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Bank Management

Assessment task details and instructions

Assessment 2: Bank Management

Date tba


Instructions to Candidates

Time allowed 72 hours

• References are not required for this assessment. Quoting from references including the internet will not be assessed.

• It is important that you should present balanced and informed judgements examining the good and bad aspects of topics and issues that you address as well as an appropriate conclusion.

You must answer Part A and Part B and follow the separate instructions

Part A

You must answer this question:

  1. You have just attended a board meeting of the XYZ bank that has recently appointed a non-executive director, Ms Whye, who has no background in banking or accounting and has read internet and other sources but does not understand them. You have been asked to prepare a report for Ms Whye and future directors that addresses the following issues in an appropriate and clear manner without reference or paraphrasing from other sources to address the following processes that Ms Whye did not understand: i) Money creation. ii) Quantitative easing. iii) Debt impairment.
    iv) Minimum capital requirements
    v) Asset and liability management

For each process:

a) Explain to Ms Whye how items (i) to (v) work in the context of retail banking. Treat each item separately. (500 WORDS)

(25 marks; 5 each)

b) Evaluate and explain to Ms Whye the risks posed by each of the items (i) to (v). Treat each item separately. (500 WORDS)

(25 marks; 5 each)

Part B

You have been asked by XYZ bank to write TWO SEPARATE REPORTS choosing from the titles below for fellow non-executive directors who have no specialist banking knowledge. ANSWER TWO

  1. A discussion of the view that the Bank for International Settlements started with simple rules for regulation that have now become complex. (500 WORDS)
    (25 marks)
  2. An analysis of relationship banking and transactional banking an explanation and comparison of the two separate strategies. (500 WORDS)
    (25 marks)
  3. What is money laundering and how can banks protect themselves in an economic and efficient manner? (500 WORDS) (25 marks)
  4. An analysis of the relationship between asset and liability management with respect to maturity transformation and risk transformation. (500 WORDS) (25 marks)

Knowledge and Understanding
Upon successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  1. Describe and analyse the global and domestic financial environment faced by banks.
  2. Prepare a report on the risk profile of a bank and the risk of failure.
  3. Describe and critically apply banking services to a business scenario
  4. Critically evaluate the role of banks in the economy with particular reference to financial crises.
  5. Research bank related databases to provide relevant data for analysis of performance.

Transferable Skills and other attributes (maximum of 5)
On Completion you will have developed:

  1. An ability to evaluate a bank’s annual report.
  2. An ability to Interpret data and demonstrate findings.
  3. An ability to apply targets and action, develop action to meet targets.
  4. An ability to frame problems and interpret solutions.
  5. An ability to manage databases and report on database analysis.

Professional, Practical or Subject Specific Skills/Behaviours
On completion you will have had the opportunity to/will be able to:

  1. Prepare a loan application.
  2. Devise a cash management strategy for a bank.
  3. Prepare a dashboard for a bank.
  4. Advise a company on a bank’s contribution to risk management.
  5. Make an informed judgement as to future career interests in banking.
  6. Evaluate financial proposals from investors (embed ICZ principle path to professional serving as foundation to certified expert in SMEs finance or Financial Management in SMEs).

Module Aims

  1. To introduce students to the normative role of a bank and banking services in developed and emerging market economies.
  2. To be able to evaluate the regulatory environment of banks.
  3. To understand and evaluate developments in banking financial innovation.
  4. To understand and evaluate bank risk management.
  5. To appreciate the risk of bank failures and their role in financial crises
    Word count/ duration (if applicable)
    • The mark allocations indicate the wordcount for each question taking 2,000 words as the overall wordcount (e.g. a 25-mark section should be no more than 500 words, a 10 mark section 200 words – a 10% allowance is available for each section to allow for items deemed to be necessary but not substantial to the submission).
    • Marks are based on what can reasonably be said from course material and in the given wordcount.

Feedback arrangements
You can expect to receive feedback by 15 working days from the date of the exam on Blackboard

Support arrangements
You can obtain support for this assessment by attending revision sessions at the end of the module.

Assessment Criteria
VERY GOOD 70-79%
GOOD 60-69%
FAIR 50-59%
POOR 20-29%
VERY POOR 10-19%

The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.
Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct
Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students require http://www.salford.ac.uk/skills-for-learning.
Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here https://www.salford.ac.uk/skills-for-learning.

Assessment Information
If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances
If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.

Personal Tutor/Student Progression Administrator
If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator.

Assessment Criteria
VERY GOOD 70-79%
GOOD 60-69%
FAIR 50-59%
POOR 20-29%
VERY POOR 10-19%

In Year Retrieval Scheme
If you are eligible for in the year retrieval scheme, you will be contacted shortly after the feedback deadline.

[this scheme would usually apply to all level 3 and 4 assessments with a submission date of end March 2021).
If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit on or before a date to be announced. For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances for absence/non submission, this will be your replacement assessment attempt.

The reassessment task will be the same as the original assessment.


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