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Over-coming barriers to girls accessing education, retention and quality of education in Pakistan and Kenya

Over-coming barriers to girls accessing education, retention and quality of education in Pakistan and Kenya Gender equality is referred to the most concerns associated with gender vary with the context. Over-coming barriers to girls accessing education is a global effort, however the problems girls experience in accessing quality education vary. For example, concerns in Kenya … Read more

What helped democratize American culture early on?Change Question

References/Citations:• Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments. For detailed information on how toproperly cite your work, you may refer to the Student Handbook or to the Student Resourcestab on the main page of the Student Portal.Plagiarism:• Plagiarism is intentionally presenting the work of another as your own. This is a serious … Read more

How can assessment encourage and motivate learners to succeed, academically and socially?

How can assessment encourage and motivate learners to succeed, academically and socially? According to TS6 in the Teachers’ Standards, a teacher is required to ‘make accurate and productive use of assessment’ including formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning (AfL) and happens throughout lessons and units of work. In … Read more

Bank Management

Assessment task details and instructions Assessment 2: Bank Management Date tba 2020_21 Instructions to Candidates Time allowed 72 hours • References are not required for this assessment. Quoting from references including the internet will not be assessed. • It is important that you should present balanced and informed judgements examining the good and bad aspects … Read more

After reviewing the story at the Un-Museum, explain what ancient ruins Heinrich Schliemann discovered, and how.

answer the following question about heinrich schliemannThis initial post must be at least 200 words and must include a word count at the end. Once you are done, I will send you 2 posts to reply 50 words on. Please don’t get off topichttp://www.unmuseum.org/troy.htmAfter reviewing the story at the Un-Museum, explain what ancient ruins Heinrich … Read more

Stack is a linear data structure

24/10/20181DataStructure:StackLECTURE 2Stack Overview Stack ADT Basic operations of stack Pushing, popping etc. Implementations of stacks using array linked list24/10/20182The Stack ADT Stack is a linear data structure which follows aparticular order in which the operations areperformed. The order may be LIFO(Last In FirstOut) or FILO(First In Last Out). Fundamental operations: Push: Equivalent to an insert … Read more

Explain how stress and anger affect the communication in conflict resolution situations? Are stress and anger necessary in conflict resolution, or are they solely impediments to solving problems?

Explain how stress and anger affect the communication in conflict resolution situations?  Are stress and anger necessary in conflict resolution, or are they solely impediments to solving problems?  What affect have stress and anger played in your professional conflict resolutions experiences? Your initial response should be 250 – 300 words and must be posted by … Read more

Four pages contemplating and discussing the effects of collective trauma upon future generations among American military personnel who have served in combat situations.

Use the required reading assignments and other resources to share comparisons and beliefs about the trauma and future effects. Share your thoughts about these men and women, particularly how they and their communities are impacted by this trauma. Do they consider the trauma to be their own, or perhaps, shared?Minimum Length: 4 pages not including … Read more

Interpersonal Conflict Management Objectives: To describe the nature and list the types of interpersonal conflict. To explain the stages of conflict management. Instructions:

Interpersonal Conflict Management Objectives: To describe the nature and list the types of interpersonal conflict. To explain the stages of conflict management. Instructions: Read Chapter 11 and complete the assignment below. Conflict Depiction in the Media Select a television show or movie that involves conflict. Find a scene (s) and describe the situation (s). Discuss … Read more


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