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Assignment Instructions: For this writing assignment, you are asked to write a 5-7 page paper in APA (not including title page or reference page) in first person and without quotes that discusses your personal experiences with teamwork. Here is what I am looking for in your essay: Describe the organization you either lead a team OR you observed someone leading a team: Incorporate at least two leadership theories into your paper

Assignment Instructions:
For this writing assignment, you are asked to write a 5-7 page paper in APA (not including title page or reference page) in first person and without quotes that discusses your personal experiences with teamwork. Here is what I am looking for in your essay:

Describe the organization you either lead a team OR you observed someone leading a team:
Incorporate at least two leadership theories into your paper
Explain you or the person you described led the team. It’s OK if you want to talk about the CEO or other type of leader (i.e. military leader)
Discuss how you or the person you observed motivated people.
Discuss any changes you would have made to your approach OR suggestions you would have made to the leader.
Your paper must have at least 3 outside references, preferably from scholarly sources. I don’t want to see dictionaries or Wikipedia. I will be looking for original writing. If you absolutely must use a quote, keep it short. All papers will be checked for plagiarism with turnitin.com.


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