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Case Study of American Company displaying ethical values e.g (grace, love, peace, hope, faith)

    stories that develop a person, or a group of people, or a company over a specific time period (ex. Day, week,
    month, year). A case study analyzes what occurred during this time period. Choosing a company to do this case
    study can sometimes be the most difficult part. Choose a company that you would love to work at one day.
    Choose a company that has information available that can help you determine a value that is displayed.
    Sometimes these values are not written but you may have to determine for yourself if an action that this
    company does is a Biblical value. INSTRUCTIONS For this topic and outline assignment, please post the
    organization that you are choosing to write a case study. Choose a company that is not in your text. Write a
    paragraph explaining why you chose this company. Why is this company important to you? Why is this a good
    company to research and discuss. This assignment must include at least 5 scholarly resources (less than 3 years
    old) in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Directly below this paragraph, type an outline that
    demonstrates how you will write this case study. Below is an example of how this outline should be typed and
    This outline may change but this should be the start of your planning for this case study paper assignment.
    Title (centered) I. Introduction (Keep this word) II. First topic of case study (Enter topics here) A. Sub topic B.
    Sub topic III. Second topic of case study A. Sub topic B. Sub topic IV. Third topic of case study A. Sub topic B.
    Sub topic (Use more of these if needed. Remember this paper needs to be between 8-10 pages of these topics.
    This does not include the title page, abstract, or reference page. Also, remember that you shouldn’t have an A
    without a B.) V. Conclusion (Keep this word.)
  2. CASE STUDY: PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS A general format for the paper is: • Title Page
    (The title should include the Biblical value.) • Abstract (1/2 page to 1 page) • Introduction • Background of the
    company selected • Discussion of the Biblical value • Discussion of how the Biblical value is displayed •
    Discussion of how this Biblical value is connected to the organization • Discussion of how decision making in
    the organization is or is not affected by this Biblical value • Lessons learned • Conclusion • References (at least 5
    scholarly resources, course texts, and the Bible) The paper must be 8–10-pages (not including Title Page,
    Abstract, or Reference page) and must include at least 5 scholarly resources (less than 3 years old) in addition to
    the course textbooks and the Bible. The Case Study Paper is to be written in third person and must be in current
    APA format.


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