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Five peer-reviewed, scholarly references cited in proper APA format, which will be used as scholarly support for the Portfolio Project submission. Explain in 2-3 sentences how each of these peer-reviewed sources align with your Portfolio Projects content. A list of any questions, comments, or concerns that you have regarding this assignment. Option #1: Time to Change HR professionals, organizational employees, leaders, directors, etc. need to understand how internal and external organizational factors impact change initiatives. Furthermore, the impact of change processes, to respond to the ever-changing world around us, need to be considered, especially in terms of how changes impact individuals, teams, and organizations. Scenario In February of 2020, a large online retailer began to experience the impact of COVID-19. Many employees were sick, could not come into the office due to expos

The final exam has three parts, a long essay (40 points), short essay questions (40 points), and terms (20 points). Please check your originality score before you submit it. Please USE ALL THE SOURCES THAT ARE GIVEN TO YOU FROM EACH SECTION.

Please no documents or outside information can be used. All of the ideas expressed in the final must be your own. and derive only from the weekly readings. You may not cut/paste or paraphrase from weekly assignments.

Please answer the following questions (large essay questions and four short essay questions) individually and cite the weeks they come from (week one). No points will be awarded if you don’t cite. Also, make sure to check your originality report as well before you submit your exam.

Answer four of the following terms, cite the week where you find the answer.

(40 points)

From the end of WWII, the conflict known as the Cold War dominated politics on a global scale. Discuss how the Cold War affected individual experience, politics, and political ideologies. How did this conflict play out between the US and USSR? What parts of the world were the most negatively affected by this global conflict, and what parts were most positively affected? Make sure to be globally comprehensive in your answer and give many examples to support your claims. (2 pages) Sources for this section are:

(week 8)

(week 8)

(week 9)

(week 9)

(week 11)

(week 14)

Answer each question in a paragraph and cite where the information came from (only using your readings) 10 points each. (1 page)

What constitutes the beginning of the Cold War, and what was the end? What happened in between?
How did the Cold War affect individual experiences like the Civil Rights movement? Or the Nationalist movements in India, Israel, Ghana, South Africa, or Kenya?
Who felt the brunt of the fight between the USSR and the USA? What countries and regions experienced negative consequences as a result of the Cold War? Consider Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.
Please understand both the American political worldview and the Soviet worldview. Remember the perspectives about each side- where they monolithic? Did the US and USSR assert ideological dominance? Sources for this section are:

(week 8)

(week 8)

(week 8)

(week 6)

(week 6)

(week 9)

(week 11)

(week 14)

Chose 4 terms and answer the following questions: Each term is worth 5 points. To be awarded the full five points for each, you must answer the following questions: Who, what, where, when, how, what makes this an important historical event or person. (1 page) Sources for this section are:

The Berlin Airlift – https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/117196.pdf?v=27a60e6c082789b8b878e0cb7ea19209
(week 8)

Arab/ Israeli Conflict-particularly 1967
(week 9)

Suez Crisis
(week 9)

Latin America in the 70s and 80s
(week 11)

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Explain in 2-3 sentences how each of these peer-reviewed sources align with your Portfolio Projects content.
Option #1: Time to Change
Review the Portfolio Project. Write a two-to three-page paper including:
The selected option
Five peer-reviewed, scholarly references cited in proper APA format, which will be used as scholarly support for the Portfolio Project submission. Explain in 2-3 sentences how each of these peer-reviewed sources align with your Portfolio Projects content.
A list of any questions, comments, or concerns that you have regarding this assignment.

Option #1: Time to Change
HR professionals, organizational employees, leaders, directors, etc. need to understand how internal and external organizational factors impact change initiatives. Furthermore, the impact of change processes, to respond to the ever-changing world around us, need to be considered, especially in terms of how changes impact individuals, teams, and organizations.
In February of 2020, a large online retailer began to experience the impact of COVID-19. Many employees were sick, could not come into the office due to exposure, were experiencing childcare issues, etc. While warehouse staff have remained onsite, Retailer ABC has decided that the organizations processes need to change.
Since COVID-19, Retailer ABC has decided to shut its corporate office locations. While the warehouse/shipping/distribution centers will still remain open, all office personnel are required to work from home for the indefinite future. As a Director of Human Resources, for the organization, you have been tasked to present information about the following:
1. Details about how COVID-19 has impacted retail businesses/the retail industry.
2. An explanation of what organizational changes (e.g., policies and procedures, technological considerations, etc.) need to be considered and implemented to accommodate this new work from home culture.
a. Provide details about change processes that can be used to successfully carry out these organizational changes.
3. A detailed explanation of how organizational changes might impact individuals and teams.
4. An explanation of the roles and responsibilities leadership team members play in the successful implementation of this change initiative.
5. Recommendations about what types of metrics can be utilized to determine if the change initiative was successful.

