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Coordinate Cooking Operation

SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
Version: V1 1 of 31
KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
Student Assessment
Coordinate Cooking
SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
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SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J

UNIT CODE AND DESCRIPTION SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations


1. This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.
2. This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.

1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my Assessment.
Student Signature: Date:

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Students must retain this as a Record of Submission.
Unit Code & Description: SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations

AIE Student
Assessment Received by
AIE Staff Name:
Student ID:
Student Signature:

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SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
This assessment booklet and tools has been designed for students undertaking face to face
mode of study to provide information before students take assessments and contains
assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge required from students to be deemed
competent in this unit. This booklet might not be suitable for students taking other modes of
study e.g. online or work based.
Please read all the information given to you by the assessor and when you receive this
assessment booklet. If you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to coordinate
the production of food in commercial kitchens. It requires the ability to plan the production of
food, organise required food supplies for food production period, supervise food production
processes and monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. Food production can be for any type of
cuisine and food service style. It covers Asian cookery, patisserie products and bulk-cooked
The unit applies to hospitality and catering organisations, including hotels, restaurants, clubs,
educational institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, residential caterers,
in flight and other transport caterers, event and function caterers. It applies to those people
who operate independently or with limited guidance from others including senior chefs and
catering managers.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at
the time of publication.
Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITHKOP005 Coordinate
Cooking Operations.
1. Plan food production requirements.
2. Organise availability of supplies for food production
3. Coordinate kitchen operations.
4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs.
Performance evidence
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this
unit in the context of the job role, and:
 supervise food production processes and monitor and report on the quality of kitchen
outputs for a minimum of twelve complete service periods (shifts) including:
 development of:
 kitchen workflow schedules
 mise en place lists
 food preparation lists
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calculating and ordering food supplies for at least four of the types of food service
styles listed in the knowledge evidence
coordinate cooking operations within commercial time constraints for food production
processes, which must include at least two of the following categories:

 bulk cooking
 cook chill for extended life
 cook chill for five-day shelf life
 cook freeze
 fresh cook.
Knowledge Evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:

for at least three of the hospitality and catering organisations detailed in the unit’s
comprehensive details of food production processes for:
 receiving

 mise en place
 preparing or cooking
 post-cooking storage
 reconstitution
 re-thermalisation
 serving

critical control points in food production where food hazards must be controlled
menus and recipes for items produced in performance evidence
indicators of quality food products:
 appearance and visual appeal
 colour
 consistency

 moisture content
 mouth feel and eating properties
 plate presentation
 portion size
 shape
 taste
 texture

types of food service styles:
 à la carte

 buffet
 set menu
 table d’hôte
 bulk cooking operations
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 functions and events
 festivals

use of designated decorations, garnishes or sauces
types of food production systems and their characteristics for different production
methods specified in the performance evidence
range of formats and content for:
 kitchen workflow schedules
 mise en place plans

 food preparation lists
Competency Requirements
To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which
are shown in the Marking Guide (assessor’s document).
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students
with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet
Competent (NYC).
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of
Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency
record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be
given two additional opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet
Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to
re-enrol in the unit of competency as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further
details, refer to AIE Training and assessment policy and procedure.
Outline of evidence to be collected
You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor
will ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient,
current and authentic.

Assessment 1 –
 Completed assignment questions answered and submit to your
assessor electronically or paper based.
 Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment 3 –
 Satisfactorily completion of all task identified in skills demonstration
 Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment 3 –
 Satisfactorily completion of all task identified in logbooks.
 Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.

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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operation
Assessment for this Unit of
Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3 Logbook
Reasonable Adjustment
AIE works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and participate
in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be based,
for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry
experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.
Where identified, that a student may require special support or where, after enrolment, it is
made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable adjustments will be
made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment
tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it
can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into account factors such
as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others and
the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
Any adjustments made must:
a. Be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record
b. Benefit the student.
c. Maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as
stipulated in the training package.
d. Be reasonable to expect in a workplace.
Reasonable adjustment may consist of:
a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and

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1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

