Final Project
Q1 (Ensemble-Code): Ensemble can be broadly categorized in the 4 types shown in Figure 1 below. Use your dataset and demo two code examples for two different types of the 4 types mentioned below.
• (If you are using a single classifier with built in ensemble features, you want to show how internally the ensemble occurs),
• Then (2) Compare results in terms of (A) model outputs, B(accuracy metrics, e.g. accuracy, ROC, AUC), and (C) time of execution between the ensemble model and ANY single classifier that you used before. Those 3 sections are major parts of grading, make sure you complete all of them properly
• Submit two deliverables
• Questions discussions/ analysis/screen shots of results and
• A separate code file for this question. (Make sure you submit data, code and report for this question)
The links below include a good list of sample ensemble codes that you can reuse (with your own dataset) mlens-a455c0c982de cascading-classifiers-in-machine-learning-9c66cb271674
Q2: Code: Adversarial machine learning
Text generation has many methods, one of which we used in our main course project: GAN The link below includes 471 papers with code • 12 benchmarks • 65 datasets. Pick one benchmark and summarize codes and contributions related to that Benchmark
Report section should be no less than 500 words, code section should summarize no less than two code examples.
Q3: Research: Adversarial Machine Learning
The link below talks about 8 Adversarial Machine Learning case studies studies-page.
Pick one of those cases, read the summary from this source, then expand your research beyond this single reference, keep focusing on the same study. Submit a similar research paper to Question 2. No less than 5 refences and 500 words, in your own words, no quotes from sources. Use references from Google scholar as research papers, but you can also use recent web articles related to the subject.