Foundation Degree in Business & Management (Year 2)
Work Related Learning (Module BMS502)
School of Business, Management and Professional
Semester: Full Year (Tutor: Dr Rajendra Kumar)
TITLE: Personal Pitch (Presentation)
Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module BMS502:
LO1 assess the effectiveness of their work-related skills in meeting the requirements of job and person specifications associated with the types of job they will be seeking post-graduation, using a suitable analytical tool such as a SWOT analysis.
LO3 critically assess career development opportunities for graduates within the study sector.
Deliver a presentation (PowerPoint slides plus notes) to highlight and sell your key competencies, career prospects and progression opportunities:
- Key Competencies – perform an audit of your personal key strengths, weaknesses, skills, attributes and attitude that contribute towards your imminent career and future progression into graduate employment (LO1)
- Career Prospects – given your competencies, justify what specific career pathways are realistically open to you in the short, medium and long term as a graduate (LO3)
- Progression Opportunities – justify a range of potential progression activities (and associated progression barriers) that could materialise following the end of your studies. (LO3)
You will need to include and reference at least 5 academic sources including as books and journals to provide supporting evidence and define any key concepts. The completion of your work will satisfy 40% of the assessment for the BMS502 module. Your presentation will be posted online in a single document that will either be Word of PDF. Your slides (a maximum of 15), plus any supporting notes (2,000 words +/- 10%), must be submitted online, through Turnitin. You must include both a reference list and bibliography.
Issue Date: 26/04/2021
Submission Date: 30/05/2021
Feedback Date: 02/07/2021
The skills development opportunities identified in this assignment are:
- apply the theoretical principles of business and management to organisational practice
- develop a deeper awareness of a chosen field of employment and career progression
- demonstrate the employability skills required of an employee within the workplace
- demonstrate employability skills including problem solving
- integrate theory and practice as applied to the business sector
- develop a positive attitude to work
· apply management techniques to work based situations
Task | Indicative Content | Marking |
Deliver a Presentation (15 slides) to highlight and sell your key competencies, career prospects and progression opportunities. | Key Competencies – perform an audit of your personal key strengths, weaknesses, skills, attributes and attitude that contribute towards your imminent career progression and future access to post-graduate employment. Produce a SWOT and analyse the impact of gaps, distance travelled and future access to training and development within your presentation Career Prospects – given your competencies, justify what specific career pathways are realistically open to you in the short, medium and long term as a graduate Progression Opportunities – justify a range of potential progression activities (and associated progression barriers) that could materialise following the end of your studies when you graduate. Presentation content has good spelling and grammar in addition to clarity of writing and delivery / explanation. Good use of the Harvard referencing format throughout your slides and notes | 40 30 30 |
100% |
Undergraduate Generic Marking Criteria Foundation Degree Level 5
Level 5 (Foundation Degree/Diploma) | Classification | Level 5 (Foundation Degree/Diploma) | Classification | Level 5 (Foundation Degree/Diploma) | Classification |
90%-100% Exceptional work with presentation of the highest standard. The work contains coherent arguments and ideas. There is a detailed understanding of subject matter and critical analysis of issues/problems. Points are made clearly and concisely, always substantiated by appropriate use of source material. There is evidence of a sound ability to critically interrelate theories with examples from practice where appropriate. | Distinction* | 80%-89% Outstanding work with presentation of a very high standard. There is comprehensive understanding of key concepts and knowledge and evidence of critical analysis and insight. Accurate interpretation of data with arguments, ideas and solutions presented effectively and based on strong research and reading. | Distinction* | 70%-79% Extremely good work with presentation of a high standard. Evidence of strong knowledge and understanding together with some critical analysis and insight. Source material is used effectively to support arguments, ideas and solutions. | Distinction* |
60%-69% Very good presentation. Sound knowledge and understanding with an emerging ability to critically engage with and apply the concepts involved linking them to practice where appropriate. Good use of source material which supports most points clearly. Content is wholly relevant and is coherently structured. | Distinction | 50%-59% Presentation is of a good standard but some shortcomings. Evidence of a sound knowledge base but limited critical and practical application of concepts and ideas. Content is largely relevant although points may not always be clear and structure may lack coherence. Contains some critical reflection and some use of source material to illustrate points. | Merit | 40%-49% Adequate presentation. The work is descriptive and/or lacks critical analysis where required but is relevant with limited though sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of reading although arguments/ proposals/solutions often lack coherence and may be unsubstantiated by relevant source material or partially flawed. Links to practice are made where appropriate. | Pass |
30%-39% Poorly structured, incoherent and wholly descriptive work. Evidence of a weak knowledge base with some key aspects not addressed and use of irrelevant material. Flawed use of techniques. Limited evidence of appropriate reading and no evidence of critical thought. Little reference to practice where appropriate. | Fail | 20-29% Very poorly structured, incoherent and wholly descriptive work. Evidence of a very weak knowledge base with many key omissions and much material irrelevant. Use of inappropriate or incorrect techniques. Very little evidence of appropriate reading and no evidence of critical thought. No links to practice where appropriate. To obtain a mark of 20% the work must show evidence of a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and with the subject matter. | Fail | 0-19 % The work is extremely poorly structured and presented. It demonstrates no real knowledge or understanding of key concepts and principles. Much material is irrelevant, incorrect or omitted. No evidence of critical thought. No effective use of supporting material. No links to practice where appropriate. Not a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and/or subject matter. | Fail |