No No further information required
Yes Go to 2.
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
2. Assessor to complete
I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Signature Date
SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed
Assessment 1 & 2
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
o critical control points in food production where food hazards must be controlled
o menus and recipes for items produced in performance evidence
o indicators of quality food products:
o buffet
o set menu
o table d’hôte
o bulk cooking operations
o functions and events
o festivals
o kitchen workflow schedules
o mise en place plans
o food preparation lists.
Assessment 3
The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
 supervise food production processes and monitor and report on the quality of kitchen

 for at least three of the hospitality and catering organisations detailed in the unit’s
o comprehensive details of food production processes for:
 receiving
 mise en place
 preparing or cooking
 post-cooking storage
 reconstitution
 re-thermalisation
 serving
 appearance and visual appeal
 colour
 consistency
 moisture content
 mouth feel and eating properties
 plate presentation
 portion size
 shape
 taste
 texture
 types of food service styles:
o à la carte
 use of designated decorations, garnishes or sauces
 types of food production systems and their characteristics for different production methods
specified in the performance evidence
 range of formats and content for:

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outputs for a minimum of twelve complete service periods (shifts) including:
o development of:
o calculating and ordering food supplies for at least four of the types of food service styles
listed in the knowledge evidence
 coordinate cooking operations within commercial time constraints for food production
processes, which must include at least two of the following categories:
o bulk cooking
o cook chill for extended life
o cook chill for five-day shelf life
o cook freeze
o fresh cook.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
 Level 11, 474 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3000
 Mark Street, North Melbourne VIC (AIE Commercial Kitchen)
Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, Learning resource, Computer.
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
 You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will
provide you with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
 Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for
completeness. Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have
 ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for
assessments are typed and if written that they are legible and clear, if handwritten.
 You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as
per the training plan.
 Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances
with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents
when seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a
medical certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to
the due date. Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.
 You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in
jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case.
 Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as
brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of
other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable in AIE.
 You can submit your assessment tasks through the learning management system (if
applicable) or hand in hard copies in the classroom.

 kitchen workflow schedules
 mise en place lists
 food preparation lists
 Log Book
 Recipes
 Agreement or Arrangement for Student Placement to coordinate 12 Service Instances
 Template “Banquet Analysis Sheet (BAS)”

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Assessment 2 consists of 2 Practical observations of practical service instance where you
coordinate cooking operations using 2 of the following food production processes during your
12 service instances supported by the logbook service instances:
o bulk cooking
o cook chill for extended life
o cook chill for five-day shelf life
o cook freeze
o fresh cook.
using any 2 of the following food service styles:
o à la carte
o buffet
o set menu
o table d’hôte
o bulk cooking operations
o functions and events
o festivals
Your trainer will negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to fit within the 12 service instances
you must complete as part of this unit of competency and supported by the service log
provided for assessment 3. The support documentation outlines in the services log and the
observation criteria provided for each observation provide a guideline for performance and
knowledge required to successfully complete each service instance.
Assessment 3 consists of 12 practical service instances where you are required to coordinate
cooking operations, documented in a log. This log shall be used to document the
coordination of cooking operations during full-service periods.
A. The 12 service instances must include at least 2 of the following food production

bulk cooking
cook chill for extended life
cook chill for five-day shelf life
cook freeze
fresh cook.

B. Each instance is to be recorded in the logbook attached, clearly numbered and dated
on at least 12 occasions.
C. Each service detail and task outlined in each of the logbook instances must be
D. To calculate food requirements for recipes, use the template “Standard Recipe Card”.
E. To collate food orders, you may use the electronic template “Banquet Analysis Sheet”
(BAS) provided to you by your trainer.
F. To record workflow planning and communication use the template “Workflow”.
G. Recipe and workflow templates may be copied as required to suit your needs.
H. For each service period you must provide:
a workflow plans
a mise en place list
a preparation list
For 4 of the 12 instances you must provide in addition to the above documentation:
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Calculations of food requirements and Food orders which must cover 4 of the following service

à la carte
set menu
table d’hôte
bulk cooking operations
functions and events
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals
were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I
have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose
of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /20

Note for students: If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the
assessment decision. In the first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by
contacting the assessor and discussing the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the
outcome of such discussion, you may appeal further to either the course coordinator and/or
Head of Department. If you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal formally and in writing to have
the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the:
 Training and Assessment Policy & procedures, and
 Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

Assessment Re-attempts: (if
1st Re-attempt 2nd Re-attempt Extension – Date: / /
OVERALL ASSESSMENT OUTCOME (To be filled in by assessor when all 3 assessments are completed)
ASSESSMENT 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
ASSESSMENT 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
ASSESSMENT 3 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
OVERALL RESULT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /

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Assessment 1: Assignment
Your task: Answer the following questions. All questions must be addressed to demonstrate
1. Describe the characteristics of each of the following food production processes, list
examples where these production processes are commonly used, and provide examples
for advantages and disadvantages for each process:

Bulk cooking
Cook chill for extended life
Cook chill for five-day shelf life

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Cook freeze
Fresh cook

2. List the essential factors you need to consider when planning a food production process
for cooking operations:
3. You are preparing for a cook-chill (Short shelf life – 5 day) operation. Which aspects must
be considered for each of the following steps in a production flowchart for this food
production process?
1. Selection of the raw commodities
2. Storage of raw materials
3. Preparation
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4. Cooking
5. Portioning
6. Blast Chilling
7. Storage of chilled foods
8. Distribution
9. Reheating
10. Service
4. You are receiving 25 frozen ducks which you will require for a cook fresh function in 2 days
where they feature in the main course for Roasted Duck à orange. Indentify the Critical
Control Points for each of the following processes and outline the key aspect which must
be considered for each:
 Receiving
 Thawing
 Storage
 Mise en place
 Preparing or cooking
 Post-cooking storage
 Reconstitution
 Re-thermalisation
 Serving
5. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when preparing foods:
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6. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when processing, packaging and
holding foods:
7. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when transporting food to
minimise any adverse effects on food:
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8. One of your menus includes Rack of Lamb with Mint Crust and Rosemary Jus. Provide the
evaluation criteria in the table below to use as a guideline for your staff during service:

Quality indicators Rack of lamb Mint crust Rosemary jus
Appearance and eye
Colour consistency
Moisture content
Mouth feel and eating
Plate presentation
Portion size
Decorations and
ASSESSMENT 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
ASSESSMENT 1 RESULT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /

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ASSESSMENT 3 – Practical Observation
Observation of 2 Service Instances
You will be observed coordinating cooking operations using 2 different food production
processes for 2 different food service styles as selected in the table below. Your trainer will
negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to fit within the 12 service instances you must
complete as part of this unit of competency and supported by the service log provided for
assessment 3.
The support documentation outlines in the services log and the observation criteria provided
for each observation provide a guideline for performance and knowledge required to
successfully complete each service instance.
Observation 1
Date of Observation: ________________________________________________________________
Place of Observation: _______________________________________________________________
Time frame (must include a full-service period/shift): __________________________________
Trainer Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________
Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________
Observation 2
Date of Observation: ________________________________________________________________
Place of Observation: _______________________________________________________________
Time frame (must include a full-service period/shift): __________________________________
Trainer Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________
Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________
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Service Instance Food Production Process
(1 different process must be
selected for each instance)
Food Service Style
(1 different service style must be
selected for each instance)
Instance 1: bulk cooking
cook chill for extended life
cook chill for five-day shelf life
cook freeze
fresh cook.
à la carte
set menu
table d’hôte
bulk cooking
functions and events
Instance 2: bulk cooking
cook chill for extended life
cook chill for five-day shelf life
cook freeze
fresh cook.
à la carte
set menu
table d’hôte
bulk cooking
functions and events

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Service Instance 1
Assessment Criteria S NY
1. Plan food production requirements (if any)
Determines food production requirements taking into
o customer requirements
o deadlines
o meal quantities required
o menu items
o organisational standards
o portion control
o special customer requests
o special dietary requirements
o standard recipes
o timeframe
o type of food to be prepared
Chooses food production processes to ensure nutritional
value, quality and structure of foods:
Details as relevant:
determines appropriate cooking process
o bulk cooking
o cook-chill for extended life
o cook-chill for five-day shelf life
o cook-freeze
o fresh cook
Selects the appropriate in-house food production system
to meet food production requirements
o refers to menu, functions schedule, special requests
to determine appropriate production for required
o analyses food production requirements
o develops operational plan to meet those needs
o demonstrates technology skills through use of
computers, calculators etc to determine best
Selects and collates standard recipes
o reads and interprets recipes
o adjusts recipes according to anticipated numbers
o creates stock requirement list
Prepares a workflow schedule and mise en place plan for
food production according to menu and food volume
o writes comprehensive yet easily accessible
workflow schedule/ run sheet
o mise en place plans
o food preparation lists
Develops food preparation lists for use of food production
o sequences the stages of food preparation and

