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This assignment is a proposal for your final project, completing a Historic Site Preservation Grant Application. For this, you will propose the site you plan to work with. In about one page, include the following information: The name of your site and the civilization to which it belongs: ancient Greek, Hellenistic, or Roman (NOT Holy Roman Empire or Christian sites)) Where this site is located (i.e. Petra is located in Wadi Mousa, in the Valley of Moses, in Southwestern Jordan) Description of th

This assignment is a proposal for your final project, completing a Historic Site Preservation Grant Application. For this, you will propose the site you plan to work with. In about one page, include the following information:
The name of your site and the civilization to which it belongs: ancient Greek, Hellenistic, or Roman (NOT Holy Roman Empire or Christian sites))
Where this site is located (i.e. Petra is located in Wadi Mousa, in the Valley of Moses, in Southwestern Jordan)
Description of the site or structure (i.e.-temple, lighthouse, necropolis, battlefield, house, etc.), including height, sq.feet or miles, etc.) and how old it is (i.e. was built in 673 BCE)
What aspect of history it reflects (the Persian wars with Greece, the Roman conquest of England, etc.) Brief description of the site – is it in an urban environment, or a rural valley, or a mountainous area? Is it in the middle of a city, or town, or village, or farmland, etc.?
Brief description of the physical site itself – is it a marble temple, a concrete bath, an ancient battlefield with buried artifacts, an ancient residence now in ruins, etc.?
Brief description of one or two major physical or structural problems at your site, based on your familiarization with its UNESCO site description and history (i.e. threatened due to periodic flooding, littered with debris, endangered by public encroachment neglect, or nearby construction, etc.). If this site ||a UNESCO World Heritage one, go to ‘Documents’ and look in the most recent Periodic Reporting Cycle report for this information.
The name and address of the legal owner(s) of this site. If this site is a UNESCO World Heritage one, go to ‘Documents’ and look in the most recent Periodic Reporting Cycle report for this information.
The name and address of the official agency/person/organization with legal authority over this site. If this site is a UNESCO World Heritage one, go to ‘Documents’ and look in the most recent Periodic Reporting Cycle report for this information.
Your grade on this assignment depends on your including aJJ of the above information. If you have any questions about where to find this information or how to complete this assignment please do not hesitate to


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