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Read the statement below and respond. In your response discuss other potential therapies available for this individual. Explain the pathophysiology behind the development of this type of anemia. Anemia is defined as a reduction in the total circulating red cell mass or a decrease in the quality of hemoglobin (McCance & Huether, 2019 p.926). There are several causes of anemia including blood loss, impaired erythrocyte production, increased erythrocyte destruction, or a combination of these factors ( McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 926). There are also several different types of anemia including megaloblastic, which can be further broken down to pernicious anemia and folate deficiency anemia. In pernicious anemia, there is an absence o

Read the statement below and respond. In your response discuss other potential therapies available for this individual. Explain the pathophysiology behind the development of this type of anemia.

Anemia is defined as a reduction in the total circulating red cell mass or a decrease in the quality of hemoglobin (McCance & Huether, 2019 p.926). There are several causes of anemia including blood loss, impaired erythrocyte production, increased erythrocyte destruction, or a combination of these factors ( McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 926). There are also several different types of anemia including megaloblastic, which can be further broken down to pernicious anemia and folate deficiency anemia. In pernicious anemia, there is an absence of intrinsic factor, which is required for vitamin B12 uptake from the gut (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 932). Intrinsic factor, or IF, is the protein transporter necessary for absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 932).
Research has shown that being female, of advanced age, and from Northern European countries increased the risk of developing pernicious anemia. Many of the women diagnosed have prematurely grey hair and blue eyes, have blood group A and may develop or have already developed other autoimmune disorders, including vitiligo, thyroid disease such as autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism and Addison’s disease (Gilbert, 2017). This condition is also frequently associated with polyendocrinopathy, a cluster of autoimmune diseases of endocrine organs (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 932) such as type 1 diabetes, Graves disease, myasthenia gravis, and Hashimoto thyroiditis. Other risk factors include smoking, excessive alcohol intake, pregnancy, and surgical removal of sections of the stomach.
Symptoms of pernicious anemia are often gradual and include lethargy, paraesthesis in the extremities, especially the feet, muscle weakness, depression, problems with memory, understanding and judgement, difficulty in gait, and visual disturbances (Gilbert, 2017). Treatment for this condition includes lifelong therapy with replacement B12 (Gilbert, 2017). This is generally achieved via intramuscular injections that start frequently and gradually decrease as levels stabilize. After stabilization of levels, some patients may be transitioned to oral B12 supplementation, but risks associated with this course of treatment include poor compliance and an increased risk for improper absorption.

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Describe an organizational or note-taking strategy that would facilitate the creation of this report.
To complete this assignment, write a 23 page paper in which you:
1. Select one of the criminal justice reports you reviewed in the Week 2 assignment, Create a Criminal Justice Report Job-Aid.
2. Prepare a summary of the essential questions you will need to ask in order to gather the information that must be included in the report.
3. Describe an organizational or note-taking strategy that would facilitate the creation of this report.
4. Explain how the information in the report you have selected would be used to form the basis for a presentation to the District Attorneys office, or for any arrest or follow up investigation.

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In this essay you will put forward a proposal about how a problem or issue with businesses, shopping, or companies should be solved or addressed. What should be done to solve a problem with how a com
This means that you will give clear and specific views about how people should act or think in regards to the situation you are examining. You must give good reasoning for your views and you must use information from trustworthy and informative sources to show examples, support your ideas, or show opposing views. You must have at least 8 sources and no more than 10. You may use any of the other lessons, ideas, or forms of argumentation discussed in class.

Business Practices: Is there a current business practice that is problematic or causes some sort of issue? This could range from how companies hire people, how their employees are treated, labor issues, controversial products or materials, or anything else that could be addressed. What would you argue should be done to solve an issue like his or what should no longer be done?
Customer Protection: Is there a current practice that a company, brand, or industry enacts on its customers, consumers, or users? This could range from data mining, censorship, unfair deals or agreements, or any other problem with how a customer is being treated or what they are expected to do. What would you argue should be done to solve an issue like this or what should no longer be done?
Advertising: Is there a current means of advertising or pushing a product that is not ethical or is manipulative? This could range from faulty or misleading advertising, poor use of facts/authority/or other fallacies, or any misuse of emotions or other underhanded tactics. What would you argue should be done to solve an issue like this or what should no longer be done?
Actions and Issues: Is there a problem with how a business acts, presents itself, or sells itself that does not fit in the above categories? Think of this as a free space to write about something concerning how businesses run that you are passionate about and want to argue.
You may email me to check if a topic is right for this. We will use the Proposal Work, Abstract Assignment, Library Research Work, and the Annotated Bibliography to work on this.

Follow this outline:

Introduction: The introduction will set up the issue or idea you will discuss and contain a thesis that details what your paper will argue about and what you will discuss concerning the issue at hand. As a proposal, this should declare an action to be done or a way to think for your audiences to do.
Body Paragraphs:
The first body paragraph will introduce the issue or problem at hand and act as a means to give context to the issue or to develop what is at stake.
The paper will then have as many body paragraphs as needed to complete your thoughts and reach the minimum word count. What you choose to discuss or use here is up to you, but you can consider bringing up points supporting your views, giving specific examples or events that illustrate the topic at hand, or using opposing views either as counterarguments or concessions. All of these would be useful and informative.
Bring in any tactic or writing tool you’ve learned in ENG 1A or 1B. This could be a counterargument, a concession, or other argumentative method or style (cause/effect, definition, etc.).
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper by giving the reader something to think about or do in the future concerning the ideas you’ve discussed.
2500 words

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Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of Bibliology (authority, inspiration, inerrancy, etc).
Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of Bibliology (authority, inspiration, inerrancy, etc). This is a statement of your own personal convictions, but should be supported by biblical references. Please avoid long quotes — either from the Bible or other sources. Sources used (such as your textbooks) should be cited in MLA format.