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production for the kitchen
o delegates work within a team dependent on skills
levels and ability to perform tasks
o provides clear written and verbal instructions to
food production personnel who may be – commis,
apprentice, kitchen steward, assistant
2. Organise availability of supplies for food production
Calculates required food supplies for the food production
o period could be daily, weekly, monthly
o calculates required food supplies for the volume of
food production
o records quantities required and double checks
o combines quantities together if two recipes have
common ingredient e.g. onions in lasagna and
lamb korma
o creates a check list
Checks stores for availability and quantity of required
Details as relevant:
o goes into storeroom, cold room or freezer and
determines current required stock level
o records quantities of stock required for shift that
needs to be ordered
Orders or purchase additional stock
Details as relevant:
o checks with stores to see if the required stock is in
main store
o advises chef if orders need to be placed with
o orders the items if within the scope of responsibility
o goes out to buy supplies
3. Coordinate kitchen operations. S NY
Supervises food production processes to ensure food
Ensures workplace standard operating procedures under
HACCP principles are followed for:
o Storage temperatures
o Cooking temperatures
o Personal hygiene
o Kitchen and equipment hygiene
o 2-4-hour principle
o Recording requirements
o Maintaining cleanliness of own work
Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for

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Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for kitchen
Oversees and adjusts kitchen workflow to maximise
teamwork and efficiency
o Checks with individual team members to see if they
are maintaining timeframes
o Delegates work to other team members or self if
o Reassesses workflow and adjusts if necessary
Controls the production sequence of food items to enable
smooth workflow and minimise delays
o identifies breakdowns in kitchen workflow and
makes adjustments to maximise efficiency
o determines timings for the production sequence of
various food items
o advises team members accordingly whether they
are on schedule
4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. S NY
Monitors kitchen work processes at all stages of
preparation and cooking to ensure the quality of food
o checks that recipes are being followed
o checks cooking times
o checks for consistency
o checks storage
o checks food safety (contamination, personal and
equipment hygiene, temperatures of food)
o checks cooking methods are correct
Checks that items match recipes and menu descriptions
o feedback from kitchen staff
o formal audits against organisational standards
o taste tests of food being cooked
o visual inspection of presentation
o customer feedback
Ensures that food items are of consistent quality and meet
organisational standards
o Recognises deficiencies in the quality of food
o makes adjustments to ensure a quality product –
seasoning, quality of fresh product, incorrect
checks against operational standards to ensure
consistency of product
Conducts final check on food items before they are
served, stored or dispatched from the kitchen

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o taste
o visual appearance, decoration
o presentation, accompaniments
o storage procedure
o temperatures
Instructs kitchen staff to adjust food items to meet quality
requirements and organisational standards
o recipes
o seasoning
o ingredients
o cooking methods
o Presentation/Garnish
Supervises the safe storage of food
o covered
o food items are clearly labelled and dated
o cooled in the correct time
o Where 2/4-hour rule applies, documentation is
o stored in appropriate area – fridge, freezer, chiller,
dry area
o stock rotation (FIFO)

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Service Instance 2
Assessment Criteria S NY
1. Plan food production requirements (if any)
Determines food production requirements taking into
o customer requirements
o deadlines
o meal quantities required
o menu items
o organisational standards
o portion control
o special customer requests
o special dietary requirements
o standard recipes
o timeframe
o type of food to be prepared
Chooses food production processes to ensure nutritional
value, quality and structure of foods:
Details as relevant:
determines appropriate cooking process
o bulk cooking
o cook-chill for extended life
o cook-chill for five-day shelf life
o cook-freeze
o fresh cook
Selects the appropriate in-house food production system
to meet food production requirements
o refers to menu, functions schedule, special requests
to determine appropriate production for required
o analyses food production requirements
o develops operational plan to meet those needs
o demonstrates technology skills through use of
computers, calculators etc to determine best
Selects and collates standard recipes
o reads and interprets recipes
o adjusts recipes according to anticipated numbers
o creates stock requirement list
Prepares a work flow schedule and mise en place plan for
food production according to menu and food volume
o writes comprehensive yet easily accessible
workflow schedule/ run sheet
o mise en place plans
o food preparation lists
Develops food preparation lists for use of food production
o sequences the stages of food preparation and

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production for the kitchen
o delegates work within a team dependent on skills
levels and ability to perform tasks
o provides clear written and verbal instructions to
food production personnel who may be – commis,
apprentice, kitchen steward, assistant
2. Organise availability of supplies for food production
Calculates required food supplies for the food production
o period could be daily, weekly, monthly
o calculates required food supplies for the volume of
food production
o records quantities required and double checks
o combines quantities together if two recipes have
common ingredient e.g. onions in lasagna and
lamb korma
o creates a check list
Checks stores for availability and quantity of required
Details as relevant:
o goes into storeroom, cold room or freezer and
determines current required stock level
o records quantities of stock required for shift that
needs to be ordered
Orders or purchase additional stock
Details as relevant:
o checks with stores to see if the required stock is in
main store
o advises chef if orders need to be placed with
o orders the items if within the scope of responsibility
o goes out to buy supplies
3. Coordinate kitchen operations. S NY
Supervises food production processes to ensure food
Ensures workplace standard operating procedures under
HACCP principles are followed for:
o Storage temperatures
o Cooking temperatures
o Personal hygiene
o Kitchen and equipment hygiene
o 2-4-hour principle
o Recording requirements
o Maintaining cleanliness of own work
Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for

