflict resolution procedure that you would develop?
As a leader, what would concern you most if this situation arose? Why?
What do you think about other solutions proposed by the class?
What would you change or improve about some of the other approaches to the situation?

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Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population.
There is a decline in the elephant population in a specific area in Africa. You are an activist trying increase the elephant population. You are required to present a proposed solution to this problem. Create a proposal to solve this elephant problem. Please include the following:

Background Information. (Describe the main biome where elephants are located; describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes)

Name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa. (Research)

Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population.

Differentiate between the types of population growth models that can increase or decrease the elephant population.

Discuss how community populations relate to your proposal.

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Staffing Ratios
Staffing is one of the largest expenditures for healthcare organizations. It stands to reason that for some organizations a mandatory staffing ratio could negatively impact their financial bottom line. Sometimes ratios can be different within an organization based on acuity of patients or type of unit. Explore your own organization staffing ratio policy.
1. What is/are the ratio(s) and how they are determined?
2. What variables affect the ratios?
3. Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy?
4. How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?

REFERENCES USED MUST BE CURRENT, WITHIN 5 YEARS. In my department (detox/rehab), the patient to nurse ratio is 10:1.

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Staffing Budgets/FTEs/Variance Analysis Assignment V4

This assignment provides learners with the opportunity to apply budgeting knowledge and skills by calculating full-time equivalents for a nursing unit, projecting FTE needs related to census changes, and analyzing a variance scenario.

Week 4: Staffing Budgets/FTEs/Variance Analysis Agreement V4


Description of the Assignment

This assignment is in two scenario-based sections each related to staffing budgets. In the first, the student will perform multistep calculations of FTEs and projection of future FTE needs for a selected nursing unit. The second section involves calculation of budget variance and its analysis. Each section requires supported written interpretation of findings.

Criteria for Content

Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the two sections of the assignment.

Key points related to Calculations:

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.
Example: Efficiency Variance + Volume Variance + Cost Variance = Total Variance

Rundio, A. (2016). The nurse managers guide to budgeting and finance. 2nd. Ed., Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

*Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs

-Calculations of full-time equivalents (FTEs)
-Project FTE needs related to census changes

*Section Two: Variance Analysis

-Calculating variance
-Variance analysis with explanation

Download the Assignment Word Document and submit your answers directly onto the form. When completed, upload into the assignment portal in your course. For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work including the formula used. Include the references for formula chosen.



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