Note: I will include the fice chapters from Gruden Book and Professor audio. Make sure you read those chapters to write the paper.

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Pox Americana
Answer this question from the book “Pox Americana By Elizabeth A. Fenn. (Throughout the course of the Revolutionary War, George Washington had to deal with the threat of smallpox. Explain Washingtons problems and decisions, and assess his decisions regarding smallpox prevention.) Only cite the book of Pox Americana by Elizabeth A. Fenn. No outside sources.

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Using examples from ancient Egyptian and West African art discussed in Unit 2, consider how copyright and intellectual property issues (Unit 1) connect with the ancient visual art of Africa.
Submit a response essay (300-word maximum) that summarizes your research and thoughts on this topic. Responses should follow a short essay format (i.e., brief introduction of topic, the body of discussion, and brief conclusion). Use the content of each unit (and its required reading/viewing materials) to guide you, too.

Citations and References (including formatting) is very important in academic writing. Your responses must include at least 5 (five) in-text citations of required readings/viewing materials – 2 from each of the modules 1 & 2, plus one other. One citation should be from the Kelker text.

General rule of thumb – if you are using a general overall idea from a text (e.g summarizing the entire chapter/article in a sentence or two), cite the author(s) name and year of publication (Kelker 2020). If it is in reference to a specific idea or comment or section of a chapter/article, include the page number(s) (Kelker 2020:43) or (Kelker 2020:43-45) .

You need only include a references cited section if you are using outside sources (external to the course). If you would like to try doing a references cited section according to SAA style guide, I will look at these to help you improve for the Term Paper. These should follow the SAA Style Guide. (Links to an external site.)

There are two files attached. All the resources you need as well as the grading rubric is included in the information word document. Pdf file of one of the articles that need to be written is attached too. Below is some information regarding the references for this assignment.

Citations and References (including formatting) is very important in academic writing. Your module assignment responses must include at least 5 (five) in-text citations of required readings/viewing materials – in this instance for this assignment 1 you should have 2 references from each of the modules 1 & 2, plus one other. One citation should be from the Kelker text. In future module assignments, it will be similar, minimum 5 refereed sources, at least one from the text, one from each of the modules (if 3 modules included in assignment, include at least one citation from each module), and then make up the balance, up to 5 or more, citations with any other sources from any of the modules’ readings and viewings.
Formatting of citations: General rule of thumb – if you are using a general overall idea from a text (e.g summarizing the entire chapter/article in a sentence or two), cite the author(s) name and year of publication (Kelker 2020). If it is in reference to a specific idea or comment or section of a chapter/article, include the page number(s) (Kelker 2020:43) or (Kelker 2020:43-45). See examples in pages 21-25 of the SAA Style Guide

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An essay review of Mariana Mazzucatos Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism (New York: HarperCollins, 2021)
The review must begin with an introductory paragraph, laying out your initial, overall assessment of the book. The point of a review is not just to offer your opinion of the book, but to persuade the
reader whether they should purchase and read it themselves. Whatever you think about it, outline your reasons at the start this is the thesis of your argument.
The second paragraph (no more than 150 words) must provide a summary of the contents of the whole book and the argument that the author makes.
Then, looking at Part 2, what was done differently during the moonshot of the 1960s and what lessons were learned from this mission planning, according to Mazzucato?
Then, looking at Part 3, how could these moonshot lessons be applied to realizing the goals of the 2030 Agenda (the Sustainable Development Goals), according to Mazzucato?
Finally, are you convinced by her argument? Why or why not?

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Reflection Assignment- Christianity and Psychology
In this Reflection Assignment, you will provide a thoughtful discussion on the relationship between psychology and Christianity as you currently perceive it. In this course, you will encounter different ways that people perceive the relationship between psychological science and Christian faith. The purpose of this Reflection Assignment is to allow you to think about the relationship between these two disciplines before delving deeper into the course.

Please don’t worry about the abstract page. I have attached full instructions of the assignment, rubrics and two examples that other classmates used. Please check instructions first, then rubric and then the two example papers.

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Select two tests of personality and discuss the theory behind those tests.
“Select two tests of personality and discuss the theory behind those tests. Then complete the two tests and have one other person you know complete the tests as well. Then compare and contrast your results on the two tests, the other persons results on the two tests, and then the results of your test results to those of the other person. At least 4 peer-reviewed journal articles should be included as references.” Linked are 2 sources, 4 survey results and more instructions.

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Gloabal Warming – How deforestation contributes to increased greenhouse gases
-I need 5 sources 2 scholarly sources and 3 popular sources

-This research paper has a bit of a twist to it: The theme is – What are we doing in 2021 that reflects a lack of “thinking what we are doing?” I’ve uploaded the prompt and rubric as a file attachment that will further clarify this theme


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