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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J

Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for kitchen
Oversees and adjusts kitchen workflow to maximise
teamwork and efficiency
o Checks with individual team members to see if they
are maintaining timeframes
o Delegates work to other team members or self if
o Reassesses workflow and adjusts if necessary
Controls the production sequence of food items to enable
smooth workflow and minimise delays
o identifies breakdowns in kitchen workflow and
makes adjustments to maximise efficiency
o determines timings for the production sequence of
various food items
o advises team members accordingly whether they
are on schedule
4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. S NY
Monitors kitchen work processes at all stages of
preparation and cooking to ensure the quality of food
o checks that recipes are being followed
o checks cooking times
o checks for consistency
o checks storage
o checks food safety (contamination, personal and
equipment hygiene, temperatures of food)
o checks cooking methods are correct
Checks that items match recipes and menu descriptions
o feedback from kitchen staff
o formal audits against organisational standards
o taste tests of food being cooked
o visual inspection of presentation
o customer feedback
Ensures that food items are of consistent quality and meet
organisational standards
o Recognises deficiencies in the quality of food
o makes adjustments to ensure a quality product –
seasoning, quality of fresh product, incorrect
checks against operational standards to ensure
consistency of product
Conducts final check on food items before they are
served, stored or dispatched from the kitchen

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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J

o taste
o visual appearance, decoration
o presentation, accompaniments
o storage procedure
o temperatures
Instructs kitchen staff to adjust food items to meet quality
requirements and organisational standards
o recipes
o seasoning
o ingredients
o cooking methods
o Presentation/Garnish
Supervises the safe storage of food
o covered
o food items are clearly labelled and dated
o cooled in the correct time
o Where 2/4-hour rule applies, documentation is
o stored in appropriate area – fridge, freezer, chiller,
dry area
o stock rotation (FIFO)
ASSESSMENT 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
ASSESSMENT 2 RESULT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /

SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
ASSESSMENT 2 – Practical Observation
Your task
In this practical demonstration assessment, you are required Prepare a range of dishes using different
cookery methods in the workplace. You are required to prepare, cook and present multiple items for a
minimum of 12 complete food service periods (shifts).
The 12 service instances must include at least 2 of the following food production processes:

bulk cooking
cook chill for extended life
cook chill for five-day shelf life
cook freeze
fresh cook.

Each instance is to be recorded in the logbook attached, clearly numbered and dated on at
least 12 occasions.
Each service detail and task outlined in each of the logbook instances must be completed.
To calculate food requirements for recipes, use the template “Standard Recipe Card”.
To collate food orders, you may use the electronic template “Banquet Analysis Sheet” (BAS)
provided to you by your trainer.
To record workflow planning and communication use the template “Workflow”.
Recipe and workflow templates may be copied as required to suit your needs.
For each service period you must provide:

a workflow plans
a mise en place list
a preparation lists

For 4 of the 12 instances you must provide in addition to the above documentation:
Calculations of food requirements and Food orders which must cover 4 of the following service

à la carte
 set menu
 table d’hôte
bulk cooking operations

 functions and events
 festivals
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KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J

ASSESSMENT 3 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
OVERALL ASSESSMENT 3 RESULT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /

SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
Version: V1 31 of 31
KFQ Partners Pty Ltd RTO ID: 21996 | CRICOS: 02999J
Final Assessment Record

Student Name
Course Code
Unit of Competency SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations
Assessment: (as applicable) Student Results:
1. Assignment Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
2. Practical Observation Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
3. Logbook Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Overall, the candidate was assessed as:
Competent Not Yet Competent
Feedback to candidate on overall performance during assessment:
The candidate requires the following skill development before re-assessment:
The candidate has been
provided with feedback and
informed of the assessment
result and the reasons for the
Name of Assessor:
Signature of
I have been provided with
feedback on the evidence I
have provided. I have been
informed of the assessment
result and the reasons for the
Name of
Signature of


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