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Group E-Commerce Plan

TBUS610 eCommerce


S1 2021

Assessment: Group E-Commerce Plan – Report and Presentation

Total Marks: 35% – Report (25%) and Presentation (10%)

Due Date:        Monday 7 June 2021 by 11.55pm. (in Week 11)

Submission type: 

Report: Submit via Turnitin. Report 2,500 words maximum +/- 10%, excluding appendices and references.

Presentation. Submit via Turnitin. 10 minutes per group. Max. of 10 slides– Present “live” on Zoom.

Task Overview:  

This assignment requires your group to apply the learning from Weeks 1-10 in the development of an e-Commerce plan for an existing organisation. You may work on an organisation of your choice, but you must ensure that you have access to the information required to develop an e-Commerce Plan. Please consult with your Lecturer about the appropriateness of this choice. Your submission will be in two parts – a 2,500 Plan (worth 20%) and a group presentation (10% and a max. 10 minutes per group).

Marking criteria:

Refer to the Marking Rubric in Moodle.


A. Getting started

Students will form groups of 4 or 5.

Student’s that have not formed a group will be allocated a group by the Lecturer.

The group selects an organisation to develop an eCommerce Plan.

B. Report Content:

Note that the focus is on the development and implementation of the eCommerce Plan – it is not a review of an organisation’s e-commerce capabilities.

E-Commerce Report Structure:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction – explain what your plan is all about
  2. Background – provide a brief summary of the new / improved eBusiness initiative / the product or service / the organisation.
  3. Analysis
  4. Industry, Market (buyers) and competitor (2 or 3)
  5. Positioning, Value Proposition, Key Segments.
  6. E-Business Model: current and what is being proposed
  7. Action Plans and Recommendations
  8. Technology infrastructure: eg, Hardware / Software / SaaS
  9. Security / Payments systems  / Customer Service / Logistics
  10. Digital Marketing / Websites / Mobile / Social Media / SEM – SEO
  11. Conclusion
  12. References (use either APA / Harvard Referencing method)
  13. Appendix

Other / Administration.

  • Use examples (and images) to help explain your plan. Don’t describe things – apply the concepts.

•   The plan is to be 1.5 spaced (a standard 12-point font should be used).

•   Students are expected to maintain an appropriate standard in writing their plan. It should be checked for spelling, consistency and clarity of expression.

  • Late submissions. As per TOP policy in the Unit Outline.


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