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Assignment List: What is Philosophy & Pre-Socratics: Two parts to this assignment: 1.For the introductory video “What is Philosophy?”  Make a list of 8 points that interested you about this.  Add a comment or two for each point to elaborate a bit.  Use whole sentences. 2.For the posted reading on the Pre-Socratic philosophers.  I’d like you to read the whole of the chapter, but we’ll focus more specifically on the following:

Assignment List:

What is Philosophy & Pre-Socratics:

Two parts to this assignment:
1.For the introductory video “What is Philosophy?”  Make a list of 8 points that interested you about this.  Add a comment or two for each point to elaborate a bit.  Use whole sentences.
2.For the posted reading on the Pre-Socratic philosophers.  I’d like you to read the whole of the chapter, but we’ll focus more specifically on the following:
Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Atomists
Write a ½ page summary for each of these philosophers, listing the main points of their views. (New Times Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.  Only your name and date in header) 2 pages minimum.  * Please note that “minimum” means at least 2 complete pages for this part.
(As for all of your assignments, save a copy of your work, then post here on the assignment page.)

Pre-Socratics (followup presentation)

Posted a follow-up video for the material on the Pre-Socratics.  Please view and make a list of 10 points of interest for it.  Add a comment or two to develop your thoughts.
* Use a numbered list format.
* Use complete sentences.

Socrates & Sophists

Posted a reading on Socrates & the Sophists.
Posted a class video on the same topics.
Using both the reading and the video, I’d like you to write a ½ page summary for each of the following: 
1.The Sophists
2.Socrates’ Life
3.Socrates’ Philosophy
4.Then, the contrast between Socrates & the Sophists. 
5.And finally, what is your view of the differences between the two?
That’s 2 pages minimum for this. *Note: 2 page minimum means at least 2 full pages.   Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. fonts. 
Question #5 should be in addition to this.

Plato Writing

Using the reading and the video that were provided:
Write about how Plato’s 2 world view of things (Sensible and Intelligible) is involved in the Myth of the Cave , and in the analogy of the Divided Line .  
This should be a minimum of 600 words.
Use 12pt font Times New Roman, double spaced, just 1 line in header with your name and the topic.  Save a copy for yourself and submit as word doc.

Aristotle Assignment

There  are 3 items in the Aristotle folder: a reading and 2 videos. You should read the text selections and view the videos. You can use all 3 to complete the following: 
I. Write a ½ page (minimum) summary for each of the following:\
contrast & compare Aristotle and Plato — how different? how similar?
how does Aristotle’s criticize Plato’s theory of the Forms?
explain Aristotle’s theory of causes.
II. For the video (School of Athens – Smart History), make a list of 9 points of interest with a couple comments to explain each of your points. 
III. For the class video (Aristotle: Contra Plato); make a list of 9 points of interest with a couple of comments to explain each of your points.
*** That’s 1 1/2 pages for the summaries, and 18 points total for the videos.
*** Double spaced with our usual formatting – 12 pt. New Times Roman.


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