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Task Description The choice of business partners in B2B Marketing is for many organisations a key success factor. This will normally include developing a close relationship to allow an integrated and often leveraged response to business market needs. This particularly applies to those in industry sectors with a high delta of change (see Focus Box). As a producer of a tangible good that is an innovative product (as opposed to a functional product) the Focus Industry Sector (FIS) has specific demand characteristics. Assume you are a marketing consultant working for an SME (Small Medium Enterprise) in the FIS, the SME resident in Australia with limited resources, and those resources necessitating working with a business partners in your distribution and supply chains. You have been tasked with preparing a report, an e

Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Applied Commerce

Subject number: BUMAR301A

Subject name: Business to Business Marketing

Semester 1, 2021

Available 12 noon Tuesday 1 June 2021

Upload by 23:55 hours Friday 4 June 2021

This assessment is available to students as a download from the Moodle from 9am Monday 22 June.

Please read the instructions below very carefully as they are specific to this Applied Report, and may be different from standard assessments.

General instructions Section reference

Submit a business report via upload to the Turnitin link on the moodle. Report to be in Word or PDF format.


Include a title page. Write your name, student number, report title and your word count of your report (see below).

Title page

The word count is 1500 words.

This word count must be within +/- 10% of this number, and number is an absolute upper limit and penalties may be applied for exceeding it.

The word count allowed is total words, excluding title page, table of contents, in text references and reference lists.

No appendix allowed. Word count

Students should note that the due date deadline is absolute, and there will be a 100% late penalty for late submission. Due date deadline

This is an individual assessment.

Only use sources available to all TAFE NSW students. The marking guide provides details on the number of credible sources required.

Private, confidential and proprietary materials are not be used, such as those available from your workplace.

You may conduct primary research (it is not required), but full referencing of sources is required. Individual originality

Use of source materials

A rubric marking guide will be used to assess your exam work is included below. Allow it to guide you in your response to the task. However as a final assessment there will be no feedback provided. Rubric marking guide


Focus Box.


Respond to the assessment task description in relation to the biotechnology industry sector for food production. Referred to in the task description as the Focus Industry Sector (FIS).


The selected mode of communication and promotional tool (C+PT) for your launch is a major annual trade show in your target country. The trade show may be hypothetical, detail it only to the extent necessary to assist your analysis.

Remember our focus is on B2B Marketing and not B2C Marketing.

Task Description

The choice of business partners in B2B Marketing is for many organisations a key success factor. This will normally include developing a close relationship to allow an integrated and often leveraged response to business market needs. This particularly applies to those in industry sectors with a high delta of change (see Focus Box).

As a producer of a tangible good that is an innovative product (as opposed to a functional product) the Focus Industry Sector (FIS) has specific demand characteristics.

Assume you are a marketing consultant working for an SME (Small Medium Enterprise) in the FIS, the SME resident in Australia with limited resources, and those resources necessitating working with a business partners in your distribution and supply chains. You have been tasked with preparing a report, an evaluation of the following strategic issue.

1. You do not need to identify an existing company in the FIS, but may use a hypothetical one (only to the extent necessary).

2. You do need to nominate ONE product (and any integrated services provided). Not a product category, just ONE product (and its integrated services). Only describe the product to the extent necessary for your analysis of issue 4 (no more – do not get distracted by unnecessary detail not central to your analysis).

o The market you are entering is in an overseas country within Asia Pacific.

o As a launch strategy, your organisation has selected a mode of communication and promotional tool (C+PT which is provided in the focus box).

o The selected mode communication and promotional tool (C+PT) is provided in the Focus Box (do not nominate your own).

o Analyse why would this be an effective mode and tool to launch in the target market in the overseas country. You may use a hypothetical scenario to the extent needed.

o This is not a marketing plan. You are not required to describe the strategy beyond that needed to analyse effectiveness.

Important Notes (headings refer to the rubric marking guide below)

The format will be an applied business report and will require extensive research, analysis and preparation, consistent with the overall weighting of 35% of the total subject.


Carefully consider the scope of your report and detail your precise response in scope. Make sure you respond fully to each sub task and review the marking guide. Stay focussed and only respond to the scope you have detailed in your introduction.


The major emphasis in this assessment is on the rigorous analysis of the researched material through application. The analysis component (see the rubric marking guide) is weighted at 50/100 of the total marks for this assessment. Do NOT provide explanation and description but demonstrate your understanding through application to the case study, with full supporting evidence from credible sources.