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User-generated Media
User-generated Media
Watch the YouTube video, ” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzJGM1tO3dY)
My 5-Minute Magic Routine (Links to an external site.)
” (2014) by ooshuan.

Then, answer the following questions pertaining to the popular culture trend of “selfies” as a user-generated media form:

What is the impact of user-generated media like this video (online or otherwise)?
What is selfie culture? What does selfie culture say about those who participate in it?
What does it say about our dominant culture? What does it do to our dominant culture? Who does it serve?
What does it tell mainstream corporate media?

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Content Analysis Assignment

Collect at least 10 news articles (print or video) about a single topic of your choice that were all released in a 1-2 months period during the last year. Your news articles should come from different types of news media, must be from over at least a months time frame and less than two month’s time frame, and must be related to one specific event or topic. You will then engage in a qualitative research project by examining the content of your articles using the methods discussed in class. This should include an analysis of whether the content is positive or negative, the types of words/phrases used, the different sources of information (liberal or conservative), and other analysis techniques from the course.

There is no length requirement. Use your judgment. Don’t make it ramble or repetitive, but made it long enough to say something meaningful and interesting and to demonstrate that you have engaged with the material.

Show me that you understand the course topics and that you have really thought about how that plays out for one specific case.

Pick one criminal case or topic. Find 10 news sources about it all from within the short time frame of 1-2 months. You are comparing multiple sources from the same time period when they more or less had the same information in order to analyze how different sources address the same story.

Sample topics:

Crime trends in a particular city
A high profile police involved shooting case
A crime related legislative bill
The progress of a high profile murder case
If you select a topic that we address in the course, then you must you 10 sources other than the ones provided in the course material and I am going to expect a higher level of analysis since you already have the benefit of the class discussion.

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Choose an issue or social problem and a major or minor character from the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and write a 4-6 page paper (your coversheet and reference page are not included in the 4-6 pages) addressing the following:
Choose an issue or social problem and a major or minor character from the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and write a 4-6 page paper (your coversheet and reference page are not included in the 4-6 pages) addressing the following:

– Introduce your issue or social problem as it relates to your chosen character; make sure to include a thesis statement (thesis statement must be in bold),
– Provide background information on your issue or social problem and chosen character,
– What impact did the issue/social problem have on chosen character,
– Expound on the moral compass of the time; highlighting the interplay of values, traditions, politics, economics, and/or social changes, and
– Include a paragraph stating the importance of your issue or social problem and its correlation to your chosen character to social workers.

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Exploring the market opportunities and obstacles of the Board Game industry
1. Introduction (approx. 600 words)
2. Main debate1
a. Support1
b. Counter-argument1
3. Main debate2…
a. Support2
b. Counter-argument2
4. Conclusion (app

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Jekyll and Hyde
– 4 full pages-6 pages
– You must use 3 credible, secondary sources +1 the primary source
Credible sources include articles found on databases, in newsworthy publications, reputable organizations (.org) and
government/educational websites. As a rule, avoid all .com websites.
– Paper must be in MLA format and include a Works Cited

For your research paper, you must use the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You must formulate a topic based on the novella or choose from the options below.

Duality of man?
Why do people turn to substances?
Are humans good because they want to be good or do they fear punishment?
How can the body and mind be at war with each other?
Nature vs. Nurture argument
Wrestling with inner demons

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Investigating the impact of social media marketing on SMEs: The case of the fitness industry in the UAE
This research is significant as it adds knowledge regarding the impact of social media marketing usage in the SMEs of UAE. There are significant challenges for businesses that are trying to develop their social media marketing plans where greater power is vested in the consumers’ hands and increased awareness regarding the societal and cultural norms (Kietzmann et al., 2011). The digital medium helps consumers to instantly communicate their complaints to millions of people around the world (negative word of mouth), which affects the reputation of the business negatively (Javornik et al., 2020). Also, it is important to understand that our targeted SMEs try to adopt social media marketing to meet their advertising needs at a low cost and reach to large audiences; nevertheless, they lack understanding of the impact of the social media marketing usage to achieve better SME’s social media presence performance. In this regard, this research will enable those fitness studios and gyms SMEs in the UAE to identify whether digital media usage, social media influencers, eWOM, and viral marketing communications would be able to enhance their performance in terms of improving social media presence and eventually, sales. Moreover, this research will fill the gap in the literature by determining the impact of digital media usage, social media influencers, eWOM, and viral marketing on the SMEs’ social media presence performance in the UAE.

The writer has to assume that we will undertake a qualitative research approach, what will the researcher do in the below approaches when it comes to the SME’s in the fitness industry , assuming that we will interview either, trainers, or GYM managers or owners:
1. Narrative Design
2. Phenomenological design
3. Grounded theory design
4. Ethnographic study
5. Case study

see the example attached that you need to follow.


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