Research & Referencing

This will require detailed research of the issue in terms of the specified task and then the applied learning of core subject and extensive research of related material. A careful selection of credible sources (see marking guide for numbers required) will be key to your success. It will not be possible to provide an insightful analysis without a careful matching of sources and your selected key findings.

Organisation & structure

A business report is required. Use the following structure for your report (headings are part of wordcount).

Executive Summary (key findings only)

Introduction (background and scope)

Body headings – use report body section headings at your discretion to suit your key findings.



List of References

No appendices

Applied Report

B2B Marketing: Assessment 4 Applied Report Marking Guide

less than 50% of weighting 50-64% of weighting 65-74% of weighting 75-84% of weighting 85-100% of weighting

Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High-Distinction

Response (20% weighting)

Inadequate response to the task and issues set.

No appropriate application of

B2B marketing theory/rationale. Response addresses some of the basic issues in appropriate B2B

marketing theory/rationale. It

provides a substantially correct basic set of criteria and mode selection explanation for the assessment. Response demonstrates a good understanding of the issues in appropriate B2B marketing

theory/rationale. It provides a correct and detailed set of

criteria, and a detailed mode selection explanation for the assessment. Response demonstrates a strong and holistic understanding of the issues in appropriate B2B marketing

theory/rationale. It provides a

complete, correct and detailed set of

criteria and a detailed mode selection explanation for the assessment. The response demonstrates a wide and holistic scope of understanding. Response demonstrates an excellent and holistic understanding of the issues in appropriate B2B marketing theory/rationale. It provides a complete, correct and detailed set of criteria and a

detailed mode selection explanation for the assessment. The response

demonstrates a thoughtful and complete holistic scope of understanding.

Analysis (50% weighting)

A lack of analysis and application to each issue set in the assessment task.

Too limited a development of analysis, report is 80% + description. The analysis of the application of the underlying B2B marketing

theory/rationale is limited but does cover a significant number of key

aspects. The identified issues and criteria are clear and a reasonable

evaluation and justification of them has been attempted. The analysis of the application of the underlying B2B marketing

theory/rationale is thoughtfully developed over nearly all

significant aspects. The

identified issues and criteria are

clear and a thoughtful evaluation

and justification of a significant number of them has been achieved. The analysis of the application of the underlying B2B marketing

theory/rationale is forcefully

developed and covers all significant aspects. The identified issues and criteria are extremely clear and a

thoughtful evaluation and insightful justification of all significant factors has been achieved. The analysis of the application of the underlying marketing theory/rationale is

excellently developed and omits no key aspects. There is identification of all

salient evaluative factors and these are extremely well demonstrated with excellent insightful with no flaws.

Research & Referencing

(20% weighting) No in text referencing OR direct quotes not correctly quoted OR no reference list.

Inclusion of diagrams or pictorial materials inadequately sourced.

An inadequate level of research incorporating less than 6 different credible sources. The referencing is inadequate and does not support the content. There are no or minimal direct quotes. Key data and theory is supported by

credible sources. A good level of research incorporating at least 6 different credible sources. Referencing is well integrated and supports the introduced

material. All key data and theory

is supported by credible sources. A good level of research incorporating at least 10 different credible sources. Referencing is complete, well integrated and supports the

introduced material. Multiple

credible sources are used to assist the development of the report and demonstrate a wide scope of

research incorporating at least 12 different credible sources. An extremely wide range of materials are researched and sourced to support the

developing report at each salient point.

The research scope and selection for inclusion shows precision and insight.

There are in excess of 12 different credible sources.

Organisation & Structure

(10% weighting) Poor sentence structure and paragraph construction. A lack of flow, and difficulty to

comprehend. A frequency in usage of incorrect words or spelling errors. The report can be easily understood and a reasonable attempt has been made to logically develop a

structured argument. Language and

use of words is mostly clear, layout and formatting is mostly correct, infrequent spelling errors. The report has a good sequence in development and is easy to

follow. It is well written with very few spelling or other

typographical errors. It flows well, with logical formatting. The report is of a high standard that is well thought through, and

demonstrates a superior use of

language, word choice plus sentence & paragraph structure. An exceptionally well written report that consistently demonstrates an excellent grasp of English academic and business

language. There are no format issues and shows a closely proofed document of a very high academic standard.

BUMAR301A B2B Marketing Semester


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